Fauna was going to be dislodged from her home"Chapter 19"

She hadn't thought that what she is doing, when she became away by her brother.

"What i had done, i have killed him" She rowded and cried a lot. 

Her brother became so anxious about her sister, it was so hard to control her, tears in her eyes. Fauna had displeased her brother.

"Have you been distracted, how can you kill my friend" Her brother was cheering at Fauna.

"Police car ego gone in her ears"

'Oh my God! a death body here again! Sir Froler!'

"Police senior came out of car"

'Dang!, you two guys have seen what had happened here?' he became astonished by watching Fauna crying.

'No! we hadn't seen Sir, right Jack?'

'Yea.' Jack lied and was shocked by her sister lie.

'So you can go from here, the police will investigate this'

'Okay..Sir' She replied and gone with her brother.

Jack's heart became full of disgust 'You have forced me to dislike you!'.

'Jack can you please stop it, they are hearing us'. 

'They should have to know the real killer!'

When they reached home, Jack stood forward the door. 'You are not my sister, anyway i am "dislodging" you from this home and from this family also. Go inside and pack your all things' He gone from her forward and showed her way to pack her things.

'Please forgive me, brother'

'Disloyal thing which you have done. I haven't distrust on you from that time, from which you have killed him in front of me! you had added me in a big problem'

'But brother'

'Don't call me brother anymore'

She cried and was embarrassed. She emitted from her home.

'Dear Fauna, where are you going?' her mother questioned by putting her hands on Fauna's cheeks. 'Why are you crying?'

'She is a killer! she had killed my childhood friend!'

'I am a killer of a betrayer not a good person!' She shouted.

'Fauna go to your room, it will be misunderstanding. Your brother will apologize for his mistake' Her mother believed her.

'No! she will not come inside home and she is not my sister anymore' 

'You can't take reprehension on her!, you understand' Her mother showed him his position. 'And you! be lusty and go to your room rapidly'  

Her mother was giving her a glass of water then her brother flipped the water from her hand.

'What the hell are you doing!'

'I don't need to control my anger. Everyone around me needs to control their habit of pissing me off' He replied.

'Go to your home, i don't want to see your face anymore! you have been out of control' 

'Never mind dear, your brother is moody. Why he was detracting about you?'

She told her mother about everything of me the vampire.

'It's okay, this happens everywhere and he was a betrayer so he deserves it'

'You are the best mom ever, you understand me and really as a mom you are so besstt!' She shouted.

'But, police will find you' She cried.

                                                                               To be continued....
