Part 11


After the graduation, Taehyung propose you and become the CEO of His father company same to Jungkook. Jisoo becomes Jungkook's secretary while you and Yuna doesn't found a job yet. Jimin is working with your brother at your brother's company. Turns out that your brother is the CEO of Lee company at Seoul. Taehyung is living with you at your new house gifted by your brother.

Y/n: No, I don't want to.

Yuna: Why not? Your brother is the CEO so why don't you want to go work with him?

Y/n: Because he will make so many rules for me and I don't like it.

Yuna: How about Taehyung's?

Y/n: You know I don't have good relationship with her mother. And I don't want his workers makes a fuss with me. I'm tired.

Yuna: Um... How about Jungkook's? You know Jisoo soon will take her father place as CEO so why don't you be Jungkook's secretary?

Y/n: Taehyung won't like that.

Yuna: Then don't work.

Y/n: Ugh, I have to work!

Yuna: Then go bear your mother-in-law. Taehyung also want you to work at his company.

You sighed.

Y/n: Fine..


TH: Really?! You agreed to be my PA?

You nodded. He hugged you.

TH: Yeay finally I can look at your face 24 hours.

Y/n: But I hope you can be professional when we are working.

TH: Of course.. I am Kim Taehyung. Professional is my middle name. 

You chuckled.

TH: Love..

You look at him confused as his face suddenly turned to serious but not too serious.

Y/n: What's wrong?

TH: Where did you go yesterday?

Y/n: Yesterday? Um... I'm with Yuna. We go to the coffee shop as she want me to company her meeting her male cousin. Why?

TH: Is this her cousin?

He ask as he show you a guy picture. You nodded.

Y/n: Yeah.. Why do you ask tho?

He sighed as he show you a picture of you and a guy hugging.

Y/n: Yeah, I hugged him but as a friendly hug. Infact, Yuna also there watching us. Who give you this?

TH: Mother.

Y/n: Ahhh.. So you thought that I'm cheating on you?

TH: What? No! Of course not! That's why I asked you first.. I know you won't cheat on me. I trust you..

' She really hates me huh? She must send someone to spying on me that's why she get that pic and give it to Tae without knowing the truth behind it.'


You walk in the company with Taehyung feeling a little bit nervous seeing the workers stare at you. Some of them is looking at you in shock of your beauty, some of them is looking at you with jealousy as Taehyung is holding your hand tightly and some of them give you a friendly smile.


Taehyung clear his throat.

TH: This is Lee Y/n, my fiance and my new PA. Don't ever make her uncomfortable, flirt with her and hurt her.

He said with a cold tone while glare at his workers. You bow and give a small smile.

Y/n: Hi, I'm Lee Y/n. Nice to meet you all.

TH: Nayeon, tour her around. I have a meeting later so I hope you can take care of her for me.

Y/n: But I can take care of myself.

TH: Just in case. See you soon,love.

He peck your lips and left you with Nayeon. Nayeon bow at him and smile at you. She notice that some of the workers is staring at you so she shout.

NY: Continue your work!

She smile at you.

NY: Hi, I'm Im Nayeon.. Taehyung's cousin.

Y/n: Lee Y/n.

NY: Taehyung should introduce you sooner. We can be a good friends! And I can see you are a good girl. Come on, I'll show you around.

You giggle as she pulled your hand softly to follow her.


TH: What are you thinking? You thought that I would break up with her with that only pic? You are just my step mother so know your place! 

Mrs.Kim: I'm still your mother!

He scoffed.

TH: I know you are cheating on my dad. I know you are just using him for his money and I know.... You want to kill me so that all the properties will be yours.. But don't forget I have a brother. And I know all of your plan so don't act innocent. Now, tell me.. Who is the girl on my phone that you deleted? Who is she? Why did you delete the picture?

Mrs.Kim: She is not important for you to know.

TH: Then why you didn't tell me about her if she is not that important?

Mrs.Kim: Because she is....

TH: She is what?

Mrs.Kim: She's already dead and you don't have to remember her.


You suddenly bumped into a hard chest. You bow and look up.

Y/n: I-I'm sorry sir..

??: No, it's okay.

You bow again and walk away. He look at you confused.


