Part 7


You and Taehyung become close but sometimes you don't understand him. Sometimes he act cold then act like a protective boyfriend to you. But you can't admit that you don't like it because you do. You like the way he care for you because you know, even he act like he doesn't care for you, actually he care. Because of his look of course there's alot of girls crazy over him. Because you are always with him, his fangirls start to hate you. 

Y/n: Yah Tae! Stop dragging me everywhere! Your fangirls will kill me if they saw I'm with you again.

You said to Taehyung who is dragging you to the college with him. Why? Because you refused to go with him so he dragged you. He just want you with him all the time.

TH: Are you afraid of them?

Y/n: Of course! They are too many to handle..

He stop then look at you.

TH: Don't worry. They won't hurt you as long as I'm alive.

He continued walking intertwined your hand with him. Those words make you feels butterflies on your stomach. And it's not the first time. His sweet word always make you weak. You are confused why he said all those word. Why he acting like that to you?


Y/n: Hey, you okay?

You ask Jisoo who looking so tired.

JS: I'm fine just exhausted. Next week is my wedding and it feels not fun. I'm hoping to marry with a guy who I loves not by this forced marriage.

Y/n: I understand.. But hey, think positive hm? Who knows maybe he is the one for you. There's a reason why fate want you to marry him. Plus 7 months will flew fast so just be positive.

Yuna: Y/n is right.

Y/n: I feel sad for Jimin.

JS: Go talk to him. And Yuna, make him move on from me because I don't think I can love him like he do.

Y/n: I'll go talk to him.

You walk to Jimin who becomes quiet since the announcement of Jisoo and Jungkook's wedding.

Y/n: Hey, Chim.. You okay?

He look at you and smiled a little.

JM: I'm fine just a little bit sad.

Y/n: Because of the marriage?

JM: Yeah.. I know it's a force but it's make me feels like I don't have a chance.

Y/n: Well, you don't.

JM: Thank you, it's make me feel a lot better now.

He said in a sarcastic way. You laughed.

Y/n: You are dumb like me. Wasting time for someone who doesn't see your worth. You know Jimin, someone already loves you like.. a lot. So don't waste your love to someone who doesn't appreciate it.

JM: Who loves me?

Y/n: Yuna.. She loves you but you loves Jisoo who doesn't love you. Don't be a dumb and love someone who loves you. I understand you because Jungkook is also my crush but someone make me realised that I shouldn't waste my time and love for him. And that someone is slowly filling my empty heart.

JM: Is it Taehyung?

You start to blush.

He look at you teasingly then laughed.

Y/n: How do you know?

JM: It's kinda obvious.. The way you look at him. And I can tell he feel the same to you.. The way he act around you and now he is looking at me like he want to kill me.

You look at behind and saw Taehyung glaring at you both.

JM: Jealous I see..

You both laughed.

Y/n: Nah, maybe he don't.

JM: Keep saying that and it will be real.

Y/n: Y-yah!

JM: Hahahaha.. Thanks for the advice, I really appreciate it. Maybe I will try move on..  Yuna is not that bad though.

Y/n: What do you mean 'not that bad' huh? Don't give her a fake hope or I will kill you.

You glare at him make him gulped.

JM: H-hey chill! I won't play with her, I promise!

Y/n: Good..

??: Ehem.

Someone suddenly cleared his throat. You look at the person and smile.

JM: Well, your boyfriend is here. Bye!

He run as Taehyung keep giving him a glare. You chuckled as he turned his head to you.

TH: What are you both talking about?

Y/n: Just giving him an advice.. Nothing important. Why?

TH: Nothing..

Y/n: If you say so.

You walk to your seat beside Yuna and chat with her while Taehyung just stand there staring at you.

' Why do I act like this? Am I jealous? The heck are you saying Taehyung!? Y/n is just a friend.. Yeah, just friend..'


??: Yeah, I already delete the picture from his phone. The last one.

??2: Good, make sure he doesn't remember her. Or else..

??: Then we have to kill one of them. Or both of them. Taehyung are not that important to me anyway.. When he is dead, the properties will be mine. He is my first target, then the girl.

"Get ready Kim Taehyung"
