Lucas had gone back to bed whilst Alex tried many times but failed

Memories of Russia kept him awake at night the bruises and beatings he received kept him from making much movement

He began to have blood curling dreams, they didn't go away, images of Max saying she never loved him, hopper dying in the Prison. Sweat now sprawled across his face and drenching his clothes he stayed awake

He tried to remember where the Lady had said Max moved to. He didn't want to wait till tomorrow he felt like something was wrong so he decided to go visit her at night

Alex slowly got up, making sure not to injure his leg further he crawled up to the windows once more and went through it

As he reached the trailer park he saw large caravans loitering around

"Ah shit which one is she in" Alex sighed part of him saying he should leave another part of him saying he should stay

He walked closely to each trailer looking through the open windows to find Max.

On the last row of trailers he saw a skateboard.

He chuckled it was the same skateboard he bought for her on her birthday, they covered it in Superhero stickers to make it more colourful

Alex then saw beside the skateboard was an open window his eyes lit up as he sneaked through.

He looked around the inside of the trailer looking for Max or at least her bedroom.

After looking for two minutes he caught a glimpse of red hair.

Immediately he rushed quietly to the door and peeked round to make sure the person inside was asleep

There lay Max mayfield looking as beautiful as ever

Alex stared at her in awe, she clearly had gotten older as well, her hair much longer and she was wearing the hoodie he gave her before his disappearance

It still fit her though

Alex crept towards her and he knew that if she woke up it would be very frightening so he kept a bit of distance

He saw her face scrunch up and he knew that only ever happened when she had had a bad dream

He knelt down, this was probably the calmest and safest he's felt in a long time.

He combed his fingers through her hair and a few tears fell down his face. Even though she was asleep she looked tired the more he stared the more he began to notice the change in Tone of her face and how she was not calm even in her sleep

'Did I cause that, did I make that happen...'he thought

"I love you, I love you so fucking much red. I've missed you" he whispered in a soothing voice as he said this he noticed that Maxs' face began to rest a bit and the movement reduced

"I'll be back, red. I love you" was all he said after

And he kissed her forehead and her facial expression calmed down. It was like she was finally letting her guard down

He got up wiping his tears. What happened to her. Was it truly him who had caused it.


It was the next day and Alex had rushed back  into Lucas' house and into his sleeping bag

"Wakey wakey motherfucker" Lucas said dragging Alex up

"Yeah, yeah I'm awake" Alex said chuckling and throwing his pillow at Lucas

"Your first official day back In Hawkins what do you wanna do man. I was thinking we could go see the party today but I've got school soon so-" Lucas was interrupted by loud knocks on his door

Lucas turned around and walked to the door

"Gimme a minute" he paused

"Go take a shower you smell of dog shit" Lucas told Alex closing the door behind him

"Fuck you" Alex replied jokingly

He smelt his shirt and to be fair, Lucas had not been lying he did smell of Dog shit

So he grabbed a towel and headed to the shower

As the hot water hit the bruises on his body he winced occasionally they were starting to heal and his ankle didn't hurt as badly anymore

He spent a bit of time in the shower as this had been the best one he had had in a while

As Alex came out of the bathroom, he heard Lucas arguing with a girl, however he took no more thought as he presumed it was Erica

Alex was now only in a towel, he decided not to shave his beard as he had now grown quite fond of it

"Lucas your clothes are too small!" He bellowed searching through Lucas's drawers for something to wear

"Lucas these nightmares are getting worse, it's like he was with me last night, he was speaking to me-" spoke a voice that proceeded closer to the room of Alex.

