"You didn't come yesterday." Archer didn't lift up his gaze, but somehow knew it was me who had arrived.

"Missed me?" I asked, sitting down. I would have missed him if I had the time to. Yesterday was hectic from the very second I woke up.

"No." Archer's voice was neutral and passive. His response felt too honest, making me question if he was actually lying.

"But you noticed my absence." The rules of 'missing things' states that if a person is to notice a person or thing's absence it is only for the sole reason they miss them. I totally just invented that, but who cares.

"I did." He responds.

"So you missed me."

"Not quite. It was peaceful. You're annoying questions and stupid comments weren't here to distract me from my reading." If only I knew what he was actually reading, I might not be so annoying. Not that I'm admitting to being annoying.

Nop. Never.

"Oh?" I opened the bag I had brought and pulled out a closed container. It had two cupcakes from the twins' birthday yesterday. "I hope you like chocolate cupcakes." This time his face lit up like a kid on Christmas morning.


"You brought me a- "He paused for a moment. It was as if his next word was something horrible he was debating to say. "You brought me a cupcake?" Well, the two pieces of delicious cake sitting in front of you confirm that they are indeed cupcakes.

"Yes. My best friend's twin sibling's birthday was yesterday. That's why I didn't come. So to make up for my absence, I brought you cake. Actually, cupcakes. I don't think cake and cupcakes are the same." I handed him the cupcake. Our fingers slightly brushed, and it felt like the Sun had reappeared, even if the moon was shining above us.

"This is fucking amazing." I moaned as I took a bite out of the cupcake. This was ten times better than yesterday if that's even possible.

"Language stranger." If he says 'language stranger' one more time, I might just end up punching the cake off his hand.

"I said freaking." I lie before taking another bite from my cupcake.

"Sure you did, Elizabeth." He paused for a moment, taking another bite from his cupcake. "I like the cupcake."

"Who doesn't?"

This time I had brought my laptop and instead of staying in annoying silence as we ate our cupcakes and he continued to read, I took it out. I needed to finish the series I was watching. I grabbed my headphones, so I didn't disturb him and left one out, just in case.

He closed his book and instead of standing up and walking away like I thought he would, he turned his attention to me.

"How old are your friends' twin siblings?" He asksed.

Had I heard that correctly? Had he just started a conversation? Oh how the tables turn Archer whatever your last name is.

I subconsciously smiled. I don't know why. It just happened and I wouldn't even had noticed if he hadn't-

"You're smiling?"

"Very good observation, stranger. Is my smile that bad?" I asked with a hint of mischief in my eyes.

"No. You have a pretty smile." He said in a somewhat shy voice. Now this just caused me to smile more. Obviously, I was joking with him, but it was cute seeing him all tensed up.

"Oh? Thank you."

"You haven't answered my question." I raised my eyebrows confused at what he was referring to. Ah! The twins.

"Sorry. They turned ten." He didn't respond, but instead he looked down at his feet.

"And how old are you Elizabeth?"

"Turned eighteen a few weeks ago."

"Your bird dream and cow jokes say otherwise."

"Hilarious. You just don't have my amazing sense of humor." I remember writing in my 'letter to future self' back in sixth grade that if I didn't make it as an actress, I would try stand up comedy.

"I wouldn't consider the things you say humorous."

"I guess I'll have to change that, won't I." He lowered his gaze for a moment before our eyes met.

"I guess you will, Elizabeth."


I arrived before Archer tonight. We had been doing this for one whole week. None of us mentioned how we knew we'd be here waiting for each other the next day, it just sort of happened. I enjoyed his company, even if the few hours we spent together were mostly silent sometimes. Even if he did act like he was ignoring me most of the time.

Huh. Maybe he is.

Even if the beginning of summer was starting, the nights still felt a little cold. I always felt cold no matter what, so carrying with me a jacket for emergencies was crucial.

"I brought you something. Coffee." He offered me one of the cups he had in his hand. He put the other one on the table and used his hands to fix his already messy hair.

"What type is it?" I didn't know much about coffee.

"I didn't know what type you liked. So I called my sister and asked what type she liked and got you that one. I didn't call you cause." He didn't seem to want to finish the sentence. But I knew what he meant. He didn't have my phone number. Crazy how everything is technology nowadays, yet we simply forgot to exchange numbers. I guess that adds to the feeling that we really are strangers. Maybe the simple act of exchanging numbers proves we are something more than just strangers.

"Oh. Yes, thank you. Here." I unlocked my phone and handed it to him. "Put your number in." I took a sip from the coffee, trying to hide my disgust. It tasted like water mixed with sugar. Was that an after taste of caramel?

"You don't like it." He said, handing me back my phone. He had sent himself a message and had named himself 'Archer', but I typed in my favorite stranger instead.

" What makes you think that?" Fuck, my acting skills really weren't that great.

"You closed your eyes shut when you tried to swallow it."

" That doesn't mean anything." The horrible liquid burnt my throat as I took another sip from it.

"Elizabeth." His eyebrows were raised.

" I don't like coffee." I responded defeated.


" I don't, I'm sorry."

" How can you not like coffee?"

" I prefer chocolate milk or hot chocolate. I don't really care which one." I never liked coffee, it tasted weird. I only drank it if I had to wake up early or if I'd stayed the night before binging a series.

"You prefer milk instead of coffee?" I could tell he was utterly confused. Others had the same reaction when I told them I hated coffee.

" Yes."

He just rolled his eyes at me and I found myself smirking just a tiny bit. Maybe it was simply because he brought me something, or the fact that he found out about my small milk addiction. Or maybe I just smiled because he was next to me and it was nice to have a friend. A friend who wasn't a stranger anymore.

I was never the type of girl to have many guy friends. More like acquaintances. I do however have girl friends. I found it simpler to sit down and talk to them. It made sense.

" You know. I was thinking." We were still sitting on the same bench we usually do. His book in his hand, my phone in mine. I don't understand how one can simply waste hours and hours on reading, when there are so many things we could do. For example: do a competition on who can eat the most nutella. Now that's something I'm willing to try.

"You thinking? That can't be any good." Slowly Archer had become accustomed to me. He was being more talkative and I found myself wanting to hear more of his thoughts.

" Fuck you."

Three, two, one

"Elizabeth, language."

"As I was saying, before I got interrupted by your rude side comments. I was thinking, I've always wanted to have a reckless summer. Do things I never thought I would do. Enjoy the little things and appreciate that I'm alive."

"That's nice." Did I actually think he'd be interested in what I had to say?

" You don't think the same way?"

"I've never really thought of it."

"What do you mean? Have you never seen something in one of the books you've read and thought 'fuck it, I wanna do that.'" I knew what he was going to say before he even said it. "Language I know stranger."

"That sounds reckless."

"It sounds fun." I correct him. "Imagine all the things we could do. Eleven weeks. Eleven freaking weeks to do whatever the hell we want."

But he didn't respond. His face didn't change emotion. If he felt something, he had a great way of hiding it. I didn't want to push him into doing something he didn't want to do. I don't think he did much reading after I said that. He had his thinking face on.

I stood up and started walking away. This grabbed his attention.

"You're leaving?" He asked with a hint of sadness.

"One whole summer, eleven weeks Archer. Seventy seven days to say and pardon my language. Fuck it!" 
