
What felt like hours we had finally walked down the straight path. Multiple Russian soldiers filled the halls either driving a cart or holding a weapon

"Hold on let me check if the place is clear" I told them as I turned invisible searching round the corner

Erica and Robin stared shocked at the boy who was now nowhere to be seen

"Once again something we will explain later" Dustin told them quietly

"Clear, come on let's go" I told them

"Okay that was close"

"Too close"


"If all of y'all don't shut up our brain will be blasted out of our heads!" I whisper yelled at them. Gosh there really getting on my nerves

As we turned another corner we saw several soldiers bussling around trying to get where they need to be

Scientists, people in protective gear and gas masks

"I saw it. First floor northwest"

"Saw what?" Steve asked her

"The comms room"

"You saw the comms room?" I asked her


"Are you sure?" Steve asked her

"Positive I saw a bunch of light and machines and a bunch of shit in there"

"That could be a hundred different things" Dustin told her

"I'll take those odd" Robin said facing Steve

"Alright, behind me we're gonna move fast, we're gonna stay low. Okay?" I told them

"Why are you leading?" Steve asked offended

"Um I'm the one with superpowers dipshit" I said snapping at him. I heard people talking in Russian and listened in on some conversations

"Are we sure the machine can go ahead"

"That's what the boss said"

"Let's go" I told them not trying to dig too deep into that conversation and we all ran through the comms room door

When we all finally entered Steve and I turned around to see a Russian guard with a head set on staring at us with a worried face. We're in deep shit now

He slowly moved his hand to his gun holster and I had to do something

"эй, эй, босс послал нас сюда, мы не причиним вреда" hey hey the boss sent us here we won't do any harm.
I told the man

"тогда зачем тебе было пробираться сюда?"
Then why did you have to sneak in here?He asked me

I didn't have time to think of a lie so Robin started to speak

"Tread lightly!"

"Who are you?!" He asked her

"Silver cat...Silver cat" she continued mimicking a tail on her back

"I don't understand" he said backing up slowly.

He again went to grab his gun when Steve lunged at him quickly causing a fight to start between the two of them. Out of nowhere Steve had grabbed a metal object and slammed it against the soldiers head

"Dude! You did it! You won a fight" Dustin exclaimed with a smile on his face

I let out a small chuckle at the boys comment

Dustin picked up the Man's keycard and started to explain to Erica what they were going to do

I stood there listening to Erica and Dustins argument until I realised Robin had left

"Hey, robin you all right.." my unfinished sentence came to a halt when I saw what was happening "for fucks sake" I whispered

I rushed to Dustin, Steve and Erica dragging them to see what I just saw.

"Guys we have a big problem" I told them

"Holy shit" Dustin said as the low frequency pulsing continued

"The gate" the three of us said simultaneously

"I don't understand, you've seen this before?"

"Not exactly." I replied bluntly I haven't seen Max in forever and now seeing this gate I have a feeling something is happening back in Hawkins

And as always it's never good. I've tried contacting El but she's not answering and she always answers me

I started getting paranoid what if Max gets hurt, what is El or Lucas gets hurt. God I should've stayed with them

Ans gosh I miss Max.

"Um hello!" Robin asked me snapping me out of my thoughts Apparently she had been asking me about what I've seen

"What have you seen exactly?"

"All you need to know is that it's bad" I told them in harsh tone

"It's really bad Like end of the human race bad" Dustin said adding on

"And you know about this how?" Robin asked

"Gosh! What's with you and questions!!" I shouted at her

Robin looked taken aback when I snapped at her my eyes turning red.

I immediately felt guilty

"Sorry I- I didn't mean it" I told her

"Um, Steve? Where's your Russian friend?" Erica asked him pointing to the ground where he had been previously

And as soon as she said that an alarm went off

"Shit" he said opening the door from where we came from. Several Russian were running around and I could hear them shouting things like Imposter and enemies

Then Steve made eye contact with a group of Russia guards

"Shit shit shit. Go go go!" He screamed and we all began to run

We ran through multiple doors the Russians backing us into a tight Corning and we ended up in front of the machine

"Guards! Come on behind me!" I screamed I rammed myself into them punching one in the face making an escape route

Then they suddenly came from different corners Steve threw barrels of metal blocking there way as we all made our way through a door jamming it behind us

I held the door. Using my super strength but it was becoming too much to handle

"Hey! Hey Steve help!" I called out to him

And he came also helping me keep the door shut

Erica found an escape route " come on let's go!" She screamed at us

Dustin and Robin followed her making her way down the entrance

"Alex! Steve! COME ON!" Dustin screamed at us

"Go, just leave us!"

"Get some help okay?" Steve told him

"TELL-" I was now really struggling with the door beginning to loose my consciousness
"Tell- tell M-Max I Love her Dustin please do that for me if I don't make it!"


"NO YOU GO JUST-JUST PROMISE ME!" I told him now loosing my grip

"I- I promise" he said finally as he shut the escape vent as Steve and I let go of the door.

At least I had done one good thing in my life I thought to myself and that was saving my friends that have become my family

"сюрприз ублюдки" "surprise mothefuckers" I said to them with a proud smirk on my face but inside, my heart was breaking because I know there a chance Ill never see Max again
