Night at vampire world " chapter 11"

At night.

I hadn't sleep and she wanted to visit vampire world at night also. I didn't know many places because i was not from there.

"Is there any ice cream hotel?" She asked in hungry mood.

"What? a ice cream hotel? no, no there is not any place of ice cream hotel, and i think you forgot that what is that world. A vampire world, where you will see there will be a blood hotel" I laughed at her and started to make her horrified.

" Are you trying to make me scare? so you listen mister!! I am not going in your plan" She said by animadverting me.

"Um.. No! i haven't any plan and if you are hungry so, you take food from your bag"I said by knowing everything but not telling.

"You are right" She said by happiness in her face.

"Yea, i am always right" I said by proud.

When she looked at bag, it didn't exist on her back. 

"Oh my God" I have forgot my bag, i didn't know where i put my bag!" she said by worry.

"Um..Here it is" I gave the bag to her.

"How you found my bag? and why hadn't you told me! " She said me by confusion.

"Um.. when you were acting like vampires, you forgot your bag inside the recycle box. I took that bag and was going to give you. But your acting was so funny, that i forgot the bag' I started laughing.

"I think, i am looking like a joker? " she laughed with me.

She said this because her make up was fully rubbed with blood by her hand. Then she snatch her bag from my hand and took sandwiches from it.

"This one is for you, i thought that you will be also hungry." She said by forgetting that i am a vampire.

I took that sandwich and which i tasted it first time.

"It is so delicious." I said by thinking that in childhood, i usually ate these sandwiches." I haven't ate sandwiches for about 7 years" i said her by repeating my past.

"Oh. I forgot to ask you something! that are you my brother friend? had you fell from the well? " She asked by making me confuse that who had told her.

"Um..yes, but how you know all this?" I asked her question.

"My brother Jack, he know the truth. He told me about that all, but please tell me, how have you survived by living in well? " She told and asked from me about my past.

"I haven't remembered everything but something i remind that when i opened my eyes first time in well, i was about at the age of 17." I told her by reminding some points.

"Oh..So how you turned in vampire? " She asked.

"I didn't know, i think that was my fate to become a vampire. My fate have taken me here " I told to her.

"Well, we have spend many time with fun, but why hadn't you told your name?" She questioned.

"Well, please ask that question from your brother." I requested her.

We spent the whole night by gossips.

At morning...

She slept on the bridge, where we are talking." I hadn't slept whole night, there was a thing which was so strange. How my eyes are turning into blue?and why i am so tired?" I asked by myself. "Maybe this is my weakness for not drinking blood for about 5 days.

                                                                                                         To be continued...                              
