*if you swipe you'll find their outfits and location I imagined while i wrote this:)*
the song adds a special effect also 

make sure to vote and commentif you're liking the book make sure to share it with your friends and social media:) 

Two whole weeks of saying fuck it. I like it. Makes you feel alive. It gives you adrenaline and anxiety, but once you do it; everything makes sense. No matter how many things we've done, my favorite one has to be reading on the beach.

I know what you're going to say. I hated reading two weeks ago and now I'm obsessed with it. I'm really not. I'm just obsessed with Archer reading to me. It's completely different.

I'm starting to like this whole book thing, but Archer can never find out. He'll tease me too much. But if I'm being honest, it calms me. And just like he said, I get to travel the world without moving my feet.

We came early to the park today. I mean it's seven in the morning and we want to plan our day.

"I want to do something Elizabeth," Archer tells me. He keeps me on my toes. I have to pull everything out of him since he enjoys talking in extremely short sentences.

"We can do a lot of things," I said, wiggling my eyebrows. Archer just tilted his head and pressed his lips together. "Whatever, care to explain?"

"It's a two-hour drive from here."

"Elaborate," I tell him. I don't mind a long drive, but that means a road trip and snacks and music.

"It's a surprise."

"Should I change?" I was wearing a white sundress with a few necklaces. The sleeves could be pulled down or over my shoulder. I had a white headband to go with my dress. Three rings and a few bracelets.

"Nop. Let's go." It couldn't be something that messy since he was only wearing a white and blue buttoned-up shirt with the top three buttons open and a pair of glasses hanging from the shirt. The short pants he was wearing complimented his outfit amazingly also. And his hair was tossed in such a way that I prayed that the wind wouldn't move it.

Please wind God, don't move it.

We got in the car and of course, I had to take the aux cord. This was a two-hour drive. I was going to make it fun.

He's going to hate this, I think to myself.

"Don't tell me you don't like Sofia the First theme song. It's superior."

"That's not music."

"Then what is?"

"Anything but that."

"Funny. Sofia the first is the best Disney Junior series." I've re-watched it twice already and now I'm sure it's going to be three times.

"I was kidding when I said you had the personality of a child, but right now you're proving me wrong." I scoffed and rested my elbow against the door.

"Disney has no age limit."

"No, but Disney Junior does. It's for little kids Elizabeth."

"I'm so making you watch the series with me later."

"Looking forward to it birdie."

"Birdie?" I asked confused at what he meant by that.

"Yes. Don't you want to be a bird?"

"Here I thought you were never paying attention to me." He didn't respond, instead, he tapped the wheel as he listened to the song playing. Style by Taylor Swift.


"A field of flowers?"

"Yes. You've never wanted to lay in between the flowers?" He tells me.

Archer Luca, you have a weird request.

"No." And I wasn't lying. I've never thought of setting or laying in a field of flowers. But now that I was here, I liked the idea.

"I know you prefer rocks, but this will be fun." He was paying attention when I spoke to him that first few nights. He was just acting as if he were reading his stupid book.

It was around twelve, so the sun was at its prime. It took more than two hours since we stopped for food at least three times. Archer walked to the flowers. Thousands of flowers and tall grass and he just walked through them. I couldn't even pick out the different types of flowers. There were too many. Orange, purple, red, yellow. All mix together in order to create the most beautiful balance. I followed quickly not wanting to lose him.

"You literally meant lay in the dirt," I say.


"I have a white dress." He looked up at me as if to make sure I wasn't lying.

"Here." He took a flannel out of his bag. He then opened it more and placed it next to him. "Sit."

I had the urge to act like a dog, but that would probably weird him out.

"I feel like a dog." He chuckled. It was a deep sound that lasted a few seconds.

What a pretty sound. A gorgeous sound actually. Rough and deep, but just the right amount of it.

"What now?"

"We sit here."

No shit sherlock. Why did I actually think he had some plan.

He took out a pen from his pocket and started playing with it. He was thinking about something. Contemplating if he should do it.

He grabbed my hand and placed it on his lap. This caused me to move a little closer to him. He opened the pen and started writing on my hand.

"What are you doing?"

"Nothing." He said, but I felt the pen on my skin. He was drawing on me. I couldn't see what he was doing, but I felt it. I felt the ink going through my against and the shapes forming in my hand. His hands holding mine. One was drawing and the other one my fingers, his thumb occasionally stroking my hand.

I looked up at the sky with the sun shining down at us and I just smiled. I really smiled because I was happy and content being here.

"You never told me what you were reading the first night we met." I didn't mean to pry, but I wanted to make conversation. If he didn't feel comfortable telling I was okay with that too.

"A book."

"No shit."


"Sorry brownie."

"Brownie?" He said lifting his gaze to meet mine.

"Yes. Brownie."

"What is that?"

"A name. You know cause you have brown eyes. It just makes sense."

"It doesn't." He closed the pen, taking his hands off mine. I missed his hands. I missed the heat they caused on mine and how soft they felt against my own. I looked at my hand to find a branch with flowers and leaves are drawn on it. So freaking pretty.

"You draw?"

"Sometimes." He said, grabbing my hand again. I thought he was going to draw something else, but he didn't. He started playing with my rings. Turning them over and over and over and over.

"I really like the flowers." And for a moment I forgot I preferred rocks.

"It's nothing." He brushed off the compliment, but I could see the small red dots on his cheeks.

"What were you reading?" His hands stopped moving on mine. He took a deep breath and looked up at the sky before talking again.

"My grandfather journals. He has a bunch, well had. He passed away when I was eight. I looked up to him a lot. I remember him telling me about all of these adventures he used to go on. And he wrote each and every one of them in his journals. He has a bunch. I- I can show them to you one day. If you'll like." He said as started to play with my hand and rings again.

"I'd like to." He smiled at me. A genuine soft smile on his lips.

"Really?" He asked with a grin on his face.

"Yeah. What adventure was he one when we met?"

"Cliff jumping."

"Then that's what we're doing on Friday." That's a total lie. I'm not risking my life to cliff jump.

"Why not tomorrow?"

"The agency called me. I got a call back for the audition I went to a couple of weeks ago."

"That's great. I'm so happy for you."

"Thank you." Silence again. The good silence. The only sound belonged to the wind. The soft breeze. "Oh, I almost forgot." I opened the zipper to my small handbag and took out the friendship mood bracelets or whatever you want to call them.

"What are those?"

"Friendship bracelets. Look at how cute they are. You have half the heart and I get the other. Plus the charm changes color depending on your mood. So, mister, I'll be able to tell when you're grumpy."

He took the bracelet and looked at the cardboard with the different colors and meanings.

"This is ridiculous, you know that Elizabeth?"

"Yes, I do thank you very much."

"I feel ridiculous." I made my best mad face. "Ridiculous I repeat. Now, help me put it on, please." He says.


"How does my hand look?" He asked playing around with the bracelet.

"You could be a bracelet model brownie." I looked down at both our bracelets. "Look at that, we're both happy." He looked down at the ground trying to hide his smile.

He's adorable.

"Do you want to run really dramatically like they do in the movies?"

"I thought you would never ask." He responded.

Have you ever had an experience so amazing, you have to pinch yourself to see if it was actually real? This was it.
