Part 15- Last Part

He back hugged you and put his chin on your shoulder.

TH: You excited for next week?

Y/n: Very excited.

TH: Me too. I love you soooo much.

He kiss your cheek as you chuckled.

Y/n: I love you too Tae.

TH: Always remember that I love you because of you not because you are Hyejin because I myself doesn't remember the time I'm with her or should I say you.

Y/n: But I'm not Hyejin anymore. I am Lee Y/n, Hwang Y/n and soon to be Kim Y/n.. And I know you love me because of me.. You saved me from suicide and always be there for me. You protect me and I don't want anything more but just a happy family with you.

He turn you around to face him and smile softly.

TH: And I'm glad I saved you that time.

He peck your lips and kissed your forehead.


He stared at you who is walking at aisle looking like a goddess in your wedding dress. His lovely gaze never leave your figure.

'She is so beautiful.. I'm so lucky to have her..'

You stand beside at him as you look at him.

Y/n: Is it bad?

You asked about the dress since you go bought the dress with Yuna and Jisoo to surprise him.He shake his head and kiss the back of your hand.

TH: You are beautiful.. Anything you wear suits you.

You smiled at him. The wedding start as the priest start his work.

Priest: Do you Hwang Y/n, take Kim Taehyung as your wedded husband and will stay with him in sick or healthy, rich or poor and take care of him until death apart?

You smiled.

Y/n: I do.

Priest: Do you Kim Taehyung take Hwang Y/n as your wedded wife and will stay with her in sick or health, rich or poor and take care of her until death apart?

TH: I do.

Priest: Now, I announced that you both are husband and wife. You may kiss the bride.

He pulled you by your waist and kissed you softly as you kissed him back. The guest cheered for you both.

Yuna: I'm proud of her.

She wiped her tears as Jisoo laughed at her.

JS: Dramatic. When will your turn?

Before Yuna answer it Jimin cut her off.

JM: Maybe in few months.

Yuna look at him eyes widen as he smirk. She blush.

Yuna: But you didn't propose me yet!

JM: Soon because I want it to be special you know.

JS: Ugh too sweet. 

Yuna: You are just jealous that Jungkook is not sweet as Jimin..

JS: Hey, I'm not jealous of you. I'm jealous of Y/n.. Taehyung is soft for her since the day he met her like oh god.. They are so perfect to each other.

Yuna: I know right. If Taehyung doesn't into Y/n maybe I already ask him out-

JM: What did you say?

He glared at her as she smiled nervously and hugged him.

Yuna: I'm just joking, hun.. I won't do that to you..

JM: You better be.

JS: Kook?

JK: Yeah?

JS: Why are you so quiet?

JK: I'm just thinking.. Y/n deserved Taehyung.. I feel bad for being like a jerk toward her and she really deserved better than me which is Taehyung.

JS: Are you regret for not liking her back?

JK: No.. Because I know I don't deserve him plus.. I already have you now.. And I love you, babe..

Jisoo smiled and hugged by his side.

JS: I love you too.


HY: You better take care of my sister.

TH: Yes sir.

SH: If you make her cry I swear I'll tear you apart.

Y/n: Don't need because I will kill him first.

TH: No no, I promise I won't make you cry or hurt you.

HY: I can't believe you are already married.

Y/n: And I can't believe you both are still single oppa.

SH: Hey.. There's no right girl for us yet.

HY: Yeah..

SH: You are lucky to have each other.

'Yeah.. Very lucky..'

'Thank you for appeared in my life. You are the light in my darkness of my life and thank you for always be there for me. Because of you, I'm getting stronger and I will fight for you until me death. I love you, my husband.'-Y/n

'Something in you make me want to protect you with all of my life. The moment I saw you, I feel the spark but I got a little more time to know that you are the one for me. You are my weakness and I'll make sure no one will hurt you. I'll fight for you and fight for us. I love you, my wife.'Taehyung


Thank you for reading The One-sided Love! I'm sorry if I disappointed you. I try my best. Thank you again~ I love you all..                                                                                                                                                                                                         -nani
