You know what I hate? Waking up before my alarm and realizing I only have three minutes before it's actually time to wake up. But instead of actually getting out of bed, I'll close my eyes and fall asleep for three more minutes. They can make the difference. Sometimes it feels like three minutes turn into three hours while other days it feels like three seconds.

After acting for two years, I have one of the biggest casting calls ever. My agent called me the other day to tell me the news and I almost died and came back to life. I've been in a few commercials here and there, but nothing too big sadly. I've been an extra in a few movies and even got a speaking part in the latest big movie that came out last year. "Seven Minutes After I Die."

I was a nurse and was all like: "Sir, please I need you to give the doctors space." I'm not one to toot my own horn, but I did amazingly.

Everyone has been obsessed with the movie since it came out. And it was fun to see myself on the big screen. I've always wanted to become a famous actress. It's a dream and I'm willing to do anything for it, but not all dreams come true. Nothing is going to be handed to me on a silver platter. So I work hard and try anything to make it happen.

Today's audition is for a small role in a tv show. They don't start filming until August of this year. They've done a couple of bigger auditions, but haven't found their main actors. Fingers crossed I'm one of them right?

After brushing my teeth, applying a small amount of makeup, and straightening my hair, I change into a pair of white pants, black shirt, and a black leather jacket on top. I added a belt to my pants just to give my body a bit of form.

Ash, my best friend, was coming to pick me up today. She had a dance class in the morning, but wanted to wish me luck before my audition. She's been dancing basically all her life. Something I wish I could do. She focuses on ballet. I tried taking a few classes, but it simply wasn't for me. I prefer hip hop or jazz, but it still isn't my favorite thing to do. But Ash? She lives for the movement and storytelling ability that comes with dance.

You'd think I would be head over heels to be able to dance any type of style, but no. Having to constantly stretch and practice my balance, jumps, and turns made me stressed.

My mom and dad have almost always been supportive of my acting dream. I think sometimes they just wished I had chosen a more stable career path. I get where they're coming from, sometimes I wish it for myself too.

"Hey Skye." Ash greeted me as I entered her car. The same car she's had since we both got our drivers license. I always asked her why she didn't upgrade, but she always responded with; 'this car holds too many memories.'

And it did. This is where she had her first kiss. This is where we both cried after our first highschool breakups. We would spend hours in this car, talking and studying and we might have brought a few boys over. We were the life of the party in highschool.

"Breakfast on me. I'm thinking Dennys." I offer since she's picking me up.

"Sounds good. What time is your audition?" She asks.

"Ten thirty. So we still have an hour and a half." It's actually at eleven, but I always like getting a little bit earlier to get the feel of the environment.

"How are you feeling about it?"

"I'm good. All I have to do is a monologue. I'm going for the main character's best friend. Think her name is Maddie or something like that."

"You're gonna kill it. Remember me when you're famous and please get me a dancing job."She pleads.

"Oh I will. I will probably be the judge of some dance competition and I'll totally be biased." I said and we both laughed.

A few minutes later, we arrived at Dennys. Have I said how much I love Dennys and their french toast? Oh and let's not forget about their oreo milk shake.

Fucking devine.Wait sorry, fuckery devine. Archers no curse rule has been stuck in my head.

"So, where the hell were you last night?"

"What do you mean?" I asked innocently. How can you tell your bestfriend you spent the night doing something you've hated for years.


"We share our locations and you were at the beach. Until almost three or four in the morning." Darn it. I completely forgot to turn it off.

"And what were you doing awake at almost four in the morning?" I asked, trying to change the conversation. She's usually an early sleeper, so the fact that she knows this means she was up to no good either.

"No. Don't do that. Spill." Saved by the waiter. He came and took our order. I could see him eyeing her up. I mean who wouldn't fall for my best friend. She was gorgeous. From her dark brown hair to the freckles in her cheeks. Anyone would be lucky to have.

"He was totally flirting with you."

"Was not." Denial is not going to help her single status. "And don't change the subject. Spill now."

"Archer took-" She cut me off.

"Who the hell is Archer?" Minor detail. I forgot to tell her who Archer was.

