Yeonjun was curious about how Soobin and Beomgyu's relationship upgraded. To what extent, how, when, he needed details for some reason.

After the meeting, Yeonjun walked back to his cabin and said, "Sohee, do I have something on my schedule?"
"That is it for today, you can always go for interview inspections though"
"Can we do something like department inspection or interns' inspection?"
"You seem very particular about this"
"I probably am. So?"
"You're the boss. You can do whatever you want"
Yeonjun nodded with a smile.

Then, he went to the IT department and barged into the head's cabin. He saw Soobin laying down on the couch. Yeonjun sighed, crossing his arms.
"Intern Soobin"
"Oh shut it"
"Well, Mr.Jung, I'm sorry to say, but I'll have to cut down on bonus-"

"I'm sorry sir, it's just that-"
"No need to be afraid of him", Soobin said.

Yeonjun scoffed, "Soobin, you have 2 minutes, either get on to work, or get out of the office"
"You'll send me out of the office?"
"You bet"
Yeonjun stated very seriously.

Soobin bit his lower lip and walked out of the cabin in rage. Yeonjun looked at Mr.Jung, "Please let me know if this brat troubles you again"

Yeonjun then went onto every department, overviewing everything. He finally went to the logistics department, which might even be the reason Yronjun was doing this inspection thing.

Beomgyu saw Yeonjun and smiled at him. Beomgyu yelled from the cabin, "Can you get me water?"

Everyone looked at Beomgyu with widened eyes. Yeonjun controlled his laugh and headed to the watercooler to get Beomgyu some water.

Beomgyu looked around, recieving the glares from everyone. Yeonjun gave the glass to Beomgyu before proceeding to walk around.

The woman slightly hit Beomgyu on his back, "You couldn't get water on your own?"
"I was a little lazy, I saw that employee near the water cooler, so I-"
"Employee, my foot. He is the boss here"
"The what?"
"Do you not research about the company you're joining?"
"For real? He is the boss?"

"How many interns do you have this time?", Yeonjun asked, entering the cabin. Mr. Min stood up, "Just one"
"This boy?", Yeonjun pointed at Beomgyu. Mr.Min nodded.
"What is he doing?"
"He is my secretary"
Yeonjun nodded and sat on the couch. Looking at Beomgyu who was mouthing all kinds of curse words to Yeonjun.

Yeonjun looked at Beomgyu with a small smirk and said, "So, how did you find out about our company?"

Beomgyu bit the insides of his mouth in annoyance before he answered, "Sir, I was suggested to join by Soobin"
"Ah, I see, he helped you get in"
"Not really. I went through all the processes like a normal intern"
Yeonjun controlled his smile, he was so into Beomgyu's rigid and annoyed side.

Yeonjun stood up, "I guess I'll be visiting the logistics department often then, to take care of the only intern here, who was suggested by the choi soobin"

Mr.Min smiled, "it would be a pleasure"
Yeonjun patted Beomgyu's shoulder and gave him a smug before walking out of the cabin. Beomgyu crushed the paper cup in his hand. He was indeed, annoyed.

Yeonjun on the other hand, had most of his evening meetings canceled so that he could go visit Beomgyu, but to his pleasure Beomgyu came to him on his own. Yeonjun was a free man, he sat down in his cabin and replayed the annoyed replies and expressions of choi beomgyu in his head.

The door opened, Yeonjun smiled, "Eui!", as he saw the figure of a girl walking in.

"Guess who just got casted as the main lead!"
"Oh my god, shouldn't you be celebrating?"
"What else would I be here for?"
Yeonjun nodded.

"I need details."
"No darling, we'll first talk about you eloping that day after that business meeting cum blind date for you"
"Don't remind me of that day, also, I got nothing, I barely remember anything"
"Don't fool me"
"No, seriously! I have no memory"
Jeong Eui sighed,"Well then, any plans on getting rid of those blind dates?"
"I'll just tell my mom I'm dating you"
Eui made a disgusted face, "not in this life"
"You mean it is possible in another life?"
"Don't annoy me"
"Yes your highness, what else would you like me to do?"
"Let's go eat something, I haven't eaten anything since I got the news"

Yeonjun and Eui walked outside, it would've been a better idea to dine outside office but Eui decided she was too lazy to head out, ultimately, they decided to stick with the company cafeteria.

Yeonjun was sure mad for this, because it was lunch time when they both decided to join the employees.

Yeonjun smiled at everyone sitting there and having food while Jeong Eui ordered desserts for them. The company cafeteria didn't serve great food, but it was of optimal taste, besides the desserts, which were really good.

Yeonjun spotted Beomgyu sitting beside his team. He was talking a lot, and Yeonjun was happy to see it that way. Beomgyu finally had a lot of people around him, unlike the past.

Eui came back and said, "do you have eyes for an intern?"
"I saw you staring at someone, you've never been interested in the employees, so I thought it might be one of the interns-"
"I wasn't staring"
"Oh, sure you weren't gawking like simps"
Yeonjun rolled his eyes.

Eui yelled, "Soobin! Come sit with us"

Yeonjun sighed, "You really want to do this?"
"Let's have a brotherly lunch, shut up and eat this pastry"
Yeonjun sighed, for the nth time.

