Alex now made his way to we're the party was. He just hoped they wouldn't ask questions about what went down in school and where he had been the whole day.

"If I get another 3 musketeers I'm going to kill myself" Lucas said.

Alex ran up to them. "Hey guys" Alex said to announce his presence.

"Hey Alex" they all replied a bit of relief on their face to know that they friend was alive.

"What are you talking about?" Asked Alex

"Well I've just been given enough 3 musketeers for a lifetime" Lucas said annoyed

"Hey! What's wrong with 3 musketeers?" Dustin asked

"No one likes 3 musketeers" Will responded

"Yeah it's just nougat" Alex said

"Woah, just nougat?" "It's top three for me!" Dustin spoke defensively

"Top three?" Mike asked in disgust

"Yeah top three Seriously, I could eat a whole bowl of nougat" Dustin continued

Then suddenly someone jumped in front of them with a knife and a mask on.

Alex wasn't very fazed by this prank but jumped back slightly as well as the party however Lucas screamed absolutely petrified

In the Michael Myers costume was Max God she would never let them live this down.
But what confused him was when did she decide to come trick or treating with them.

"Holy shit you should've seen the looks on your faces"

"And you, who screams like that you sound like a little girl." Max said facing Lucas

"Hey stalker" Max smiled happily

"Hey Red head" Alex replied with a smile on his face, both Lucas and Dustin also had a smile on their face but Mikes pulled a frown Wills face staying neutral.

Dustin and Lucas both immediately went to talk to her so Alex hung back with Mike and Will.

Mike then asked " hey what- um what went down in school?"

The question Alex really hoped they wouldn't ask.

"I just lost it and it reminded me of when they made you jump off a cliff and all the stuff they did to me and Dustin."

"I took care of it though the principal doesn't remember what I did and so it's fine"

"Wait so you mean you wiped his memory you do remember that takes alot if your energy right?!" Will asked worried

"Yeah I know but I'm fine. It's all dealt with can we just move on from it" Alex said tired of the topic.

"Sure" Mike said knowing not to push further.

After getting full-sized candy bars from the rich neighbourhood.
Will brought out the camera Jonathan had lended to him. Pointing it at Alex's faces.


Will pointed a camera to Mike and I's face I made a funny face while Mike was just grumpy.

"Hey you alright" I asked

"Did you agree to this?" He asked

"Huh?" Will said wanting him to elaborate

I didn't understand what he meant either

"To her joining our party" Mike elaborated

"It's just for halloween" Will said

"Wait you guys planned this, that's awesome-" I was about to finish my sentence but Mike gave me a glare telling me no

"I mean totally not cool definitely not awesome" I felt the tension between both Mike and Will so I just left. I hate confrontation.


Mike caught up with me but Will wasn't with him.

"Where Will?" I asked, this morning I promised Joyce that he would stay with at least one of us the whole time.

"He was with me just a second ago" Mike said worried

"Shit shit shit shit shit" I needed to find him.
I ran back to where I saw him last and Mike followed. We found him sitting against the wall shaking.

"Hey hey Will breathe with me!" "Come on in, out and hold it" I said slightly panicking, after a few minutes he calmed down.

"Are you okay, are you hurt?" Mike asked still in panic mode.

Dustins voice came into range

"Holy shit" Dustin spoke and he, Lucas and Max ran down the steps to them

"What happened?" Lucas asked

"We don't know!" Mike said Beginning to loose his temper

"Hey Will Mikes going to take you home okay? I told him calmly. Mike was too mad to say anything
Will nodded his head and they both walked off.

"What's wrong with him?" Max asked

I didn't answer because it was t my place to say and neither did Dustin nor Lucas.
