Kindness in doctor"chapter 13"

            After treatment. The doctor declined to eat her and he said her that " How can i help you? " 

                                       "How can you help me? " She asked by the doctor.

The doctor gone to the back door and opened it. He was pointing me to run away from there.

                                        "From here you can escape" The doctor wanted to help. 

The doctor went to waiting room and told them that "It will take 1 day for treatment" He told them lie and gone to treatment room where she was crying, he said that " You can rest here 1 day. Tomorrow i will help you in escaping from that door" He gave hope to her.

                                            "I am ready to escape" She said by frightened.  

She ran away from the door and was free at morning time because vampires sleep at the morning time, they become disappear when sun rises.

Mostly vampires didn't come at evening, she was allowed to enjoy herself alone. Then she thought to run from the door but she didn't knew that where was the door? After all she was running to find that door.

Some vampires which have to go to school that can go in the sun .

2 vampire students were going back to home, unfortunately they saw her running. She found 2 new friends in vampire world. These two were brothers, Ash was little brother of Roy. They were going to school and came opposite side by running. Ash asked " Why are you running? ".

She became far from them and she thought that they haven't recognized me yet " Stay away from me!"..

"Are you afraid of something? will you  like to stay at our home? that will be honour to protect you." Roy said by respect for her.

Ash had yellow curvy hairs bigger than his brother, Rio had brown straight hairs. He was less speaker than his little brother.

                                   "Please, protect me" She was asking for help.    

                                                          "With my life" Ash said. 

She stayed at their home. there are 5 rooms. "In corner one, Rio and i sleep. You can sleep in this guest home." Ash said by giving details about the home.

"Okay" She smiled.

At the morning, the vampires were very hungry at hospital. They knocked the door but the doctor hadn't replied, the doctor had been gone from their . I was so depressed that what did vampire done with her? and where are they. When i saw the exit door inside the room, i pushed that door so much but it won't work because the doctor had closed the door by keys. 

The vampires were waiting in the room. I ran by the main door and was running to the door room exit to find out,  where they had gone. I saw the footprints of the doctor because vampire runs so fast. I followed the footprints, A little house where i reached by following the footprints. Doctor was talking to himself, i put my ear on the door.

"Now, she is free . I am so happy" he said by kindness.

"Where did she go? tell me or other wise i will kill you" I wanted to kill him.

"I will not tell you, because you have betrayed her, i will never tell you because you will betray her again!" The doctor said by pointing me betrayer.

                                                                                                           To be continued.....  


You will like to know that what will he do to the doctor?  If you want to know so please wait for the next part to know.
