Part 2


JS: Why does she hates me again?

Y/n: Because Jimin likes you and she thought you will take me away from her.

JS: The first one is unmature but the second one is.. I guess she really treasure you as her bestfriend and she's afraid that you might replace her with someone new. But for real, I don't have any feelings for Jimin or any boys here.

Y/n: I know that you don't have a crush and I don't want you to have one.

JS: Why?

Y/n: Because what if you will ignored me and spend time with your boyfriend and forget about me and leave me and-

She cut you off by laughing.

JS: Hey, I'll never leave you okay? You are my first ever best friend. Oh look it's Jimin.

JM: Hey Y/n and Jisoo.

He said while smiling shyly at Jisoo.

Y/n: Hey.. What do you want?

JM: Oh yeah, Jungkook is searching for you.

Y/n: Jungkook? Me? Why?

JM: I don't know.. He's at the hallway.

Y/n: Ouh, okay.

You left to the hallway and search for Jungkook.

JK: Y/n!

Y/n: Yes?

JK: I just want to ask you something..

Y/n: What is it?

JK: What is Yuna's favourites? I was thinking about to confess to her tomorrow and I thought that you can help me. So, can you help me?

Y/n:........ Y-yeah, of course I can.. She loves chocolate and sling bag. But she is a little bit picky so make sure you choose the perfect one for her.

You said with a forceful smile. Of course it hurts for you but you can't do anything to make him likes you back. It's already too late to make a move and you are tired of hoping.

JK: Thank you so much! I'll go now, thanks again!

 He walk away to his class.

Y/N: Welcome. Well, when will my prince charming is coming? Am I really born to be alone? 

You internally screamed and sighed. You need someone.. Someone that will love you and protect you no matter what. Someone that you called soulmate..


??: I'm back Korea!! Wow! Yah Taehyung, don't you excited to meet new people?

TH: Fake people hm.. By the way Jin hyung, don't be too loud. It's embarrassing..

JIN: And don't be too boring you cold ass..

Taehyung just rolled his eyes and look at the picture in his phone.. The picture of someone that he doesn't even know and why the picture in his gallery. But everytime he stare at the picture, his heart clenched without reason.

'Who are you?'

                     -TO BE CONTINUED-
