Getting Mariah back

Sorry for the wait but i hate writers block and i think u guys do to ^^ so here it is XD

(Naruto's POV)

I couldn't help my wondering eyes that just keep wondering to the battles around me. My worry for my friends is almost as strong as my will to protect them. Every time we'd kill a Zetsu two more would appear. Most of us were low on chakra and injured. I looked up at Madara as he watched the battles perched on that statue. Mariah was gone and none of us knew where she went or if she's coming back safely. Hopefully she has a plan to win this war and bring Sasuke back with us. She's smart.............she can figure anything out if she puts her mind into it.

I could tell that everyone was exhausted; including Bee. I still had some energy left but not as much. This army was endless and pushing us further back from where we originally were.

"Kakashi-sensei; there's no end to these!" I shouted.

"Just hold on Naruto; Mariah has to be here soon. You know better than I do that she has a plan." He shouted back.

           Sakura(cus I can :P)

People just keep coming in, so many getting injured ...We were over worked.....Working left in right on each injured shinobi. So far no one from the Leaf village has turned up thankfully. Everyone had to work fast and be alert. Looking around I could tell that everyone was starting to get exhausted but the patients need our help.

"I hope Kakashi-sensei and Naruto are alright." I thought.

"Sakura! We need you here quick!" A medic said.

"Of course!" I responded rushing over.

(Yeah well I just added that in because try to lengthen the chapter cussss well the manga doesn't give me anything)


We were surrounded by this army. My chakra was running low; I could tell that everyone's chakra was running low also. There's no end to these guys.

"Kakashi-sensei; there's no end to these!" Naruto shouted.

"Just hold on Naruto; Mariah has to be here soon. You know better than I do that she has a plan." I shouted back.

Hopefully Mariah will get here soon along with a plan to defeat these guys. We can't handle them for long so she better hurry back. I was exhausting my Sharingan...........I won't be able to take much more of this.  

"Come on Mariah; get here soon. We need you." I thought.

I looked over to where Mariah disappeared at. That boy Tadashi's body was still there where he died. He died protecting Mariah which made her sad and angry. She seemed pretty close to him to get that mad. He cared about her so much that he risked his life for her. She obviously cared about him too from the way that she acted when he died. She got a power boost and angry at Madara but then disappeared.

Where did she go? She probably went to stop the Edo Tensei but how can she achieve that? Kabuto might know that she knows how to stop it so he'd rather kill himself than let her stop the jutsu. Hopefully Mariah will stop it and return to us as soon as she can. We really do need her help right now.


I watched as the foolish shinobi were fighting my army of Zetsu. Soon they'll be dead then all I have to do is dispose of Mariah and Sasuke. Sasuke won't be a problem but Mariah will be. Once she's out of the way then nothing will stop me from controlling the world.

Even though it would be nice to have her on my side. She would make a wonderful partner in ruling the world........too bad she chose the wrong side. If she survives then I'll hypnotize her and take control of her mind and powers.

"How is Kabuto doing?" I wondered.

He should be done with them by now but it seems that this isn't the case. Mariah was already weakened from our past battle so she shouldn't have been a problem for him to defeat her. Despite Sasuke and Itachi there she shouldn't have been a problem. Hopefully Kabuto won't kill her so that I can use her. She's been broken enough so she should be easy to control. She'll be weak and defenseless if I put her into a genjutsu making her relive all of her misfortunes.

I smirked at this plan. Hopefully she doesn't die. If she survives and I take control then the first thing I'll have her do is kill everyone she cares for. I'll also let her watch herself kill her precious friends. She'll be devastated and even more weak. Watching the battle between the jinchuuriki and Zetsu I could tell that they both were getting tired. Soon I'll be able to extract the bijuu from them both and finally complete the Jubi. I narrowed my eyes at Naruto.

"I should've killed him when I had a chance seventeen years ago." I said.

He was so defenseless when he was a baby. I never believed that he would become such a threat. He was in my grasp just begging to be killed but I hesitated and his foolish father just had to grab him from my arms. He also could've been a worthy apprentice but there's no time to think of what could've happened; what's done is done.

(Third POV) *just to let you know this is REALLY cliché*

While the battle between the allied shinobi against the army of Zetsu was enduring Sasuke was coming up with a plan to get Mariah back to normal. Right now all he and Itachi could do was watch as she was lashing out at Kabuto. She wasn't in the right mind and looked menacing. Her appearance would make even the great Kages tremble in fear.

