The light of the sun finally coming out of the shadows hit our faces. I turned over to see Archers dark brown eyes looking like pools of honey. He raised his eyebrow at me questioning why I was looking at him, but I didn't have to have an excuse. I was looking at him because he was perfect. He was sweet like honey. He was the nothing when people asked me why I was smiling.

"You have really pretty cheekbones." Archer said, causing me to laugh. I looked over at him, finding his bottom lip in a pouty grin. "No more compliments for you."

"I'm sorry brownie. No one's ever said that to me before. Thank you." His fingers traced my face until his finger was on my lip.

"More than half the summer has passed." He said, pulling me with such ease that I was now straddling him. I placed my head in the crook of his neck. I liked being there. I liked how I felt home with him. I felt comfortable.

"I never knew summer could be this fun." It was true. I was always part of the popular group, so my summers were always full of things to do. But I guess I never really enjoyed them. The memories I had created with Archer were nothing like the ones of previous summers.

I knew I was spending the rest of my life with him.

"I like you more than I actually planned, Elizabeth." I smiled against his skin cause I knew this was true. I knew that when he met me, I annoyed him. But my silly ways attracted him and I'm glad that we're here right now.

I sometimes think that what I feel for Archer happened all too fast. I found myself wanting to run away from this feeling, never looking back because he was what happiness felt like. I've always been a happy person, but whenever I'm with him, nothing can make me sad. Nothing is worth losing him. He made me feel safe.

"How do you feel about going to the aquarium?"

"I've never gone to one." I never had a fascination for the ocean and the animals that live there. If I was being honest, I was terrified of it actually. The water is so deep and suddenly a fish or another water animal could appear.

And eat you.

"Really birdie? My mom used to take me and my sister every saturday. I guess we kind of grew out of it, but it was the reason I loved saturdays so much."

That was a special reason to love saturdays.

"Lead the way to the aquarium. Lets see why you like it so much." I realised my hold from him and stood up. He grabbed my hand before I could walk towards the car and pulled me to him.

"You feel like saturday morning Elizabeth." He said against my lips. Archer placed a long yet soft kiss on my lips. Both of us moving in unison, like we've done this a thousand times, because we had. But every time I kissed him, it felt like the first time all over again. It was a burst of happiness every time.


"Thats it. Smile for me brownie." I snapped a selfie with the dolphin between us. "Okay now a goofy one." Archer just smiled. "The dolphin knows what a goofy picture is better than you. Look at that. He's practically sticking his tongue out at you."

"Shut up." I had the urge to say make me, but we were currently in a public place surrounded by lots of people and I didn't know how Archer would react.

"Rude." I said before going in the opposite direction Archer was going in. In a matter of seconds, my feet were off the ground and my back was against Archers front as he spinned us both. I was sent into a laughing hysteria causing the surrounding people to look at us. But I didn't care.

"Let me down you big baby." Archer let me down and turned me so we were face to face.

"Kiss me." Archer said grabbing my cheeks and squishing them together. He lowered himself a bit before kissing me. "Lets see the turtles, they're my favorite."

We spent an hour more going through all the sections the aquarium had to offer. It was fun being able to see all the different animals, but a part of me felt sad. They weren't in their own ecosystem. I just feel like the animals weren't happy.

Overall, it was fun to visit the aquarium, but I don't think I could visit it again. It's not my cup of tea. But I could see why Archer enjoyed it so much. 


"Nearest supermarket. Go."

"What?" Archer asked as he buckled his seatbelt and headed out of the parking spot.

"Supermarket. Now."

"Do you need something from there?"

"Of course I do. Why else would I ask you to take me?"

"Maybe you have this weird thing about going there just to look at food. You're capable of that birdie."

"As tempting as that sounds, no I'm not going simply to look at the food. I actually want to buy to pints of ice cream thank you very much."

"Isn't it easier if I just go to an ice cream parlor and buy ice cream there?" Archer has no imagination. Sometimes I want to throw him against a rainbow and see what happens.

"No silly Archer, that wouldn't be fun would it?"

"To the supermarket we go." He was sarcastic about it, but either way he took me.


Sitting in the parking lot of the supermarket eating rocky road while Archer eats some weird ass strawberry cheesecake combination as we talk about his strange addiction to Taylor Swift has been the highlight of my day.

"My sister is in love with Taylor Swift, that's how I know a few songs."

"First, your sister has amazing taste. Second, you know the songs cause you know she's amazing."

"I mean if I were going through some really bad breakup moments, then I suppose some of her songs would help me."

"Exhibit A Mr. Perfectly Fine. That song has drugs I'm telling you. Never heard a more happy beat to a song with the saddest lyrics."

"That's exactly what the idiot of my sister thinks."

"No wonder I like her so much, we're literally the same person." Archer made a gag sound before slightly shivering.

"Never say that again. That's like saying I like my sister and trust me, I don't. I like you. A lot."

"I like myself a lot too actually. Quite obsessed with myself if you ask me."

"I've noticed. You look at yourself any chance you get."

"Wouldn't you do the same if you had my face?" I took out my phone and opened the camera app. I switched the perspective so it was in selfie mode and quickly snapped a photo of me next to a very focused ice cream eater.

"Hey I wasn't looking." Archer exclaimed trying to grab the phone from me.

"That's the whole point of it. You look cute in it."

"Give me the phone Elizabeth."

"You're gonna delete it."

"Don't make me do what I wanna do."

"Archer no. I swear I won't post it."

"Wrong answer."

Archer lunges at me using all his power to try and tickle me to death. I'm laughing so hard my tummy hurts and my eyes are watery as he tries to tickle yet land soft kisses all over my face. The perfect mix of him. His lips met mine and we shared another beautiful kiss. It was a powerful mix of strawberry with chocolate and even if you hated strawberries you would kiss Archer as much as you could. 

"I didn't know I was living until I met you. Elizabeth, you made me feel alive." He said as he pulled back.

"You made me feel as though the clouds were at my grasp, but even then I wouldn't want to touch them if I could have you instead."

God, we're like the sappy couples in movies and I absolutely love it. 


did you see what archer did there with the you feel like saturday morning?he's too cute

anyways... remember to vote and comment luvs:) 

we also got around eight more chapters to go so yeah... enjoy:) 
