Beomgyu looked at Yeonjun with a small smile. "I do not know how to hug people"
"Well, I'll do all the work, you can just be comfortable?"
Yeonjun suggested, beomgyu nodded.

Yeonjun moved a little closer, hissing in pain. Beomgyu pouted, considering Yeonjun's condition.
Yeonjun wrapped his arms around the younger and pulled him into a hug.

"You can close your eyes if you wish to", Beomgyu nodded and closed his eyes. Yeonjun smiled and caressed the younger's back.

"You're a stranger"
"am I still a stranger?"
"Aren't you?"
"I thought I was your cat"
"You know what I'm talking about"
"Me being a stranger is a worry to you?"
"It is"
"Tell me about it"
Beomgyu pulled away from the hug.

"What if you rob me?"
"Baby bear, I've got a fortune waiting for me at home if I wish to go back"
"Well, good for you"
"What else?"
"Hmm, what if you murder me one day?"
"No, I won't"
"and why wouldn't you?"
"Why would I?"
"Why wouldn't you?"
Yeonjun chuckled and squinched his eyes, "maybe because I've got other ulterior motives"
"and what are they?"
Yeonjun stared at Beomgyu in a cheesy way, Beomgyu widened his eyes.

Yeonjun laughed, "what even are you thinking"
"You tell me!"
"my dear, haven't you noticed how I get to be in human form only around you?"
"Yeah, but sometimes you're in cat form around me"
"Maybe it's about my proximity to you?"
"and why just me?"
"Well, maybe because you're warm? I don't know, this is the only thing I can comprehend if I decode everything"
"It's too complicated. This way you'll have to stay with me until you find someone else around who-"
"We'll see about that"
Beomgyu nodded and looked at Yeonjun.

Yeonjun raised his eyebrows, "thanks for the hug, it's my first hug from a stranger"
"Did you like it?"
"Yeah, I did"
"Don't go hugging strangers though, not every stranger would be nice like me"
Beomgyu nodded and looked around.

Yeonjun stood up, "Yeah, you can sleep now, I'll just go to my room"
"You're in the human form though"
"You won't fit in your bed"
"Maybe I'll turn into a cat if I-"
"or just stay here, you're hurt as well, you shouldn't move too much"
Beomgyu held Yeonjun's wrist and pulled him on the bed.

Yeonjun covered himself with the blanket and turned to face Beomgyu while resting his face on his palm.

"I know why you want me to stay here"
"So that I can decode your dreams about your crush, right?"
"No? God, you're annoying"
Yeonjun chuckled.

"Why then?"
"Well, I was able to sleep when the last time you were here!"
Yeonjun nodded with a proud pout on his face.

Beomgyu closed the lights. Yeonjun shook his head and whined, "can you open just one small light please?"
"Are you scared of the dark?"
"No? I'm just in habit of-"
"No. I'll keep the lights close, you can hold my hand if you're scared though!"
Yeonjun sighed and turned away.

He slowly turned back and held Beomgyu's hand.

Beomgyu smiled and turned on a small light. Yeonjun sighed out of relief and closed his eyes, holding onto the younger's hand.

Beomgyu shook Yeonjun's shoulder, Yeonjun hummed in response.
"I don't want to sleep"
"Don't then"
"Talk to me"
"I am"
"Don't fall asleep"
"I'll ask questions in between to keep a check"
"Go ahead"
"Yeonjun, how old are you?"
"Old enough"
"Older than me?"
Yeonjun nodded.

"Okay then, Yeonjun hyung, I'll tell you about myself"
Yeonjun nodded again.

"I was born here, in Seoul. My favorite person was my mom, maybe because people always told me that I resembled her"
"She must have been pretty", Yeonjun mumbled.
"She was. She passed away when I was eight and then, I was left on my own. My dad had troubles managing me and his business together, so he sent me to Daegu, I lived with my grandparents for a while, but then my grandfather passed away as well. You know what the neighbours there called me?"
"A stigma on the Choi family. They told my grandmother that I was unlucky for my family and my mother wouldn't have died either if I wasn't born"
Yeonjun opened his eyes slightly and rubbed his thumb on Beomgyu's palm.

"How did your mom pass away?"
"Cardiac arrest"
"and how could it be your fault?"
"Well, when you tell someone they are something so consistenly that even if they aren't that thing, they'll start believing that they are"
"and you know what is expected from that person who is told too many things?"
"To filter out stuff. Beomgyu, you only need to keep the things you actually need. Let go of the rest of them, the ones which serve you no purpose"
Beomgyu nodded, Yeonjun nodded back.

"You can continue"
"Well, then my dad finally got stable in the business world and I came back to Seoul to study. Then I got into uni and another problem, a sweet one this time, came into my life"
"Your crush?"
Beomgyu nodded with a smile.

Yeonjun smiled, "they make you smile so much, I wish they knew"
"Well, he makes everyone smile"
"He? You're into boys?"
Beomgyu nodded hesitantly, afraid to be judged. But Yeonjun just nodded with a smile, still caressing the younger's hand.

"You won't say anything about it?"
"Do I have to? I've got nothing to say"
"You don't think it's wrong or-"
"Come on beomgyu, do you think of me as that kind of person? I don't even know about my own sexuality, who am I to judge yours"
"Huh? You don't know- wait that means you're straight"
"No? I haven't tried anything yet"
"Yeah, which means-"
"Well, I haven't made conclusions yet, but for now, you can say that I'm straight"
"That's what I thought"
"You look straight"
"You can't judge it off someone's looks"
"I'm sorry, it's not that you look straight, you just feel straight, you know?"
"You need sleep"
"You don't get me?"
"Nah, make me get you"
"See, you have that vibe that...I don't know..that you would just be with the girls and that too, the hottest ones around-"
Yeonjun chuckled softly and shook his head.

"You've got it wrong"
"You're confusing me"
"I mean, I'm not like that, I would just be with anyone, you know"
"That makes you sound desperate"
"I might be. I've never been in a relationship"
"You would've had people flirting with you though?"
"Definitely. The college years were horrifying for me"
"Horrifying? I think that is fun though"
"What is?"
"To be liked"
Yeonjun smiled.

"It is fun to be liked?"
"Yeah, to know that people like you, or just one person does, that's enough too"
"Hmm, come on now, enough. Go to sleep"
Beomgyu nodded and laid down, drifting closer to Yeonjun.

"Goodnight, jun"

