A little boy told everything"Chapter 12"

We enjoyed many places at night like magic shows, acting of humans and many others. 

At morning. I began to think that "her parents will be so worried about her, she hadn't thought for her parents. I should have to tell her".

She woke up and washed her face by river and i told her that she should have to inform your parents. She become worried for her parents, she packed her bag and said me to go back with her.

We were going to home, that a little boy was chasing us. He was listening and was detecting. I didn't felt because he hadn't showed that he was looking at us.

 When we stood and were going to the door, the little boy had been told everything, which he had seen by himself. He told them everything, we were on the way going to the door but the little boy was so fast that he made a huge gathering which was waiting at the door for us.

When we reached at the door, we can't see the door because the whole vampire have been almost covered that door.

"I am vampire! i am going to eat humans in that world" She said by acting again.

"We know everything that you lied" They all said by blur voice.

I came towards her and told them " Don't kill her because she had poison blood, if you will kill her. You all will be died, i have called her here because for treatment and to eat her" I lied and was worried about her.

"I don't wanna die!! please leave me, i don't want to be food of any one" she said by crying. 

I was so hurt at that time watching her crying.

They said that they will come also for her treatment and they will eat it together.

I didn't wanted to eat her and i lied. She hadn't knew that  i lied she thought that i betrayed her. At that time,  my eyes filled with the blood tears.

I cried that she didn't believe me and understand me as betrayer. They gone hospital with me to be present in her treatment. When we reached at hospital, a doctor felt her blood and ran rabidly to eat, when he saw her with big crowd of vampires. He remained silent and asked for help. She gone in the treatment room by non-anticipated on her face. 

"I am so useless, i had took her in a big problem. So bad i am " I said by un-hopeful and was blaming myself because" everything i did, that was  not her fault. Why i met her?" I said by scolding myself sat on waiting room.

The doctor eyes were dark blue, he was so kind but a greedy man, but when he saw her. He remains quiet by her beauty, he became so kind to her.

When she sat on the bed.

"He was my last hope, he betrayed me! he is a big lier, i hate him" She said by crying and sharing to doctor. The doctor become so shocked and was sad from inside. He wanted to help her but he can't because she was in a bad condition.

                                                                                              To be continued........


What will doctor do? have you guess guys? if you want to know so wait for the next chapter...
