Part 9


You look at Taehyung who is sleeping while put his head on the table. You chuckled and stare at him enjoying the view. His cute puffy cheeks, his pouty lips. He look like a total different person when sleeping.

'So cute.. I want to pinch those cheeks'

You touch his cheek softly hoping he won't open his eyes but he did. You look at him flustered. He chuckled and sit while looking at you. His head on his elbow as his elbow on the table. He look at you and smirk.

Y/n: W-what's with that smirk huh?

TH: Nothing. Why did you touch my cheek? Am I too cute to resist?

You look away with your red face.

Y/n: N-no. It's just that-

TH: What?

You groaned feeling annoyed as you lean close to his face that you can feel his hot breath. He look at you surprised by your action as his face start to heat up. You smirk at him, for the first time he saw you smirking.

'That's sexy'

Y/n: You are not the only one who can make people blush, Tae.. And yes, you are too cute that I can't resist. Happy?

You said with your deep voice making him feeling intimidated. You chuckled and look back at infront.

'I can't believe I just did that to him'

Yuna look at you both holding herself from shouting in excitement. She has been fangirling and shipping you both since start and she can't resist you both cuteness.

Yuna: You both are so cute! My heart.

She touch her chest as she stare at you both excitedly. 

Yuna: When will you both get together huh?

You both silent making her sighed in frustration.

Yuna: Coward.

She mumbled. She notice that you both are getting awkward so she decided to change the topic.

Yuna: Hey, don't you think Jungkook suddenly changed after the marriage? He suddenly start to get friendly and all smiley like he is so happy.

Y/n: I notice that. Maybe he is happy with Jisoo? Why don't you ask her?

Yuna: Come on, let's ask together.

Y/n: No, thx. I don't like getting into other business.

Yuna: Don't you like Jungkook? Or you already jealous?

Y/n: Why would I? And you know I don't like him anymore. 

Yuna: Of course. Why would you need Jungkook when you already have Taehyung with you.

She said while smirking teasingly making you and Taehyung blush.

Y/n: When will you stop talking like this?

Yuna: Until you both confess to each other.

She smile innocently.

Y/n: Ugh, KIM YUNA!


Y/n: What do you want to talk about?

You ask Taehyung who is looking at you lovingly. Currently, you both are at the park after class ended as Taehyung want to talk about 'something' to you and that makes you curious.

TH: I..Uh.. How can I say this?

'Ugh, come on Taehyung.. I've never confess to anyone before so how can I know this?'

You chuckled seeing how nervous he is.

Y/n: Calm down.. Take your time..

TH: Y/n-ah.. I..

Y/n: I'm hearing..

He suddenly hold you hands and caress it.


Your eyes widen as you look at him in shock.

Y/n: Y-you what?

TH: I love you. I know we just know each other for a month but you make me feel something that I've never felt. It's hurt when I saw you cry for him. But time pass and I saw how you looking at me. I'm so happy because the way you look at me is very different than the way you look at him. I know you love me too but I'm afraid that I just full of myself so I didn't confess. But now, I'm saying that I love you, Lee Y/n. I promise, I will love you, take care for you and protect you until the end of my life. You are my life and I want you to smile for me, laugh with me and I don't want you to waste your tears ever again. So, let me be the one for you. Let me wipe your tears and let me be the reason behind your smile. Let me love you. Trust me, love me and I promise you won't regret for saying yes to me.

He said while looking in your eyes as you do the same. There's only love and sincere in his eyes when he saying those words that makes your heart beat fast. Your eyes get watery hearing his word.

TH: Lee Y/n, will you be my girlfriend and be the love of my life?

You look at him and nodded.

Y/n: Yes I will..

He smile and hugged you tight. You both broke the hug and stare at each other. He look at your lips then your eyes. He kiss you passionately as you kiss him back. Meanwhile Yuna, Jimin and Jisoo is watching you two with an awe. The moment you both kiss, Yuna screamed.


Jisoo quickly closed Yuna's mouth with her palm.

JS: Shut up! You will ruined their moments!

Jimin just watching them while chuckling.

'She's cute' 

He said while looking at Yuna.

You both break the kiss and connected your forehead with his.

TH: I love you, my love.

Y/n: I love you too Tae.

            -TO BE CONTINUED-
