Water Wings

My brother Roy looked at me and asked

"Are you ready to join the team?" He asked

"Obviously, don't be so protective of me Roy, I'm literally the same age as you" I responded

"Alright let's go" He responded 

"B-07 Red Arrow" The computer said

"B-09 Y/S/N" The computer said as it Zeta-ed us both to the cave. I gripped onto my bow out of excitement, I couldn't wait to join the team. When we got there I stood there behind Roy like a little kid. I was just really excited to be here.

I saw the team, OH MY GOSH, Robin, Kid Flash, Artemis, Miss Martian, Zatanna, Superboy and Aqualad! Aqualad was Roy's best friend, I never knew he was so cute. 

"Guy's this is my sister Y/N" Roy said putting his hand on my shoulder. 

"Heyyo names Kid Flash, you can call me Wally, y'know, when we're not on missions, and that's Robin, you actually can't know his actual name so." Kid Flash said pointing to Robin

"Artemis, which is actually my real name too" Artemis said

"Zatanna's my real name too" Zatanna added.

"Aren't you worried someone might find out who you are?" I asked 

"Uh, not really" They both said.

"Heh, this is Conner and I'm M'gann" Miss Martian said pointing to Superboy.

"That's cool" I responded, I'm 99% sure I looked really stupid because I had been grinning the entire time.

"It is nice to finally meet you Y/N" Aqualad said "You may call me Kaldur, short for Kaldur'ahm" 

"H-hi" I said very shyly, I felt my face heat up, then I knew I was blushing.

"Alright sis, I gotta go, I'll see you at home later" Roy said walking off. 

I watched him Zeta back home and I was still nervous. Then I felt someone take my hand and I turned my head so I could see who it was. 

"Do not worry, our team is very nice, and you will fit in well, as your brother says" Kaldur said smiling. 

I Smiled back

"Thanks" I said.
