Beomgyu spent the night ordering cat stuff just to realise jun wasn't interested in cat food, he'd rather eat what beomgyu eats. "That'll be a save for my money! but is it healthy for you?"

Days passed by, Beomgyu spent his vacation week dedicating himself to Jun. One night, Beomgyu searched for a vet nearby, it was 10 when he decided to visit him. The vet said beomgyu had one of the nicest cat breeds and Jun didn't have any health issues, the vet was so suspicious about his studies. Beomgyu took Jun home and set up a place for him in an empty room in his house.

"What if one day I get to know you had an owner and they come to take you back?", Beomgyu pouted.

The cat meowed and rubbed his face on beomgyu's hand, beomgyu smiled. "I saw you getting a lot of sleep, unlike me, so, it's time for bed junnie!", Beomgyu picked it up and placed it in a soft area he designed by putting together the blanket he gave the other day, and some of his favorite pillows.

Beomgyu whispered a goodnight and went to his room, tossing around, thinking about stuff, and now it was 2 at night. Beomgyu heard the door open a little bit. He sat up to see Jun, Beomgyu sighed, "do you want to sleep here?"

Jun meowed and got up the bed, resting at a distance from beomgyu. Beomgyu smiled and closed his eyes, knowing he won't fall asleep anyways.


Beomgyu opened his eyes as he felt a strong weight on him. Beomgyu could've taken his time to realise that he slept, But just as he opened his eyes, he found himself entangled with a man. Beomgyu pushed him away out of instinct and hid himself in his blanket.

"Who are you! how did you get in and where is my jun!", beomgyu looked around.

The boy got up, he was wearing casual clothes, his hair were messed up, he sighed and said, "I-", he suddenly stopped and started touching his body.

He smiled widely, "am I back in human form?"
"how did this happen?"
"shouldn't I ask that?"

the boy chuckled and sat on the bed, he then asked in a serious tone, "would you believe me if I say that I'm that cat?"

beomgyu smiled and then started laughing on how foolish the boy was. "no? obviously, this isn't some fantasy novel!"
"well then, you'll have to wait for me to turn into that cat"
"stop kidding and get out of here and tell me where's jun!"
the boy sighed and hovered over beomgyu, holding his chin in his hands, "mister, I am Jun!"

Beomgyu scoffed and pushed yeonjun away. "Proofs?"

Yeonjun sighed and showed his hand to beomgyu, he had the name tag beomgyu gave to him a day before. Beomgyu shook his head, "you could've just taken it from Jun!"
"y'know, it's the first time someone called me that sweetly"
"y-you're not answering the question"
"what more proof do you need? I saw you crying-"
beomgyu covered the boy's mouth.

Beomgyu pulled away, "you could've been stalking me..", beomgyu mumbled.

"What's your name then?"

Beomgyu gasped, "how does it resemble-"
"I know right, I was pretty surprised when you first told me you'd name me Jun"

Beomgyu looked at Yeonjun, "I slept!"
"You had a sound sleep, it looked like you were dreaming about something, I heard a name as well"

Beomgyu flushed up as he thought it could've been Soobin and then he realised he won't ever be able to face soobin after what happened earlier.

Yeonjun looked at beomgyu, "don't you have classes today? I heard you ranting to yourself about it"

Beomgyu nodded and pushed his hair back, "You don't have a family?"
"well, I ran away from home"
"how exactly did all this happen?"


"I'm sorry, how much do I have to pay for it?"
"Just learn how to drive while keeping your eyes open"
"I apologize, I was stressed about something"
"No one cares, and I don't want your money"
"why? I need to compensate for hitting you and your cat"
"Money wouldn't help"
"Money can buy anything, it’ll help you get anything you want"
"Not really"
"Really? Tell me what money can't-"

"Meow Meow..Meow?", Yeonjun was now turned into a cat. The man bent down and patted his head, "Love and warmth, money can't buy that purity", he said and disappeared.


"but you're back to normal now"
"it might have a hook"

beomgyu nodded and stood up, "I'll get late, I'm going to freshen up"

Beomgyu walked towards the bathroom.

"You're letting me stay right?", Yeonjun yelled. Beomgyu looked back and pouted, "I can't ask for rent, can I?", Yeonjun scoffed.

Beomgyu walked inside and Yeonjun walked outside towards the kitchen.

