I have got up'Chapter 23'

 Suddenly my eyes opened and i tried to sit, it was so paining but i tried a lot and sat. Impatience was surrounding my brain and i knew that what had happened to her, from what she is suffering from. I putted by hand on my abdomen, from blood was flowing. I stopped that blood flowing by surrounding my left hand to it and i tried to stand with my right hand, i hardly stood in pain and wanted to go from there. There were 2 ways to go out : The one was from the door and the other was my back side window, i chose the back window to escape. I immediately jumped through it, it was so disgusted pain for me to handle it. The pain was not important for me, i controlled that intolerable pain and was going on there. I was going to emend everything, i will enunciate them and if they will reject, then it will be their mistake. 


'Open that sharp latch if you will not open, i will break it!' She shouted.

'It is made up of best quality and if you will touch it, you will be cut from it' He warned.

It was so dark and it took me a lot time to reach because of my pain and weary thirst. I have reeled my wound with my hand and was going to reach it curtly. Lyric blood had been flowed and that was so little chance for me to live.

She went to rook, sat on the floor and started crying:

 'I can never get rid of these all, when i have consented murder' She softly said herself.


My situation was so serious, but i had never give up. I fallen 4 times, but i woke up and continued running. Suddenly it was raining, gusting, and that was paining me a lot. I held the wound and was still walking. I saw the dungeon building in front of me, it was so big dangerous and it was an old building.

There were many securities, many voices of dungeoneers. They noticed me coming so painfully, they thought that i am going to give justice to all prisoners, but when i felt some blood body near me. I looked up there was a punch coming to my face, i hold his hand tightly with my right hand and threw them null at the floor. Suddenly some peoples stood in my orb. I immediately saw them that they are going to beating me, then i used my left hand also. It was difficult for me, but i had to do it. Some of them had sticks to beat from far but i held them too, the sticks were not able to beat me and no one else. They had forced me to oppress on them. I passed beside from their death bodies. I was going to enter that building but, if someone was coming on my way, i killed him and cleared my way.

                                                                                                     To be continued.....
