Part 6

You look at your hand who were hold by Taehyung tightly. Your cheeks turned red. At the same time, you are confused by his actions because you both just met and now he is holding your hand like you both are couple. You suddenly remember something.

Y/n: How do you know I have a brother?

TH: I heard you said Suho oppa.. He is your brother,right?

Y/n: Yeah-wait.. Did you heard everything?

He nodded.

TH: Don't ever try to suicide again. Who knows I might can't save you again.

Y/n: Thank you again.

He just hummed. He suddenly ask something.

TH: Do you like someone?

Y/n: Yeah, I do.. For 3 years but he likes my bestfriend and I'm not blaming him. Yuna is perfect but he got forced to marry my other bestfriend Jisoo.

TH: Poor him.. I heard he got rejected by Yuna.

Y/n: Yeah.. He is a badboy but popular because-

TH: Because of his looks. What is his name?

Y/n: Jeon Jungkook.

TH: Ouh, that boy.. He is kind..

Y/n: I know.. Wait you know him?

TH: My ex bestfriend.

Y/n: Why not anymore?

TH: We lost contact after I moved to Paris. He was kind and shy around girls but I think he changed.

Y/n: He is shy? Wow I've never saw him like that unless around his crush. How about you? Don't you have a girlfriend?

TH: No I don't..

He suddenly remember the girl picture on his phone and he immediately search it on his gallery but he doesn't found it.

'Did I delete it? Ugh, I don't remember her face because it's make my heart Y/n's face.. Her face calm me but also hurt me.'

Y/n: You okay?

He look at you and keep his phone on his pocket.

TH: I'm fine.

Y/n: Oh we are here. Thank you for walking me home.

TH: My pleasure. Our house is just near with the college. I go now..

You smile and wave him goodbye. He walk away but stop. He run to you and kissed your cheek. Your eyes widen as your face turned red. He run away blushing.

'Sht Kim Taehyung! Why did you kissed her cheek?! Her cheek is so soft same like her hand.. Ugh stop it! You are embarrassing yourself!'

He scolded himself in his mind.Meanwhile you just stood there like a statue trying to process what just happened. Suddenly your brother came out and look at you teasingly make your face more red.

Suho: Ooo~ Who's that boy? Is he your boyfriend?

Y/n: He j-just a friend!

Suho: You look like a tomato..

He laughed. You glared at him and run to the house entering your room with your red face.You screamed to your pillow.

Y/n: AAAAA! God.. This is embarrassing..

You touched your cheek and smile widely like a person who madly inlove.

'Kim Taehyung/ Lee Y/n.. What are you doing to me?'-Y/n/Taehyung

