Alex had been wandering around the mall when he spotted Dustin and Steve behind a fake plant with binoculars?

He snuck up behind them "whatcha doing guys?"

They both jumped in fright.

"What the fuck!?" Steve screeched

"God! I thought you were an evil Russian" Dustin spoke after calming his heart rate down

"Why would you think I'm a Russian?" Alex asked intrigued

"Because we tapped into a Russian channel and there trying to do something bad and we wanna find out" Dustin replied in one breath

"Wow, um can I help" Alex asked

"Okay" Dustin replied handing Alex the binoculars after a few minutes of looking the binoculars Alex saw someone he thought matched the description that Dustin and Steve gave him.

"wait a maybe target acquired. Ten o'clock sam goody's" Alex said

Blonde hair, black clothes and a duffel bag.

"Wait lemme see that" Steve asked and Alex handed the binoculars to him

"Holy shit, duffel bag..." he said

All three of them looked at each other "Evil Russian" they all said at the same time before heading out. Alex hid in the corner where he couldn't be seen before turning invisible while Steve and Dustin had already gone after the man running up the escalator

"Slow down" Alex said next to them still invisible

"We're gonna loose him" Steve said agitated

"You're getting too close" Dustin warned Steve but yet he ignore them again

"Hey watch it, dickwad" said some random dude who thought he bumped into Steve but actually bumped into the invisible Alex.

The evil Russian man stopped and turned his head slowly while Dustin and Steve pretended to be doing something

"Hello yes. I am fine. How are you" Dustin spoke into the telephone that wasn't even working

As soon as the guys turned around Dustin Steve and Alex followed him again this time keeping a bit more of a distance

"Why did he stop on jazzercise?" Alex asked completely confused

"Alright everyone listen up I just have one question to ask you" the man said placing his duffel bag on the desk

"Who... is ready to sweat!" He continued and brought out a beatbox

Multiple woman cheered as the started playing music and the man who they thought was an evil Russian was actually a jazz instructor


"Guys i uh think we should go" Alex stated turning his head to avoid looking at what the women were doing. Max would kill him.

"Steve come on. You too Dustin don't you have a girlfriend?" Alex pushed wanting to leave.

"Yeah yeah let's go"

They made there way back down to the bottom floor of the mall to find Robin looking starstruck

"What are you doing robin?" Alex asked her "hi by the way I'm joining you guys" Alex had met up with robin and Steve and hung out with them a lot when El or max couldn't

She just nodding to show she understood me "I cracked it"

"Cracked what?" Steve asked her needing her to elaborate

"I cracked the code" she added smiling

In a few hours robin had explained everything that she found out also explaining to Alex what he's missed so far

"So we have to meet at that factory when the yellow and blue meet in the west?" Alex asked her summing up everything

"Yeah" she said


Now the four sat at the top of a roof looking down on the factory.

"Look for an imperial panda and Kaufman shoes" Robin told them all

Alex looked through the binoculars once again rain pouring down on them

"there with that whistling guy 10 o'clock" Alex told them

"What do you think is in there" asked Steve

"Guns, bombs?" Dustin replied

"Chemical weapons" Robin added

"Whatever it is there armed to their teeth" Alex said

"Great that's absolutely amazing" Steve spoke wiping the rain out of his eyes

The men surrounding the factory opened the doors and the man with the Kaufman shoes walked through

"Hey Al what's in there?" Robin asked Alex as he once again looked through the binoculars.
"Just more boxes" he replied

"Lemme check it out" Steve asked and Alex gave him the binoculars

"What come on I wanna see" Dustin said as well

"No I'm gonna look" Steve told Dustin

"Lemme see it" Dustin argued back
They were both tugging on the binoculars until it made a loud thud against the metal In front of them

"Fuck you idiots are going to get us caught!" Alex whisper yelled at the other too boys who were now whispering apologies

As Alex looked up he saw Steve and Robin holding hands he smirked but it was quick to falter when he remembered Steve doesn't know about Robin.


The next day Max was in a mood because Alex was M.I.A she had hung out with El instead for a sleepover.

"Max this is a code red, I repeat a code red!" Lucas spoke over the walkie talkie

"Shut. Up." Max spoke into it before turning it off.

Her and El lay back down but as soon as she fell back asleep her phone rang

"You've got to be kidding me" she said gritting her teeth

"I'm sleeping go away" She shouted into the phone

"Hello this is Mike. Do not. Hang up. Something happened, something bad and our very lives could be at stake"

"What are you talking about?"

"Just come over to my house I'll explain everything. Hurry" those were the last words Mike said before hanging up the phone

"Did you ask Max if Alex was with her?" Lucas asked worriedly he hasn't heard from him at all.

"He could be radio Dustin" Mike said

"He's not answering"

"Then call him again."

"Dustin do you copy, I repeat do you copy?!" "This is a code red!"

"Dustin do you copy!?" Lucas asked.

Less than 30 minutes later Max arrived at mikes basement with El.

"Hey where's Alex?" Max and Lucas asked at the same time

"I thought he was with you" once again speaking at the same time.

"Call Alex now." Mike said urgently

"He's not at the cabin" El told them all.

"Then where is he?" Max asked worry covering her face.