"Oh well this guy I met at the park. He's nice. Friendly. Brown hair. Brown eyes that look like pools of honey when the sun hits him. Dresses really nice. Always reading. Doesn't like it when I curse and for some reason he insists on calling me Elizabeth instead of Sky or Liz or Eli." I make my sentences quick and short.

"That was a lot of fucking information."


"So brown hair and brown eyes. Scale from Alexander Jones to Will Anderson, how hot?" We had created that scale in highschool. They were two hottest guys at school, but so freaking different. Alexander was all dark skinned, green eyes, wavy messy hair, 6'3, football player. Anderson was white, blue eyes, black hair, president of the High School honor society and school committee.

"He's the guy in the back of class that nobody really talks to, but suddenly one day you're partnered up with him and it turns out he has this messy brown hair and these captivating brown eyes that call you in. He's shy at first, but once you get to know him he's outgoing and fun." I explain to her in a way I know she would understand. However, if someone else were to listen to our conversation, they would be totally confused.

"The quiet boy that should get more recognition. Gives me more Anderson vibes." She concludes.


"He sounds hot."

"He is." I feel a tiny blush creeping, but choose to ignore it.

"How tall?"

"I don't think he reaches six feet, maybe around five eleven."

"Still hot. What did you guys do?" I take a moment contemplating whether I should tell her or lie.

"Fuck." I respond and Ash spit out her drink. "I'm kidding. He read me a book." That sounds weird to admit. Even as I recall the memories of last night, I still can't believe they really happened.

"A book?" She asks in disbelief. Ash has never been much of a reader either.

"Yeah. Death of the Kingdom."

"And you enjoyed it?"

"Yes. Actually, I cried."

"He read you a book?" She repeats the question again. I know she can't believe it and it's actually the funniest thing ever.


"Does he have a brother or sister? Maybe a second cousin?" I chuckled at her question.

"He has a sister. She's not legal."

"Fuck." I throw my head backwards and laugh. "Good for you though. I started talking to this girl. That's why I stayed up so late last night."

"Look at you ruining your sleep schedule for yet another person." Ash had come out bi a year ago. We cried together and I helped her come out to her parents. Everyone supported her and nothing changed. Thankfully she had it easy, I know others haven't been so lucky.

"Says the girl that stayed out last night just so someone could read them a book. That's disgusting."

"He also brought me chocolate milk." It sounds more and more surreal as I remember everything.

"Definitely a keeper."


The audition ran a little late so I got out around two-thirty. It was a small mess. Not the audition, but the process. They had mixed up the hours with a few other girls and the casting director was so chaotic and not in a good way. His papers were all over his desk and I'm pretty sure he had spilt his coffee a few times.

I went to my house and talked to my mom about it, then took a shower and changed into some jeans, a sweatshirt, and a white headband for my hair.

I know summer heat is a thing, but sweatshirts are fun and comfy.

I went to the park crossing my fingers he was there already and luckily he was. Of course he was, he spends his days reading at the park.

"How did it go?" He asked as I sat down.

"Good. I think. Hopefully. I won't find out until a couple of weeks from now." This was one of the few things I hated about auditions. Getting to know if you got the part or didn't usually took a while and made my stress levels go to the roof.

"Okay." He opened his book again and I noticed the flower I gave him was his new bookmark. I placed my hands on the table and then placed my head on top of them. I stayed like that for a while.

We stayed like that for a while... in silence.

"I was thinking." He commented in a low voice.

"How the tables turn."

"Elizabeth, are you trying to be funny?"

"Not trying. I am funny." I have the whole comedian thing going on for me.

"Okay. I was thinking maybe we can go out tomorrow. Wherever the car takes us. Maybe watch the sunrise from the car. Just do whatever."

"I like that. Pick me up early tomorrow." I took out my phone from my bag. "Let me check when the sun comes out."

"I could always bring another book." He said as I checked on my phone. It was a tone I didn't know the name of. It was simple and sweet and my heart raced more than it should.

"Yes. It goes up around 6:45. Pick me up at six."

"Got it."

We were the type of people who didn't need to speak a lot in order to convey something. It was blissful. Many people are scared of silence. It speaks louder than words, but when two people don't know how to express their feelings, silence does it for them.
