*this is a two part chapter so I'll try and put the second part up today*
swipe to see the visuals described during the chapter
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"I feel like we should crash a wedding. Always wanted to do that. Like when they ask if anyone objects and we'll come out of our seats and scream 'yes'. Then everyone gets confused and they ask who we are and we just run away." I said doing all types of hand gestures as I spoke.

"Why would we do that? We could ruin their wedding." I mean he was a bit correct, but at the same time we were adding a little bit of spice to it. Right?

"You make it sound like we're robbing a bank. Wait, that sounds like a good idea. But when you put it like that then yes, we might ruin it."

"How many do you want Elizabeth?" Archer was making fluffy chocolate pancakes. I stayed in one of the guest bedrooms last night and his sister lent me some clothes. His kitchen was the size of my parents room and maybe even bigger. Big white cabinets surrounded the big open floor. I was sitting in the kitchen island watching Archer cook.

As soon as I came down, there was a cup of chocolate milk ready for me and to say I deeply appreciated him for that would be an understatement. As far as I remembered, I've drank a cup of milk every morning.

Calcium people. How do you think I'm so strong. Calcium.

"Two would be fine. But going back to the wedding, maybe we can crash the wedding party. Hang out as long as we can until we get caught."

"Why would we do that?" I rolled my eyes. It was like he was refusing the same question over and over again. No more like he forgot what our plan for this whole summer was. I was about to actually slap him.

"Because it's an excuse to dress up fancy and look pretty."

"You always look pretty Elizabeth." His eyes widened as he realized what he had just said and I felt as the milk I was drinking was about to come out through my eyes.

Isn't there an episode of ICarly that something like that happens. Pretty sure it was Gibby.

"How are we going to find a wedding party on such short notice?" He asked, trying to change the conversation and ignore what he said.

I, however, couldn't forget. It made me feel things when he commented on my appearance.

"We go through wedding venues around the area. Come on we live in California. There's a bunch here."

"Eat." He handed me the pancakes. He added strawberries and a bit of nutella and whip creme. With all the ingredients he made a smiley face on the pancake. The fact that he didn't say anything about the venues let me know we were going to crash a wedding and that made me happy.

Archer wasn't a very talkative person unless it was something he deeply cared about like art, books, or his grandad. I didn't mind his lack of words, I was content with having a friend I could do random shit with. He was fun to be around.

"Cute." I said as I took a bite. "Shit this is good."


"Sorry brownie. They're really good. Thank you." A small tint of pink appeared on his cheeks.

"Glad you liked them."

"Is there any specific reason you hate it when I curse?" I asked, taking another bite from my stack of pancakes.

"My grandfather always said that there's so many beautiful words in the english language and you choose to use the ugly ones."

"What the fuckery?" He raised his eyebrows and gave me a questionable look. "Well you said I use ugly words, so I turned fuck into a pretty word. Archer Luca I present to you the new and improved word called fuckery."ย 

He scratched his neck taking in a deep breathe before a smile appeared on his face.

"You are so stupid, you know that right?"

"Thank you very much and yes I've been told." He took the can of whipped creme and added more to the leftover pancakes I still had on my plate.

"Do you want to rob a bank tomorrow since we're crashing a wedding today." I asked in my most business woman tone I could do.

What can I say, I'm a proper woman.

"Are you crazy birdy? We would get caught and put in jail with your stupid ideas."

"Hey my ideas aren't stupid. You just think too much. I mean I would definitely be able to rob a bank. You would probably think too much about it and would leave a note saying: "My name is Archer Luca and I robbed the bank. Please call 787-345-9382 if you want to catch me. I probably won't use the money, but it was fun to break in. Me on the other hand would rob it and then move to an exotic place like Puerto Rico. Have you seen the beaches there? Next level. Who wouldn't want to live there. I've never been there, but I have used google maps and moved around the island. It's so pretty. Maybe that could be our next adventure."

"You would leave a note saying you're information because you'd think it be fun. I would be the one to bring you to Puerto Rico because I'm the responsible one."

"Nonsense. You really think I want to go to-"

Archer touch caused me to shut up. His finger was in my cheek, cleaning a piece of whipped cream that probably appeared there as I went on rambling. He was close to me. Really close to me as he cleaned the mess in my face.

"You smell like strawberries." He said softly in such a gentle voice that I could barely hear. He didn't give me time to respond. "Sorry. I was just cleaning um whatever. Puerto Rico sounds nice. Yeah."

"Really nice actually. Cool. Pick me up at three." The atmosphere felt awkward for no reason. It was tense. Something I could understand.

"Where are you going?" He said standing up from his stool.

"Home. Need to change."

"I'll drive you."

"No need. Uber sounds great right now."

"Elizabeth. I'll drive you." It wasn't a request, it was a command.

"Sure. Okay."

If you were expecting a great car ride filled with conversation and fun chatter, you thought wrong. It was the most painful everlasting thirty minutes of my life. I could cry of how bad it was. The only sound that filled us was the radio and Lana del Rey singing.

Love her.

I just couldn't understand the feeling inside the car. The atmosphere. It was weird and uncomfortable. I couldn't even think of topics to ramble about.

"So." I said as we reached my house.


"Thanks for the ride. High five." I offered him my hand.

"Oh s-sure." And he high fived me.

Kill me right about now please.

After our very weird exchange of goodbye, I went inside my house. I took a long showr, washed my hair, and did all the other necessary shit being a girl involves. For my hair I decided to do simple waves and I chose a light pink dress with small golden glitter added. It was a princess cut with spaghetti straps and a high v-cut in the middle. I didn't do much with my make up. I love going all out and doing full face ones, but this dress just needed a little bit of glitter in the eyes, mascara, eyeliner, concealer, highlighter, blush, and lipgloss.

What can I say? I'm obsessed with glitter, pink, and lipgloss.

I gave myself one final look in the mirror before going downstairs to meet Archer. Seeing him waiting outside his car made me feel a bit nervous. He looked good. Really good. He was wearing a white long sleeve shirt that hung dangerously close to his body with a dark blue dress jacket on. If you looked long enough you would see the little tattoos. He had dress pants and dress shoes on. His hair was a bit messy, but looked put together. Giving another look, I noticed the presence of a gold chain around his neck.


"Elizabeth, you look-" He looked down at his feet and then quickly met my eyes again. "You look gorgeous." His lips formed a smile. A really pretty smile that I could look at for the rest of my life.

"You look really pretty too today. I don't mean you look bad on the other days. I'm just saying you look really good today. Better than usual." He raised an eyebrow at me and tilted his head a bit. "That's not what I meant. You look cute. And handsome like always."

What is going on with me today? And why can't I keep my cool?

"Handsome or pretty was enough you know?"