Her once angelic voice was cold and demonic. No one would ever be able to recognize her. Not even using Ninjutsu or genjutsu on Kabuto but only Taijutsu he was no match for her. Kabuto had realized his grave mistake in angering the once weakened Mariah but it was too late to fix it now. Mariah was too fast for him. Every time he would try to get away she would block his path and beat him even more. She never left an opening so he couldn't attack her at all. Anyone could tell that she could've destroyed him right on the spot so she was only toying with him.

Itachi looked over at Sasuke.

"Sasuke, you have to talk to her."

"How can I do that when she's moving so fast?"

"Find away. If you call out to her she'll focus her attention to you and hopefully she'll listen."

"Yeah, hopefully." 

"She'll listen to you Sasuke. Trust me. I know Mariah and I know that she'll listen to you because she loves you."

"How can you be so sure."

"Just trust me."

Sasuke looked away from his brother and at Mariah.

"Will she really listen?" Sasuke wondered.

Sighing, Sasuke got ready to move along with Itachi who was also ready. Both brothers looked at each other then nodded and advanced towards Mariah. Quickly Sasuke got her attention by casting a fire ball her way but not harming her. Her gaze went from Kabuto who was laying on the ground to Sasuke's direction. She growled and turned away from Kabuto giving Sasuke her full attention. Taking advantage of Mariah being distracted Itachi swiftly got to the side of Kabuto and dragged him away from Mariah's reach. Itachi checked Kabuto's pulse and sighed in relief that he was still alive but not by much.

"Mariah," Sasuke called out.

"What do you want? Can't you see that I'm busy?" Mariah said in a demonic voice.

Sasuke flinched at the tone of her voice but made it hardly noticeable that he was scared. Her stare was intense sending goose bumps all throughout Sasuke's body.

"Stop, this isn't you. You know that you don't want to kill Kabuto this way. We still need him to stop the Edo Tensei and you want to kill him by your own hands and not by this powers." Sasuke reasoned.

"Insolent child; Mariah can't hear you now. She's consumed by blood lust and anger. You won't be able to stop her; she won't stop until he and Madara are killed."

"You're not Mariah; who are you?!"

Mariah chuckled.

"I am Mariah; just the good part of her. I'm the anger and hatred that has been dormant and building up through the years. I have finally surfaced because of her anger that she finally let out. Now let me finish this. If you get in my way then you'll be next."

The atmosphere turned cold. Her demonic aura was fearsome everyone was frozen in their spot. Sasuke was shaking in fear as she turned back around but he still had to try despite her warning. He had to get the Mariah he knows and loves back.

"Mariah please listen to me! This isn't the Mariah that I know!"

Mariah stopped.

"That won't work pathetic human."

"Mariah I know that you can hear me! It's Sasuke!"

"Haha I don't think she wants to listen. She hates you; most of the anger that she feels is towards you." She laughed.

"That isn't true."

"Yes it is; you've broke her heart so many times."

"I know that she still loves me."

"No she doesn't."

Suddenly Sasuke appeared in front Mariah catching her by surprise. He grabbed her by the shoulders forcing her to make eye contact with him.

"What are you doing?!"

"Mariah I know that you're in there and that you can hear me. Mariah Kira I love you! I love you so much that seeing you like this makes me feel like someone stabbed me in the heart thousands of times. I just want to be with you Mariah. I swear that if you forgive me or at least give me another chance. I'll give up my revenge and go back to the village with you! Even if you don't want to be together again! I'll do anything for you!"

In Mariah's eyes was a flicker of her normal eyes but quickly changed back into her demonic ones. Mariah then smirked and struggled against Sasuke grip but he was sure that Mariah had heard him. He then leaned down and crashed his lips against hers. At first she struggled but soon she gave in and closed her eyes then wrapped her arms around his neck and kissed him back.

Awe isn't that cute????!!!!!!! ^w^ i just loved writing that even though its WWWWAAAAYYYYYYY out of character for Sasuke but it's still cute!  hehehe haha Sasuke loves Mariah!

If you have any suggestions PLEASE don't be afraid to send them in because the manga is STILL focused on Kabuto which no one cares about.
