"Hey, uncle, can you pass me my ball!", Beomgyu saw a child pointing at a ball.
"No, I am too tired to, don't disturb me, kid", Beomgyu said.
The child started crying.

Beomgyu panicked and stood up, "Hey, listen"
"What happened, son?", Yeonjun came running to the child.


"dad, this uncle is being rude to me!"


"it's alright, stay away from weird uncles like these, your mom is waiting for us, come"


"eomma!", the kid yelled and ran towards a woman.


Beomgyu yelled and sat up, panting. A dream. No, a nightmare. Beomgyu looked beside him to see a worried Yeonjun sitting, he had a face that said, he had just woken up. Beomgyu yelled again, Yeonjun covered his mouth.

"It's 3am!"
"and why the fuck are you here?"
"Trying to sleep!"
"This is not your tent"
"Actually, every tent here is my tent because I am the priviledged one, you know"
"Since every tent is your tent..."

Beomgyu stood up and took his sleeping bag, rushing out of the tent. Yeonjun held him and pulled him back, totally startled. "Are you crazy!?"
"Yes, I am crazy"
"Calm down Beomgyu!"

Beomgyu sat down, Yeonjun sat in front of him, looking at him worriedly. "how dare you call me weird..."
"I did? I could never-"
Yeonjun was interrupted by Beomgyu hitting him repeatedly on his chest. Yeonjun held his hands, "That hurts, Beomgyu!"

Beomgyu started crying, Yeonjun worriedly sat closer, "why, why what is wrong?"

"do you want me to leave? I'll go sleep outside, really. I only came here to check on you and slept because Soobin slept in my tent with Jeong Eui  while they were playing games"
"why would you come check on me?"
"Because I didn't see you while we had dinner"
"So? I'm fine just without you around"
"I know that Beomgyu! I already know that!"
"I'm not"
"I...I don't know..", Beomgyu looked up at Yeonjun.

"Tell me what is bothering you"
"I don't know what is bothering me"
"What was the nightmare about? Why did you shout "the witch"?"
"It's embarrassing"

Yeonjun sighed. "So, now.."
"Now, I won't be able to sleep, I have so much to think about"
Yeonjun held Beomgyu's hand but then left it, standing up.

"Why would you leave it?"
"Oh, nothing, my allergy is acting up"
"Yeah, it's-"
Beomgyu stood up and held Yeonjun's shoulders, his eyes as wide as an ocean, "Did you just say allergy?"
"Yeah, it's just that around you..it acts-"
Beomgyu started laughing all of a sudden. Yeonjun was startled and he closed the entry of their tent, resisting any sounds from going out.

"What is it? why are you laughing?"

Beomgyu looked at Yeonjun and smiled, "Let us test something?"

Beomgyu wrapped his arms around Yeonjun's nape, Yeonjun widened his eyes and placed his hand on his chest, feeling his heart. Beomgyu chuckled, "Jun-ah.."
"I-I am not a c-cat right now!"
"Be it in your cat form or human form, one thing is for sure"
"It's not an allergy"
"Right? I think priest gave me a heart disease and-", Yeonjun was interrupted by Beomgyu's lips touching his cheek, he widened his eyes and looked at Beomgyu. He was frozen now, too many thoughts to process. Too much at once, but it was just a brushing sensation?

"You're in love with me"

"I know.."
"You know?"
"But does it matter, Beomgyu? I can't have you"
"I was thinking the same way, I can't have you"

Yeonjun looked at Beomgyu with a confused expression, "You want me?"

"I want you, I want you to look at me, I want you to care for me, I want you to touch me..I want you"

Yeonjun pulled away in disbelief. "Did you drink? I am not soobin"

Beomgyu sighed and nodded, laying down.

Yeonjun touched his cheek. "Did you just do that to me?"

"Beomgyu, I really hope you won't remember this when you wake up tomorrow, you will really hate me after this, you will-", Yeonjun rapped, he saw Beomgyu tearing up, so genuinely sad, and not looking at Yeonjun, Yeonjun pulled his sleeping bag and laid down right beside Beomgyu, cleaning his tears.

"I wish you were drunk. I wish you would get drunk and do that again..because I know you won't do it, atleast to me, when you are sober"

Beomgyu looked at Yeonjun and held his hair out of frustration, pulling his head close. "I. am. not. drunk."

"I am fully sober, I know you are Yeonjun"

Beomgyu pulled Yeonjun through his hair towards himself, until there was no gap in between them and pressed their lips together, gently. Yeonjun widened his eyes for a few seconds but then, closed them as he saw Beomgyu's closed ones. Yeonjun's hand reached Beomgyu's nape. Beomgyu pulled away, as Yeonjun's hand was too cold. Beomgyu opened his eyes, Yeonjun was confused. Beomgyu got out of his sleeping bag, Yeonjun widened his eyes as Beomgyu tried getting into Yeonjun's sleeping bag but made space for him anyways.

Beomgyu wrapped his arms around Yeonjun. Yeonjun did the same and watched Beomgyu drift to sleep.

"So, we are not going to talk about this?", Yeonjun questioned.

and yes, they never talked about it.

The very next day, Priest appeared in front of Yeonjun to congratulate him.
"what? do you have more conditions on this curse?"
"what curse? the curse has been lifted now!"
"yes! you're free from the curse now!"
"All of a sudden?"
"Yeah! Thank you for making a move", priest held his hands together.

"did you perhaps, tell beomgyu how to.."
"if he was a smart kid, he'd get it, yes"
"oh. so it was to remove the curse?"
the priest sighed and held his forhead, "someone hold me back"

and so, Yeonjun thought Beomgyu feels uncomfortable around him and Beomgyu, he felt the same, because he was the one who initiated it.

The trip had ended, Beomgyu's internship was about to end too, but nothing changed the worrisome and awkward atmosphere between the two of them, they were pretending like they have never known each other. They didn't really want to but both of them felt like they'd make the other feel uncomfortable if they tried to do something.

While Beomgyu had accepted the fact that Jeong Eui was indeed, Yeonjun's new key, as he saw her going in and out of his office almost daily, and Yeonjun didn't really need him anymore, Yeonjun had also accepted the fact that Soobin and Beomgyu were already dating each other because Soobin had been exceptionally nice to Beomgyu whenever he saw them together.

was their story supposed to end this way? unexplained?

