"Yes, Jeong Eui?", Yeonjun stood up. Yeonjun let out a chuckle, everyone looked at each other and smiled.

Yeonjun said, "Alright, I'll wait for you at lunch, I am in a meeting, bye", he ended the call.

Yeonjun felt a weird sensation in his throat, he widened his eyes and looked at Beomgyu. Beomgyu was zoned out. Yeonjun knew what this sensation was, he held the necklace he was wearing as the meeting continued but that familiar itch wasn't being calmed down. Yeonjun yelled, "Beomgyu!", Beomgyu looked at Yeonjun with widened eyes and so did everyone else.

Yeonjun cleared his throat, "I'm not feeling well, let's reschedule the meeting", everyone greeted yeonjun and started leaving the room. Yeonjun signalled Beomgyu to stay.

Beomgyu did that and told Mr.Min he'll come back in a while.

Beomgyu walked up to Yeonjun and asked, "what's wrong?"
"n-nothing- I just want to apologize"
Yeonjun hugged Beomgyu all of a sudden. Yeonjun felt like he should die after using Beomgyu that way, he was feeling so guilty, but that was the only way he could be in that honest image in front of Beomgyu.

"What are you-"
"I'm sorry for wasting a lot of your time yesterday"

Beomgyu pulled away.

"It's alright. Take care, I need to have lunch with my team"
Yeonjun nodded, Beomgyu dispersed.

Yeonjun sunk in his chair with guilt creeping all over him. He hated himself for lying to Beomgyu and yet using him for this purpose.

"A trip?"
"Yeah, this is like a quarterly trip the company organises for every department and only upto 5 people get the chance to join the trip"
"and you're asking me to join?"
"yes Beomgyu, you've got that intern benefit"
"Well, sir.."
"Do you not wish to go?"
"it's not that. I just haven't gone to any trips before"
"You should try going on this one then, let the intern life be your chance of exploring stuff out"
Beomgyu smiled at Mr. Min and nodded.

"Where do I fill out the form then?"
"You can drop a letter at Yeonjun's office"
Beomgyu nodded and went to sit on his desk.

Beomgyu didn't know why, he felt a weird energy from Yeonjun today. In a way he would wish to stay away from him, but he did not want that to happen. was it because he overheard his conversation? was it because he envied yeonjun's intimacy with jeong eui? Beomgyu did not have any answers.

"what manga are you talking about?"
"it's not a manga, I am being serious!"
"so I am talking to a CAT?"
"No you idiot!"
Yeonjun yelled.

Jeong Eui laughed, "listen Yeonjun, I don't get you at all, but I do know one thing, the person you are talking about sounds like the medicine to this act of yours, stick with them or something"
"Eui, it feels bad to do so"
"why? do you have like feelings for them or something?"
"no I don't! but I do care about him and I feel very guilty doing this to him"
"I feel like he would understand if he knew all of this"
Yeonjun sighed.

Eui got up and smacked his head, "don't stress too much, you'll get out of it soon. Also, I am not going to that trip, mom grounded me for what happened yesterday"
"and yet you are here"
"that's because I love you!"
"get off. go have lunch and don't appear in the office for some time"
"that's rude, but whatever helps you and your-"
"not a single word more. get out!"
Eui mocked Yeonjun's facial expressions before leaving the cabin. She bumped into Beomgyu as soon as she walked out. She apologized and said, "I'm sorry, did I hurt you?"
"it's alright, you just stepped on me with those heels"
"I'm sorry, what are you here for?"
Beomgyu smiled, "I'm here to meet the boss"
"aren't you an intern? why would you meet him?"
"Oh actually, I know him"
"really? he doesn't really have friends though"
"maybe we aren't friends"
"Oh, so you're an acquaintance?"

Yeonjun walked out to see Beomgyu and Eui.

He was confused, "do you guys know each other?"

"No, she was just interrogating me"
"Yeah, I was just concerned"
"or jealous"
"watch yourself"
"I mean jealous that your best friend might have another friend beside you"
"No, I would love that for this asshole"
Yeonjun sighed, "why is the atmosphere so tight? Beomgyu, come in. Jeong Eui go home or I'll call your mom-"
Eui hit Yeonjun in the stomach with her elbow before walking away, frustrated.

Beomgyu walked in a dropped the letter on Yeonjun's table. He started to walk away, "hey, where are your manners? I'm your boss here"
"whatever. just pass that on to your manager or something"
"what is it?"
"letter for the vacation"
"you are going on a leave?"
"no, you idiot. I am going on the office vacation"
Yeonjun nodded.

"are you free this saturday?"
"no, since the trip starts on monday. I have plans"
"what plans?"
"I'll take you shopping"
"I have already planned it with Soobin"
"Oh, have you? Good for you then"
Beomgyu stated and walked out. Oh how he hated the energy between him and Yeonjun.

"you guys already planned it?"
Yeonjun nodded.

"leave it here, have a good day"
Beomgyu nodded and walked out of the room.

Yeonjun sighed, "is soobin not treating him well these days? why is he so angry all the time?"

