"One person, one piece. Don't you understand?!" The Russian Soldier shouted at the prisoners came to collect their food for the day.

"Hurry up dirty Americans" said one prisoner pushing Alex forward

Alex just shoved him back with as much force, enough to hurt but not too much for the guards to notice anything

"Shut the fuck up you commie" Alex responded

A man at the stand handed Hopper and Alex one piece of bread and some sloppy Chucky goo in a bowl.

They had no other choice but to each, well they did have another choice but that would lead to death

"Hey Al, Al follow me" Hopper told the boy gaining his attention

"What are we doing" he asked his teeth chattering

"We're getting the hell out of here"

Hopper took Alex's arm and dragged him to a man sitting on the bench with a tarp over it

"Alex I need you to tell him to hit our chains around our legs"

"What!? Are you insane. He would never do that" Alex whispered

"We have to try or we're stuck here forever"

Alex sighed and turned to face the man

"Hello, hello." Alex said gaining the man's attention

"We need you to breaks our chains on our leg" Alex told the man looking desperate

"What do I get?" He asked

"I- we give you all our food bread and porridge"  Alex told him immediately

If the man was going to do it Alex would give anything for him to

"I will break your legs if I do" the man told him

Alex paused he really did not want that. His powers have been off recently as he had never had enough energy to continue he told the man to hold on while he talked to hopper

"I told him I'd give him all our food if he breaks our chain for us but he said it would break our legs" Alex told him worriedly

"We have to Alex, we have to do this. Unfortunately this is the best we've got and the helicopter comes tomorrow it's out last chance"  said hopper

"Okay,okay" Alex said taking a deep breath

'Come on you'll be okay. Soon you'll be back with El, Max, Lucas and the rest of the party going to watch movies and play video games just like old times' he thought

"Do it" he told the Prisoner

"Crazy American and fake Russian" was all the man said as he collected the food

They passed there food to the man and Alex eyed it the whole time his stomach rumbling

'Come on we can do this I can do this' he thought to himself

A few hours had passed and they had gone back to the tracks to work. Alex and Hopper stuck together as always

This time however the man they had talked to earlier was also with them

Alex and Hopper looked around nobody was watching them the guards were off talking to one another

"Now" Hopper told the man

And the prisoner took his pick and hit Alexs chain hard

It felt as if his entire bone shattered like glass cutting his leg, the man hit it again and again. Until it broke. Alex had bit his hand for so long he felt the blood oozing from it and spreading onto his gloves

He couldn't stand on that leg it was endlessly throbbing.

It was hoppers turn now and after a few hits they succeeded

Alex took one deep breath and turned to look at hopper

They smiled at each other feeling accomplished

"love you buddy" Hopper told him

Alex laughed "love you too pops"



The day had arrived.

Alex and Hopper stayed in there separate cells.
I'm the morning Alex kisses did what he had done since he had arrived and kissed the ring that matched with Maxs, and hid it down his trousers

They were going to be checked today. He heard it from one of the soldiers talking loudly, and told hopper just before they were taken back to their cells

He had barely any sleep last night his leg giving out a faint blistering sensation

He made sure his ankle chain looked normal and not broken as hopper told him to incase they checked it

"Get up you American Pigs" a guard said opening each of  their jail cells Alex walked out and spotted Hopper

"Kid stay close after we get checked okay" Hopper whispered

"I'm a teenager dad but yeah okay" Alex told him with a smug smile which soon rolled off his face when he was called to the front

They removed his cap and gripped his hair firmly to feel if he was hiding anything

Alex winced but nobody cared.

They then yanked his ankle chain and here Alex made sure not to make a sound otherwise they might suspect something

Next it was hoppers turn. He had it worst out of all of them. The pain was much worse then Alex. Maybe it was because he always put alex first.

The first night they were there Hopper argued with the soldiers until they finally got annoyed and let him stay with Alex during the night even though they beat him up the next morning.

He always made sure Alex had enough to eat pouring his porridge and Cutting his bread in half for Alex.

This time if there was a chance of only one of them escaping Hopper swore to himself he would make sure Alex made it out. He was family and Hopper would do anything for Alex.

He was his son.
