"I know your audition is tomorrow, so I thought we could do something to help you relax." Did I really seem that tense? Probably, but I was nervous. Like I'm about to cry or vomit from stress and nerves. This is a big deal. And my mind is constantly reminding me that this could really make or break my career.

"It's only seven so lead the way." These last few days have been chill. We really haven't done anything so intense or extravagant, and I honestly like it. It's peaceful.

"Do you have a fear of heights Elizabeth?"

"Not that I know of. Why?"

"Where I'm taking you. It's kind of high."

"Cool." Who the fuckery says cool?

Archer started driving and drumming againsts the wheel. It was cute. He was thinking about something. Like lips pressed against each other forming a line and eyebrows so close together they could touch at any moment. He turned his head to me and gave me a smile before rubbing his chin as he kept a hand of the wheel.

I could see his eyes shifting to me back to the street. He took a deep breath and suddenly I felt his hand grab mine. I moved it a little, so our fingers could be intertwined together. With our skins in contact, his whole body relaxed. 

I was trying hard to hide the stupid grin on my face.

Was he nervous about grabbing my hand?

He didn't say anything after he took my hand. He just mirrored the same idiotic smile that I was wearing.

"A parking garage?" That where we were. I'm not trying to trash parking garages, but that's exactly what I'm doing.

"You'll see."

"Um Archer."

"Yes Elizabeth?"

"You kind of have to let go of my hand so I can get out of the car." I said in a low voice.

"Do I really?" He mirrored my soft tone.

"Just for five seconds." He shook his head and released my hand from his hold. As soon as I got out of the car, Archer was already next to me, grabbing my hand in his again. I looked up at him only to find him looking down at me with a soft smile. He got closer to me and pressed his lips on my forehead.

"Come on. We have to go up the stairs."

Oh my God! We reached the top floor of the parking place. It didn't have a ceiling so the night filled with stars surrounded us. I was too engrossed into Archer holding my hand on the way here that I didn't notice we passed an airport. From the parking garage we had a clear view to the runaway and we could see planes landing and departing.

"This is amazing."

"Right. Sit here with me." We sat on the railing. That's why he asked me if I was afraid of heights. There was a tiny voice in the back of my mind saying:

What if I just jump?

"Are you happy Elizabeth?" Archer asked as one of the planes drove around the runway.

"Right now or usually?"


"Well yes I am happy. And I'm extremely happy right now."

"That's good. You know... you're the type of girl people write books about."


"I'm serious. You're sweet and caring. And God you have the prettiest eyes I've ever seen."

"You like my eyes?"

"First thing I look at everytime I see you."

"I like your eyes too. They're a different shade of brown. They look like pools of honey or whiskey. I can't quite pick yet." I said laughing a little at the end.

"You're going to do great tomorrow. I know it, You're going to do so amazing they'll cast you right there. After, you'll become a famous actress."

Oh how I wish that were true. I'm praying it is.

"And you'll become a famous singer that uses his free time to paint."

"We have our lives planned out don't we?" We really did.

"Definitely Archer. And once we're both famous, we'll travel the world together."

"We have big dreams." He responded. I stood up from the railing and pulled him out too.

"Lets dance."

"I can't dance Elizabeth." We'll see about that Archer. I, of course, knew how to dance. I hadn't taken years of ballet and jazz and any other type of dance for no reason. I knew my shit.

"There's no one here. So who cares?"

"I care about your feet. You need them for tomorrow birdie."

"And I need you right now, so stop being so dramatic." I took out my phone, opened spotify, and allowed whatever song to play.

Walking in the Wind by One Direction- my favorite. There's just something about a band who decided to take a break and don't have any chances to get together again that brings me so much joy.

Sike... I cry myself to sleep thinking they aren't together anymore.

"How are we supposed to dance to this song? Is it like slow dancing or like moving around?"

"However you want brownie. As my contemporary teacher would say: 'Feel the music. Feel it in your bones."

"We should play tag." Archer let go of my hand. "Tag." And off he was.

"We're supposed to be dancing. You're a child." I said before running after him. "Tag."

"You're fast, just not fast enough." I felt his hands wrap me from behind before picking me up and giving me a twirl. "You wanted to dance Elizabeth, this is kind of dancing." I laughed because this was truly amazing.

"Let me down."

"You enjoy being there Elizabeth, but alright." I placed my feet on the floor before turning to him. His hands went to my hair and pushed a few strands out of the way.

"Gosh Elizabeth, you're gorgeous." He said, licking his lips. I knew he truly meant it. I've never had problems with my confidence. I've learned to love my body how it is. I can't change it. I'm healthy and can do anything with it, that's what matters. But when someone you deeply care about, someone like Archer, thinks you're gorgeous and constantly reminds you... it feels so different.

"Fuck sorry." I walked towards my phone. "Sorry its my mom." I Picked up my phone. "Yes mom I'll be home soon. Promise."

"I guess we're heading back home?" I nod, looking back at the airport. I take the scenery one last time before turning back to Archer. "Ready?"

"Let's go."

We walk back the same way we came up here. It's funny to think how I hate going up the stairs, but going down isn't that bad. It's like when you're going up a hill. It takes a lot of energy, but going down gives you energy.

I don't know if that made sense.

Archer rushed down the stairs and waited for me at the bottom. When I was on the step before the last one he held his hands out to me. Confused, I extended mine to him. He picked me up and gave us a few spins. Our loud laughter filled the parking spot and I'm glad no one but us was able to experience this sweet moment. Because it was only ours to cherish forever.

He gently placed me down, but his hands stayed pressed against my waist. The night was chilly, but his hands on me exerted heat. I felt warm with him.

"I had fun tonight." Our faces were close.

"I always have fun with you Archer."

"You're going to do great tomorrow. I can already see it. Elizabeth Skye next famous actriz."

"I really hope so."

He grabbed my hands and brought them to his lips. He placed a few kisses against the palm of my hand. I smiled back at him. He could do anything and I would get butterflies.

And it was that night that I realized how scared I was to lose him. I was scared that all these summer memories I was making would fade into, well memories.


my dramatic ass doesn't want to write the last five chapters because I don't want to stop writing about them:)

anyways- thank you for reading! make sure to vote and comment

if you have any constructive criticism or just anything you want to see from Archer and Elizabeth, let me know:))
