"Aren't we high enough?" Lucas asked starting to loose the feeling in his legs

"Cerebro worlds best at 100 metres" Dustin responded seeming unfazed by the walk up the hill

"You know I'm pretty sure people in Utah have telephones" said Alex as he walked beside Max

"Yeah but suzie is Mormon"

"Oh shit she doesn't have electricity?" Lucas asked

"No, that's the Amish" max said as if it was general knowledge

"What are Mormons?" Mike asked

"Super religious whites people" Dustin answered

"They have electricity and cars and stuff but since I'm not Mormon so her parents would never approve"

"It's all a bit Shakespearian"

"Shakespearian?" Max asked wanting Dustin to elaborate

"Like Romeo and Juliet" he said

"How the heck did you get Romeo and Juliet out of that story" Alex asked earning a jab in the ribs by Lucas

"Hey guys!" Mike yelled far behind us all with El "this has been fun and all but, uh..."

"I have to go home" El said Mike tapping at his watch

"But we're almost there" Dustin complained pointing at the destination

"Sorry man. Curfew" Mike said as he dragged El away from the group

"Curfew at four?" Dustin asked

"There Lying its been like this alls summer" Will spoke annoyed "it's gross"

"It's selfish" Alex spoke

"It's romantic" said max

"It's bullshit, I just got home" Dustin argued

Alex felt bad for him. Dustin was excited to show them what he had been working on all summer and El and Mike didn't even at least pretend to be interested

"Well there loss right," spoke Dustin enthusiastically. "Onwards upwards, Suzie awaits!"


"We made it" said Dustin

"Yeah it only took five hours" Argued Max

Alex kissed her forehead and held her hand wanting her to be patient with Dustin.

"Why couldn't we just play d&d?" Will asked tired

"I'm so thirsty" gases Lucas as he downed the last of their water

Alex and Max just stared at him "did you seriously drink the last of our water?" Max asked frustrated

Embarrassed Lucas spat the water back out into the tin holding it out for someone else.


After 30 minutes of setting up the cerebro

"Now are you ready to meet my love?"

They all nodded there heads as Dustin brought the radio to his mouth

"Suzie, this is Dustin, are you there, over?"

Static hissing was heard on the line

After multiple tries of contacting Suzie Dustin spoke to the party

"She's probably just busy-"

"Or maybe she doesn't exist!" Max said frustrated

"Yeah and she's hotter than phoebe Kates no way" Lucas said

"Uh my girlfriend is much better than phoebe Kates thank you very much" Alex argued back

Max blushing besides him

"Dustins obviously making this up, Come on Alex your staying at mine right?"Max asked

"Yeah I am Mike and El are probably still making out, but I believe you Dustin you wouldn't lie about something like that" Alex spoke as he gave Dustin an apologetic smile

Dustin smiled back knowing Alex meant what he said

"Yeah man I have to go to" Lucas said so did will ask it was getting late

And we got down the hill Max hopped on her Bike and rode off

"Oh yeah sorry to say it Alex but last one to my house showers last!" She yelled enough for him to hear her

"Hey that's not fair you got a head start!" Alex yelled back beginning to peddle faster. He decided to take a shortcut to catch-up to max when he saw Billy being dragged away by his foot.

"Billy you alright!?" Alex asked him as he hopped off his bike and grabbed a heavy branch to protect himself

"Kid you need to leave!"

"What no I'm coming to help" Alex said ignoring Billy's order

"Go! promise me you'll keep Max safe!"

Suddenly a flesh like vine attached itself to Alex's foot dragging him down to the floor

In panic Alex quickly used his powers to break the monsters vine. He turned around to where he last saw Billy except he was no longer there.

Alex jumped back onto his bike and pedalled as fast as he could his injured leg now bruising.

He reached Maxs house and she looked at him worriedly "hey where were you?"

"I uh I got lost and fell in a bush" explaining why his attire looked horrendous

"You can go take a shower first you look like you need it" max said brushing off what he had told her knowing it was a lie. Max knew that Alex's left hand always twitches weirdly when he lied

"No uh you go use it I'll wait" he responded quietly kissing her cheek and going inside the house.

Max sighed knowing he would not give up and went to have a shower. Not long after Alex went in as well he looked at his bruise which was now turning purple and was difficult to walk on.

His mind was focused on Billy where could he have gone, is he dead

After a few minutes Alex walked out of the bathroom I'm his sweatpants and a t shirt.

He clambered into bed with Max and hugged her tightly as if she would disappear if he didn't

"Are you sure your okay, you don't look okay"

"I'm fine, I'm just tired and have a headache" Alex said

"Oh ok goodnight then" Max replied knowing not to push further

She snuggled into his warm embrace as he also reciprocated the action

Can I have one year without chaos, it that too much to ask for?
