Curses and Incomplete truths

Max woke up around midnight feeling around for Alex however he wasn't their

Instead in his place was a tiny note

hey love, I had to go. I'll be back soon. - Alex

Max smiled at the note. She truly hadn't been dreaming. Alex was indeed back

Meanwhile with Alex he was in an alleyway with a lighter and cigarette

He needed to clear his head. The strong scent as he inhaled the smoke. He felt free. He had woken up early in the night and left Maxs' trailer. He went to lovers lake and bought some pills chugging them down. Hoping it would help with the nightmares and depression

"Hey Rick you got anymore of those pills." He asked drowsily

"Yeah man normally it would cost extra but since your a good friend of Eddie it's free"

"Thanks man." Alex said fist bumping the dealer and heading into a store

"Just a pack of gum and perfume please" Alex spoke the pills he had taken were beginning to set in and sleep tried to over power him

He walked out of the shop taking his time to Maxs' house. He sprayed himself with the perfume and chewed some gum, this was so Max wouldn't smell the cigarettes on him

The big bright facade that he's put on for Max and Lucas had worn out. He felt tired more mentally than physically

He couldn't talk to Max about this, he shouldn't be burdening her with his problems

The boy heard a clock chime which sounded far in the distance, he turned to look around but no one was in sight

He sighed moving on sluggishly to Maxs' house

"Hey, where did you go?" Max asked wrapping her arms around the brunette boys waist

"Just thinking"

"About?" Max questioned softly, she made sure not the push him with what had happened as she knew he would tell her with time

He just shook his head "let's go to bed, it's cold out here and you'll get a cold"

"What about you "Mr it's cold" your wearing a hoodies that's not even zipped up and a vest" Max replied stubbornly

Alex chuckled at her stubbornness "Don't act like you don't like it" he whispered into her ear walking back to their room

Maxs cheeks burnt red. Alex had that strong affect on her

"You coming love?"

"I hate you" she told him

"Love you too red," he answered turning to face her, Max laid in Alexs arms as he ran his fingers through her hair

He had now been doing it regularly finding comfort in it.

"You got school tomorrow Max?" He asked her

"Yeah" she responded drowsily

"Maybe I'll come join back. Make up some lie about leaving the country to Spain or somewhere" Alex told her jokingly to see if she was really listening

"Yeah ok" Max responded practically asleep

As soon as Max closed her eyes Alex let the smile on his face fall.

The few pills he had taken had now worn off so he was no longer tired though

The brunette boy had sudden urge to smoke and as he shifted a bit to get up he realised Max had wrapped herself around his waist and the feeling of his movements made her hold on tighter

Alex tensed, sore from the injuries but soon relaxed when she loosened her grip

Alex forced himself to fall asleep focusing his mind on other things except those pills and cigarettes in his jacket pocket

'Max wouldn't want me doing this' he reminded himself constantly running his fingers through her hair

Eventually after around 3 long hours of temptation Alex had fallen asleep

It was the next day and Alex woke up with Max next to him. He smiled at how cute she looked as how calm she seemed

"Wake up love" he said to her kissing all parts of her face

Max giggled in response

"Did my girlfriend Max Mayfield just giggle?" Alex asked  sarcastically

"Shut up" she groaned taking the pillow and hitting her face

"Come on WE have school. It's my first day today, get up you lazy ass" he said jumping around her like a child

"Shut up your not even going to school" she told him chucking a pillow at his head

Alex stood up looking offended

"Just cause I'm not going Doesn't mean I won't follow you"

"I'm up, I'm up" Max muttered

"Morning Mayfield" Alex went In for a kiss but was then denied as Max moved her head backwards

"Nope Your beard is scratchy" she whined

"Wrong answer red. Try again" Alex told her

"yesterday you said you loved my beard" the brunette boy continued looking offended

"I have morning breath" Max added

"Lemme check" said the brunette boy

"What no"

"Come on" he said tickling her

"No Alex STOP!"

"You're an idiot"

Alex face scrunched up pretending to have smelt her breath

"I hate you" spoke Max

"Love you too

I feel like I'm procrastinating most of this book now bc I'm kinda stuck on what I should do and how I should introduce Alex back to Hawkins and the Party

I feel like I want to redo some of the recent chapters idk 🤷🏽‍♀️
