Part 3


You and Jisoo enter the college greetings by students crowding something or someone.You both approach the crowded and saw Jungkook kneeling infront of Yuna.Yuna has a pissed expression on her face and doesn't even notice you.

JK: Yuna, I want to tell you that I like you so much. Will you be my girlfriend?

Yuna: I'm sorry,Jungkook but I don't feel the same. I like someone else. I'm sorry.

She walked away leaving Jungkook who is hanging his head low. The students go to their own way while you and Jisoo is still looking at Jungkook.

Y/n: I feel sorry to him.

JS: Don't you think this is a chance for you to comfort him?

Y/n: He will push me away..

JS: Just try..

You sighed and walked to him.

Y/n: Hey.. It's fine..I know how it feels..

He stand up and leave you without any words.

'Ouch..That's hurt'

JS: Sorry for that..

Y/N: No, it's okay.. Let's go.


Yuna: Hey Y/n and Jisoo..

JS: Did you just-

Yuna: Yeah, I'm sorry for being rude.. It's just my jealousy can't get controlled but I know you don't have feelings for Jimin and will share Y/n right?

JS: Of course.. Y/n is our bestfriend.

Y/n: Why are you both really want me?

Yuna: Because you are a gold.. Anyway did you both saw everything?

JS: Yes. And Y/n want to comfort him but he just leave her alone.

Y/n: He just want to be alone. Atleast you didn't reject him harshly.

Yuna: I'm not that mean okay?

Y/n: I hope Jimin won't reject you..

Yuna: Yah! He won't because I'll never confessed.

JS: You both are so same..


She enter her house greeted by her parents.

JS'sMom: Hey sweetie.. Come here, we have something to talk about.

She sat infront of them at the couch.

JS'sDad: You are getting married with my business partner's son Jeon Jungkook.

Her eyes widen.

JS: WHAT?! Why?

JS'sDad: For the company and want it or not you have to marry him.No buts.

He walk upstairs leaving her in tears. Her mom look at her in pity and hugged her.

JS'sMom: Shh.. I'm sorry,sweetie. But it's just for 7 months and you can get divorced with him. We can't do anything..You know how stubborn your father is.

'How can I tell Y/n this.. I'm sorry Y/n-ah..'


JK: With who?!

JK'sDad: Don't you shout at me Jeon Jungkook! You have to marry Jisoo either you want it or not! It's for your best.

JK: I can't believe that you forced your own son in forced marriage because of that fcking company.

He run to his room and slammed the door and locked it.

JK: I just get rejected and now I will get marry with Jisoo? This is the worst day in my life.


You are walking at the park and someone also walked to the opposite way to you and you both walked pass each other. He look at you who is walking away from him.

'Is it her or it's just my imagination?'

            -TO BE CONTINUED-