"Max you can't go in there!" Screamed Lucas but it was too late

Suddenly, the door burst open. Alex span around to see who was there. Right in front of him stood Maxine Mayfield. His Max Mayfield

He stood still and tense as Max began to back up

"Max wait" he pleaded

"Lucas this better be some fucking joke. LUCAS!" She screamed as Lucas walked into the room. Alex dashed to the bathroom put on a pair of old jeans and ran out again (yeah he had no shirt on)

"Max, Max listen to me, it's Alex. Our Alex"

"No,no, no my Alex is dead he's fucking dead. Lucas don't do this shit to me!" Max sobbed continuing to back away towards the door

"Max, Red. It's me. Please just let me explain." Alex whispered practically begging now

Tears appeared in his eyes

"Max you have to trust me on the one, at first I didn't believe it either but you have to trust me it's him" Lucas said staring at her seriously

"Max" Alex said taking a step forward however Max took another step back

"Don't you fucking touch me. I thought you were dead. We all thought you were fucking dead. El broke down, I broke down. You left me. You fucking promised me!" Max screamed with all her might

Alex stayed silent not knowing what to say

"It was you last night wasn't it." She whispered

"What's she talking about?" Lucas asked puzzled

Alex just nodded "I uh I visited her last night." He answered quietly

"Could you give us a minute." Alex asked politely to Lucas

Lucas walked out nodding his head in understanding

"I've been having these nightmares about you, that you died. They were so fucking real. So fucking real. I needed you when I was at my fucking low and you weren't there. You weren't fucking there!" She screamed again now attacking Alex in his chest

Alex pulled her in for a hug however she pulled away. He truly did cause it, her nightmares, her and Els pain. It was all him.

Max continued to aggressively hit Alexs chest however the force reduced and the crying increased

"I love you, I love you, I love you" was all Alex repeated as Max cried into his chest

"I'm so sorry, I wanted to give up. So many fucking times but I stayed because I knew I promised you. I'm sorry" Alex spoke with a crack in his voice

They stayed like this for a few minutes. Maxs head on Alexs chest as he calmed her by stroking her hair. Little sobs came out from her and for Alex to watch her go through this it hurt him. It hurt a lot

"What do you mean 'give up'" Max Asked

Alex sighed. Even though this was not how he intended to tell her he wanted Max to be the first person he would tell this to.

"Hopper and I we were taken to a prison. Not a normal one though. It was one in the coldest part of Russia. We were given a small bowl of soup and a small piece of bread per day. They made us work on railroads from morning till night and then if we didn't finish fast enough they would beat us and wouldn't give us food in the morning"

"Hopper and I made a plan to escape just a few days ago. And um I-" tears began to form under his eyes as he continued

"Hopper got kidnapped and sent back to the prison because he made sure I would at least escape."

"I walked bare foot in the snow for around 4 hours to some warehouse. I found a plane and flew back here. I came back yesterday."

"Everyday, everyday fucking day I wanted to give up. Sometimes I would pray not to wake up the next morning hoping I would die in my sleep. But all I could remember was that promise I made to you. That I would come back to you." he said rummaged through his prisoner jacket and brought out the ring. It was also dirty and as Max looked into the direction of Alex she saw all the clothes he wore when he arrived. She gasped a little in shock at what he went through

"Max I missed you so much, too much to even comprehend, the thought of seeing you again one day kept me going. You were my lifeline. Max. You still are" Alex finished his voice broken as he told her what had happened

He cupped her face in his hands "Like I said last year. No matter what. I'm forever yours"

Max stood there looking directly into his eyes. She saw the bags underneath them. He hadn't gotten sleep. His eyes were red and his hair and beard had grown out.

She felt there faces inching closer and closer. His hot breath radiating onto her face

Max took in one deep breath

"Forever yours" Max said with a small smile and a few tears down her face.

And she pushed her lips onto his. Immediately a spark shot through their bodies as Alex tried to get as close to her as possible. It was a sweet sensation. They took in ever minute as if they wouldn't get the chance to again.

Never In a million years did she think that Alex would be alive. She thought that the world was against her as it had always been, taking away the only people that ever made her happy. But now she know that it was always him. Alex was her centre. Her home, her foundation.

Alex was her soulmate and she was his.

Forever and always


