The doctor will live or die? "Chapter 14"

I became so angry when the doctor called me a betrayer. I just wanted to kill him, but i didn't.  He was just stubborn and i don't like that peoples. I surrounded my hand to his neck.

"Where is she!! i am giving you last warning, tell me where is she." I asked by started pressing his neck.

"Please don't kill me, i am telling you everything" As he lied.

I loose the pressing and leaved his neck. When he became loose, i turned back and told him to tell the truth."You will never know, because i am not going to tell you!" He took the frying pan and was going to hit on my head. I knew that he was going to hit me, i snatched the frying pan  from his hand and threw it away. 

"Now? what will you do? have you any chance? tell me!!" i said by shouting on him.

He was trembling but i said him:

"Why do i have to suffer so much? If you not want to die so tell me"

"I am accepting that I helped him to escape but, I didn't knew where did she go."

"You want to live or die?"

He cried " I have told you everything i knew now, please leave me."

"As your wish"

I went from there. I was so worried about her. 

When she met her new friends, their friends gave everything to her like phone, wardrobe, room and a lot of money.

She went to shopping alone, Ash become so worried about her, he called her:

Ash: Where have you gone? Is there some one to protect you? please tell me.

 Fauna: I am alright, well i was going to shopping. I will come soon.

Ash: Please tell me are you with Roy? please be careful, we are here for your protection. If you will need something call me hurry okay?

She replied: I am n't with Roy. I am alone


"What!!! why have you gone alone? it's dangerous for you!" 

'But you know that vampires didn't come at morning, that's why this time is safe for me ,okay see you.' She canceled the call on her phone.

When she was going to shopping, i was searching for her many places. Then fortunately i found her. She had hand bag on her arm and was going to shopping.

"What are you doing here!" I said by silently.

"Stay away from me you betrayer!" She called me a betrayer.

"I had told lie to protect you! and the doctor was not telling me that where have you gone, but finally i found you" I told her.

"You are betrayer and a big lier,  but unfortunately your plan had been flop. You hadn't make me fool. Anyway, here is the way to go out" She said by pointing me to go. 

"Um.. Okay but  will you not ask that what had happened to doctor? Okay byee..I said and was going from there.

"Wait. Wait. Wait, what had you done to doctor? She asked by amazed.

"What will happen to doctor? I done what i always do to who which make me angry" I said by repeating my routine..

"What do you mean?" she became shocked and her eyes widen. 

"I only do one thing which you know"

                                                                "Killed him." i said.

"How cruel you are!He helped me, I hate you. You are a killer" She cried and ran away.

                                                      She cried a lot and wanted to be alone.

                                                                                        To be continued...
