"Are you sure you want to crash a wedding?" He was tapping the wheel looking all nervous. I was the lets do whatever the hell we want in the friendship while Archer was the one who reasoned out everything.

"You're not feeling it?" I could tell he wasn't. He was running his hand through his hair more than usual ruining the perfect hairstyle just a few minutes ago he had.

"Not really. I feel like we're losing a day we can use for other things."

Other things? Control yourself Elizabeth.

"But I got all dressed up."

"We can do other things all dressed up. Like look all famous. I'll act as your bodyguard." I snorted. "What's so funny Elizabeth?"

"Nothing. If we skip crashing the wedding we're getting matching frog rings."

"I'm never going to wear a frog ring."

"Bitch." Fuck, I did it again.

"Oh my Elizabeth."

"Sorry brownie. Take me to the fanciest place you know."

"We'll go wedding crashing another time. Yeah?"

"Yeah stranger."

I tried not looking at him, but it was hard. He looked like Leonardo Di Caprio and Dylan O'brian had a child together. I can't even explain it. His jaw was sharp and his side profile was great. His nose was the perfect size. And randomly his Adam's Apple would go up and down. His eyebrows were a little darker than his hair. And his eyes. They were my favorite.

It was a rich brown. And if the sun hit them they would look like an endless pool... An endless pool of honey. And if you stared at them long enough, you would be sucked into them. They could also pass as a bottle of whiskey. Addicting in the way you could never get enough of them. You could get drunk off there color and you wouldn't care about the after effects.

"I know we talked about it earlier, but why do you really hate it when I cuss? Only if you're comfortable tho." His jaw twitched. His eyelids closed for a second, but he quickly remembered he was driving. So instead he rubbed his jaw. For a minute I thought he wasn't going to answer. That he was just going to ignore my whole question. Even if we met a few weeks ago, I knew him well enough when he felt uncomfortable or when he was lying. And this morning, I could tell he was, I just didn't want to push him.

"My mom didn't like them. Still doesn't. She would- uh she would slap us when we would cuss. I didn't really know the meaning of them and all my friends at school were saying them. I know its stupid, but she hated it. Said it ruined your image. So after a couple hundred slaps, I understood to never say them. I mean, they weren't hard slaps, she didn't abuse us. She would lightly hit us."

If I said that his mom was stupid, would that be considered rude?

"I think its a little stupid. Cuss words all form part of the english vocabulary for a reason, so why not say them. For example when you stub your toe really hard, theres no other word you want to scream except fucking shit. It's nothing bad."

"I know what you mean, it's just she hates them. And I love my mom too much to even care why she would hit me for saying that. Plus my grandfather doesn't really like them either."

"You could always use fuckery right?"

"Hilarious birdie." He said with a hint of laughter and sarcasm.

We pulled up at a restaurant before we could respond. The outside looked like it was worth more than my life, but what could you expect, Archer came from a rich family. This was probably nothing.

"Why did you ask me to bring you here?"

"Well bodyguard, help me out of the car. I'm starving." He licked his lips before smiling and getting out of the car. He opened my door and offered me his hand. And just like every time he touched me, an electricity was felt through all of my body.

If I lean over a bit to smell him, would that be weird? Maybe.

"Reservation for Ms. Skye." Archer said, taking off his sunglasses and looking straight at the guy behind the desk.

"I'm sorry we don't have one."

"Well thats not fucking good isn't it?" Cut the camaras, did Archer curse?

Oh my God was I trapped into a movie like Mack and Brody where in Teen Beach Movie.

The desk was tall so the guy couldn't see when he extended his arm and squeezed my wrist letting me know that he did actually curse.

"Do you not know who Miss Elizabeth Skye is?"

Miss Elizabeth Skye... like the sound of that.


"I'm already planning on giving this place four stars, don't make me turn it into a three. Now get us a table.''

"Right away sir. Sorry sir." He started waking away gidding us to our table, but I said something low to Archer before we went.

"You look hot being all alpha male." His cheeks were rapidly filled with heat and turned pink. And I couldn't believe I just had enough confidence to say that.

When I tell you this place was filled of snobby rich people, I am not lying. I mean this was insane. Next level rich.

As soon as I sat at the table, my phone started vibrating in my purse. Why was my mom calling?

"Let me take this real quick." I hated people who spoke on the phone during a date, but mom never called unless it was important and never during work. Could you consider this a date? Archer nodded letting me know he was okay with it.

"Hi mom. Everything okay?"

"Yes. Just wanted to tell you that the agency called. You didn't get the part."


"Turns out they want to audition you for the main character. They have five girls they are auditioning, so it might take a while. But make sure to not plan anything for June 17."

"Oh my- oh my fuckers. Holy fuckery. I can't believe it. Really?"

"Fuckery? Darling thats not a word. But, Yes sweetie. I'm so proud of you."

"Thank you. I'll see you soon."

"Are you with that boy? What was his name, yes Archy, no Archer."

"Bye mom." I said rolling my eyes and hanging up. I can't believe it.

"What was that all about?" Archer asked me as his eyebrow went up.

"Nothing important. The casting agency called and they want to audition me for the main fucking character. You know I can't arch just one eyebrow."

I really couldn't. How the fuck do people actually just decide to arch one.

"This is the only time I'm letting you cuss without caring. That's amazing. Congrats birdie." He took my hand across the table gently rubbing his thumb against my skin.

Do normal friends do this?

The waiter came and took our orders. Archer had to basically translate the whole thing cause I couldn't understand half the shit written there. I ended up ordering sirloin with french fries and pasta. Really classy, I know, but you can never go wrong with french fries. Archer ordered a salmon with some weird ass rice.

The great thing about all of this was when we were going to pay the waiter said it was on the house since Elizabeth Skye ate at their restaurant.

Having a hot name really helps in moments like these.

"Now miss Elizabeth, how would you like to celebrate the fact that you got another call back?" Archer asked as he buckled my seatbelt making sure that our hands touched. From this angle I could smell his perfume without it being weird.

"I say we get ice cream and then go back to my place so you Mister Luca can read me another book."

"Funny how you couldn't even look at a book a few weeks ago."

"What can I say? I'm full of surprises brownie."

"That you are Elizabeth." He said before driving off. 

archer won't forget about the promise to crash a wedding, so dont worry:)) 
anyways, remember to vote and comment babes:) 
