Tired, devastated, with every thought of giving up on life, the boy walked up to the street which led him home. The familiar street light flickering like always, the unusual silence while the crescent-moon shone to its fullest, calmed the boy a little.

Beomgyu thought about it, his life was not as terrible as he made it to be. It was okay to lose a parent while growing up, it was okay to be called a stigma, a doom, it was totally normal to have never experienced having friends. Beomgyu took out a deep sigh, calming down his repetitive thoughts.

Maybe it was just a phase, just his age, and just him, who made it worse. Not everyday he would think about all his problems, but it was today like some other days, something triggered him to think that way, and we can also blame his insomnia, which was said to be "seasonal" but hasn't gone away from the past three months. Ask beomgyu, and he'll optimistically respond to it as, "Oh, having insomnia is actually helpful, it increases my productivity", well well.

Beomgyu chuckled to himself as he dragged his feet to reach his front door. Beomgyu thought about his day, how he barely got a glimpse of his star today, maybe that was the reason he had a bad day. We humans are delusional beings, sometimes we get too attached to people or things that we become emotionally dependant on them, their appearance, their actions and everything about them are responsible for our mood changes. It shouldn't be that way, but we can't help it sometimes. This world is a rattrap indeed.

Beomgyu's ears turned up when he heard the ice cream bells, beomgyu smiled and ran towards the voice. He bought himself, what he calls his stress-reliever.
"maybe god is being graceful today"

Beomgyu said and as soon as he said that he stepped into dung. On the cleanest road, with not a single piece of garbage visible, beomgyu somehow managed to spawn animal dung to step into it.

Beomgyu lost his patience and closed his eyes in frustration, "Haha, meant to be, meant to be, it might be for good luck (?)", any passerby would have thought he was crazy.

The boy built up all his courage and continued his journey home. Beomgyu finally held the door knob, happy that he won't get into any problems now. When he suddenly felt something ticklish on his dirty foot. Beomgyu jumped out of surprise to see a gray-smoke colored cat. Beomgyu observed carefully. It had the prettiest eyes beomgyu had ever seen, no human could have mimicked it.

Beomgyu looked around, "Koyang-ssi, what is it?", Beomgyu observed the cat carefully and realised that it was looking at Beomgyu's ice cream. Beomgyu placed it behind himself. "no, not this", the cat walked behind beomgyu and sat down. Beomgyu sighed and bent down, "just don't bite me, okay?"

It was like the cat nodded, beomgyu chuckled on his imagination. Beomgyu placed his softie in front of the cat and it began to lick it. Beomgyu looked around, "do you have an owner? you don't look like a street cat", beomgyu asked as if he'd get an answer. Beomgyu then searched for name tags, but he didn't find any. The cat looked phenomenal, as if it belonged to a rich family.

"hey, I don't think I'll be able to help you much, it's too cold though", beomgyu pouted and patted the cat which now looked full. Beomgyu opened the door, the cat patiently waited outside. Beomgyu removed his dirty shoes and wore house slippers, he ran inside and brought a blanket.

"here, it'll keep you warm", beomgyu placed the blanket on the left deck of his house, the cat was smart enough to cover itself with it.

Beomgyu smiled, "let's name you?", beomgyu walked inside and rambled over his books, his laptop, and any articles he found to name the cat.

Beomgyu ran outside, the cat meowed. Beomgyu took a long breath, "Jun, I know it's basic, but it was a gut call"

"Do you like it? Jun?", Beomgyu bent down and patted the cat. The cat meowed to acknowledge the name. Beomgyu smiled, he felt victorious, "you're a he, right?"

Beomgyu felt dumb. How would the cat know.

"We'll see about that, good night for now!", Beomgyu ran inside and changed, he got into bed soon, but he wasn't able to sleep like always, he spent the whole night studying about what - cats.

