Returning"Chapter 16"

"I don't need your help!" She repeated.

"Was it command or request?" I asked.

"It is just a order by me!" She told.

"As your wish" I went from there.

She tried so much to climb from it, but she couldn't. 

She shouted" Somebody! help me! i am in the well!"

"No one will help you Fauna!" I gone from there.

She went to vampire world back and called her friends Ash and Roy to help her in climbing.

"Well, i haven't gone to this world in my life" Roy said. 

"But we will try for you" Ash giggled by shy. 

"Thank you guys" She became happy. 

Then Ash and Roy passed the door with Fauna. Ash thought that "That guy who punched me? do Fauna know him?".   

"Ash?" She moved her hand forward his face . 

"Oh..Sorry." He woke up from his thoughts. 

"Had something happened? you can share with me" She asked. 


"So, will you climb this big depth?" She asked. 

"Yea! that's like a game for me to climb" He admired himself. 

                                              "Really? are you are joking Ash?" Roy laughed. 

                                   "Huh..Don't make prank of me!" Ash gasped . 

They helped her in climbing the well, when they reached at top. She smiled"Thank you guys for helping me", they went back by saying "Goodbye and take care".

She finally came out, she was coming to the dark tree to show me that she had came! I was standing there for the protection of that tree, she knew that where i will meet her. She came to me.

  "How you came up from the well" I asked. 

"By my struggle and i want to say that i can live without you." She lied and was showing her smartness.

"She can't came by struggling, i know that someone has helped her" I thought.

"Why are you looking me like this!" She rolled her eyes. 

"Who had helped you?" I asked by my angrier eyes. 

"Oh..I am afraid by your angry eyes, please don't kill me" She acted.

"You know that how much you are important to me" I told. 

"It doesn't matters, because i hate you a lot!" She said slightly.

"Do you know, your parents are suffering from this? you don't care about your parents" I was non-anticipated on her.

"I am worried about them and you don't have to remind me! because you have destroyed your respect inside me!" She reminded me. 

"It means a lot to me" I replied.

She ran but hadn't given any reply to me. When she reached at her home, her parents were not there. She called her parents"Mom? dad?, She was so worried, she sat on bed and started crying. 

Her parents had been gone to police station 8 times for searching her daughter, her brother cried so much and they were returning back home with a lot of sorrow.

"Mom!! Dad !! where are you all!" She shouted by shivering.

Jack listened her voice, when they came out from car. Jack ran to the home and opened the door.

                                                      To be continued.....
