Max was awoken by her alarm and she turned around wanting a hug from her boyfriend but he was not there.

Instead was a note 'sorry I had to go home hopper said he wanted to talk to me but I'll see you soon P.S look under the pillow - Alex''

She lifted the pillow he slept on to find that Alex has left her one of his favourite hoodies and a big smile was brought to her face


Alex reached the cabin and saw the door wide open it must've been El and he walked inside to see El angrily jabbing at the telephone

"Hey is everything okay?" He asked her worriedly

"Yes." She replied

Hopper was smirking in the background eating his cereal. What did he do now? Thought Alex

"What did you do?" Alex whisper shouted making sure El wasn't listening

"Oh nothing just told Mike he shouldn't see her for a bit" Hopper answered nonchalantly

"You did What!? You know she may kill you for that" Alex told him

"Yeah so to make it fair your not allowed to see Max which is why I asked you to come home"

"What!? I'm not obsessed like El and Mike why am i punished!?" This time Alex didn't keep his voice low
"She's gonna hate me if I avoid her!"

"Sorry kid I know it's not your fault I just don't need El breaking everything in the house like last year" Hopper said sadly

"You guys are so indulged in your social life. You barely even talk to me anymore so I'm creating time where you can hang out with me" hopper added

El had walked out of her room by the time Hopper and Alex finished there conversation and threw the phone back in it's place and walked back into her room slamming the door.

Alex scoffed at hoppers idea of making them take a break "you know you could've be just asked me to hang out with you" and walked out of the cabin using his powers to slam to door behind him.

Hopper began to sing happily "and you don't mess around with Jim" but Alex just flipped him off and rode his bike to Mikes house


Meanwhile at Maxs house she had been waiting for Alex because they were suppose to practice a new skateboarding trick together but he had not shown up.

Instead El did. "Hey?" Max said picking up her skateboard

"Hi, can I talk to you?" El asked the red headed girl

"Um sure but first have you seen Alex today he never misses out on our Skateboard practices" Max asked El

"He's at Mikes house, apparently his Nana is sick" El told her

Max pretended to smile but her heart hurt to know that Alex ditched her for Mike.


Alex gave a simple wave to the group of boys in mikes basement. But then Alex directed his full attention to Mike

"Did my dad tell you to stop talking to El?!" Alex asked furiously

"Uh yeah yesterday, he made me lie to her and she knows I know she knows!" Mike spoke hastily

"yeah but out of your persistent arguing with him I'm not aloud to see max so thank you very much for that!" Alex shout at Mike

"Don't worry I have a plan I know girls" Lucas told them

"But you don't even have one" Alex barked back not in the mood for small talk

"Do you want to hear how you can fix this or not" Lucas said they stayed silent allowing Lucas to continue

"You guys can go to the mall buy presents for them something that tells them your really sorry."

"Okay then let's go" Mike said dragging them all leaving Will behind

"Guys! What about me!?"

We arrived at starcourt Mall and immediately went to the jewellery store. Alex found this cool fire lightning rings and went to get it for max and himself while Mike found this expensive looking teddy bear in the front of the stall.

"Hey how much is this in total?" Alex asked the salesman at the front of the till

"$48.00" the shopkeeper responded

Lucas and Mike stared wide eyed at him as brought out $50 in cash getting $2 change

"Thank you have a nice one" Alex told the man and walked out of the shop talking to Will.

Mike found out the metallic teddy bear was three hundred dollars walking out empty handed "where did you get that kind of cash?" Lucas questioned him

"Oh I save up my pocket money and mow peoples lawns every now and then" Alex replied keeping the boxes safe in his pockets

"Can we play d&d now?" Will asked them




They all continued walking around to find nothing they were able to buy. But Alex however felt very victorious.

As they came out of the mall approaching there bikes a voice was heard, one that was very recognisable to Alex

"Well isn't this a nice surprise?" She spoke sarcastically

"Max I can explain-" but Alex's was cut short when Mike started talking

"What Are you doing here?"

"Shopping" El replied bluntly

"Hey this is her new style what do you think?" Max asked smugly

"What is wrong with you are you dumb or stupid, you know she's not allowed to be here?" Mike shouted at Max

"Mike talk to her like that again and you can say goodbye to that little face of yours" Alex said defensively

Max looked up at Alex but ignored his comment "what is she your little pet?"

"Yeah am i your pet?" El repeated the question

"What? No!"

"Then why do you treat me like garbage?"


"You said nana was sick"

"She is! She is sick!" Mike said glaring at the boys for back up Lucas backed him up however Alex did not

"I'm not involved in this I just want to talk to Max" he said looking at her with begging eyes

"Well sorry I don't like talking to people who ditch me" she said

Alex groaned and pulled her aside out of earshot from the rest.

"Please let me make it up to you I didn't mean to it's just Hopper made me stay away from you because he wanted to spend more time with El and I because I'm always with you and Mikes always with El. I know it's a pretty shitty idea but that's my dad for you"

Max stayed silent throughout his whole rant

"I came here to buy you a gift and I did because I wanted to show you I was sorry I didn't want to ditch you" Alex continued

But max looked everywhere but his eyes

Meanwhile El had walked up to Mike and dumped him leaving everyone there in shock walking off to the bus.

After a few minutes max looked up at him and saw that he genuinely meant he was sorry

"I forgive you, stalker" she said with a light smile on her face and Alex hugged her spinning her around

"Alex I have to go" she said laughing

"Okay yeah sure" but before he let her leave he pulled her in for a kiss. "See you late Maxine" Alex said teasingly but she just flipped him off walking over to the bus.

Alex walked back to the group and apologised to Mike but explained that he had to be honest and didn't want to lie.

Mikes face was full of emotions no one had seen him like that since El went missing.

He watched the bus go when Will asked "can we play d&d now?"

"Sorry Will but not right now" Alex answered him feeling bad for him as he was just dragged along to this.
