Lie had caught'Chapter 26'

He was trying everything to make my wound slow pain and to be cleaned. Some days, i was slowly recovering curtly as he was doing his great to make me exist in that world. Sometimes, he go to his parents for only show them his presence to not to be worry. He always hid from going to school, he usually come here.

"The phone rings"

'Hello Miss Glorin! You have called me?' Ash's mother talked on phone.

'Yea, i have called you, i need to talk to you about your son'

'Had he done some mistake or..' She has been cut by Miss Glorin.

'No! No! He is an honest boy, but had something happened to him?'

'Why? Had something happened to him, tell me, i am worried'

'Here?' Miss Glorin was confused muttering herself.

'I am talking about there! had something happened to him?'

'Nothing but...'

'What but..?'

'But is he coming school?' 

'I have seen him last time coming to school'

'He hadn't reached here!'

'He fooled me!' She shouted by making her phone away.

'What happened?'

'Just a lie, I got trust issues but my son got lies issues!'


Ash's mother off the phone and waited for Ash since evening to night. 


'Ash you had to go, he is now alright. You should have to care for your parents' Fauna's whispered.

'Yea, Sure..It's so late, i have been here. Mother have been waiting for me' He said  goodbye and went from there.


'Knock Knock' Her mother heard knocking at the door, she hurriedly gone their and opened the door with angry in her face.

'What happened Mom?'

'What will happen to me?' She saw him with disappointed sight.

'It's a good whether, you should..Uh..' He was continuously lying.

'Would you like to share me something? which you hadn't told me' 

'What thing? i have never lied to my dear Mom and i will never lie'

'Oh..So Where were you?'

'At school Mom'

'Okay' She hurriedly picked the phone and called Miss Glorin, she opened on sound voice.

'Hello Miss Glorin, i am sorry i have disturbed you at that time, but i want to ask you something'

'It's okay, tell me what you want to ask?' Ash become in a big shock and was trying to snatch the phone from her Mother's hand and off the phone. 

'Mom please!' Ash requested.

'Is this Ash sound?' Glorin asked.

'Yea, actually he is so naughty boy'

'Can i please talk to Ash? i want to ask him something'

'Sure..Uh..' She gave him phone and said him to be at the position.

'Well Miss would you like me to talk to you alone in room?' He requested.


'Ash!!!' His mother shouted.

'What mom? Miss Glorin is requesting, let me talk to her' He went from there to his room. He finally closed the door where her mother was seeing him rudely. 

'Ash!' Miss Glorin called.

'Yes, Miss' He tried to be a good boy.

'If i will ask you something, would you like to tell?'

'Sure Miss, you are my teacher you can ask everything you want' He said gently.

'Where!! were!! you?' She shouted. Ash make some distance between his ear and phone.

To be continued......
