Part 12

TH: Hyung, come in..

Jin come to Tae's cabin and sit infront of him.

Jin: I heard your fiance is working here. Where is she?

TH: Wait I'll call her.

After a few minutes you come in and bow to both of them. Jin look at you in confusion.

TH: This is Y/n, my fiance. Love, this is my brother Jin.

Jin: Call me Jin oppa.

Y/n: Okay..

TH: You look bothered. Is everything okay?

You look at him with a small smile and nodded.

Y/n: I'm fine. I'll go now.

You bow and left the office. Jin look at him.

Jin: Isn't that the girl that in your gallery?

TH: Really? She is Y/n?

Jin: I guess. How can't you remember her?

TH: I don't know.. It's keep making my head hurts.

Jin: But how can her picture in your phone? She doesn't tell you anything?

TH: I don't know and no she didn't. I also can't show her the picture since mother already delete it.

Jin: Why did she do that?

TH: I don't know. She keep bugging into my relationship with Y/n. And I know she don't like Y/n..

Jin: Why? She seem nice.

TH: I don't know and I don't care.

After awhile talking Jin left him and go to his car. He dialed someone number.


??: Hello hyung?

Jin: Hey.. I think I found your sister.


??: Until will you keep her Suho?

SH: B-but.. I love her as my sister! I can't let her go.. She doesn't remember anything so let her be. She is my sister now.

??: But she isn't your sister at the first place! You kidnapped her for revenge. Now you got your revenge, why don't you tell her the truth?

SH: I can't don't you understand?! I don't want her to hate me.

??: You don't want until she got to know this by herself.


TH: Hey, what's wrong?

Y/n: He keep staring at me making me uncomfortable.. How I wish I can plucked his eyeballs out.

TH: Who?

Y/n: What is his name again? Ah that Hyunwoo guy. 

TH: I'll place your office in my cabin.

Y/n: Don't you think it'll be small?

TH: Nah, it's fine. Or you can sit at my lap instead?

He smirk playfully as you look at him disgusted.

Y/n: No thanks.


Mrs.Kim: She still alive. But I think she changed her name.

??: What? She still alive? I already kill her by my own hands! And what do you mean she changed her name?

Mrs.Kim: The girl that you kill is Hwang Hyejin but Taehyung's fiance is Lee Y/n. I don't really know if that is really her but what I know is. Their face is really same. Just this Y/n is such a brave girl. She's getting on my nerves.

??: Brave huh?

Mrs.Kim: So what are we gonna do now, Do hyun sshi?

DH: If she is Hyejin, she will remember those things we did and her past with Taehyung.

Mrs.Kim: Hyejin or Y/n, they both fall inlove with him. They will get married in 2 months.

DH: Kill her. Then we'll kill Taehyung. We don't need to kill Jin since he is just adopted.

Mrs.Kim: But Taehyung doesn't know about it.

DH: Then don't let him know it.


??: What do you mean you found my sister? Did you really found Hyejin?

Jin: Hyunjin-ah.. I just saw her but she said she is Lee Y/n.. Taehyung's fiance.

HY: She is maybe not Hyejin.

Jin: But her face is really same! 100% same, I swear! She maybe lost her memories and then someone changed her name so that she won't remember anything.

HY: Hmm.. I won't hoping high. Maybe she is not my Hyejin but if she is.. I'll be very happy.

Jin: Things will be complicated.. You still didn't kill him right?

HY: I need Taehyung's help to kill him. Do hyun kill my sister and if he knows she is still alive, he will kill her.

Jin: May I know why he want to kill her?

Hyunjin sighed.


Yuna: Hey come on.. Why are you so moody huh? Are you on your period?

You nodded.

Yuna: Then let's turn your mood. Let's go to the mall. Jisoo is also coming. It's been awhile since we hang out together. Please?

You sighed.

Y/n: Fine.


JS: So, how is you two relationship going?

Yuna: Jimin is very sweet but sometimes he can be flirty like very flirty.

You both chuckled as you think about Taehyung.

JS: How about you, Y/n? You will get married in 2 months. Doesn't it too fast?

Y/n: Ouh says the one who get married even before graduate.

You said sarcasticly with a small smile.

JS: Hey it's a forced and I don't regret it.

Y/n: Yeah, it's fast. But we love each other and we know our love will last forever. Just hoping nothing bad will happen to us. Our relationship is healthy and I'm really happy that I have a caring, lovely, cute, handsome and perfect fiance. Sometimes, it's hard to believe that I'm going to marry Kim Taehyung.

Yuna: You deserve him. You lost Jungkook but you got Taehyung. The moment I saw him, I know he is the one for you.

JS: How lucky you are.

Y/n: Haha, I think so too.

Suddenly you bumped into someone.

??: I'm sorry..

You both bow as you look at his face. Your head start to hurt as you got a flashback.


??: Now I'm gonna get my revenge. Hyejin-ah.. I'm sorry but I'll kill you.

Hyejin: W-wait but why?

She ask already crying.

??: Your father kill my family. Now he's already dead, I'm gonna take a revenge on you and your brother. Goodbye.

He smirk and stabbed her.


You open your eyes and saw Yuna and Jisoo looking at you worried. The man is already gone.

JS: Hey, are you okay?

Y/n: H-hyejin..

You mumbled.

Yuna: What? Are you okay? What happen to you?

Y/n: Where is that man?

JS: He just left after saying sorry. Are you okay?

Y/n: C-can we go home? My head is hurt.

Yuna: Sure..


HY: Our father kill his family and he want to get revenge. Since our parents already dead he want to get revenge on me and Hyejin by killing us. He kidnapped us but I got escape and I can't save her. When I came back to where he hide us, she is gone and there's more blood than before at there. His man told that he already kill her but after years of searching.. I got to know that she is still alive.

Jin: Your father is a mafia, right?

He nodded.

HY: Do hyun is also a mafia and that's why I need Taehyung's help.

Jin: Why Taehyung?

HY: Because he is the mafia boss that everyone scared of.

