"Why someone else when I am around him all the time? Did he forget how I let him in my house that day!"

"Did he leave back then because I can't do things right?"

"Why is the priest telling him to get rid of me! What is his problem!"

"No one, nobody can steal my jun from me-"

"Eui!", Someone yelled. Beomgyu looked towards the voice to see Soobin, he followed Soobin's gaze to see jeong eui standing there. Beomgyu was startled, "what is she doing here?"

Beomgyu looked back to see Yeonjun running out of his tent with a wide smile plastered on his face. It's been a little while since Beomgyu saw Yeonjun smiling that way. He did smile while dancing with him, but not with such anticipation, Beomgyu couldn't read the emotion behind Yeonjun's smile while they danced.

Beomgyu's eyes followed yeonjun running towards the girl who waited patiently.

"How come?"
"I ran away from home!", Eui announced, Yeonjun held his head in disappointment before he let out the laughiest laugh.

Soobin looked at the two friends weirdly.

Beomgyu looked around himself and saw some people preparing food. He rushed towards them to help them out, before soobin could notice him.

Then he went down the hill for a stroll.

It was now three hours he had been away from the camping sites.

He sat down on a bench, the priest appeared beside him. Beomgyu didn't even startle this time.

"I shouldn't even have cursed him but oh well, it isn't in my hands"

"Do you have a problem with me?"
"No, it's your story, how can you be a problem?"
"Then, do you hate me?"
"No, I do hope Yeonjun starts hating you though"
"What the fuck? You're such a bad person!"
"Why? Don't you like soobin?"
"What does liking soobin have to do with this?"
"Well, you can't really like two people at the same time"
"Priest, are you dumb? Because, it is possible to like many people- leave that too, liking someone doesn't mean others won't matter to me!?"
"Did you just call me dumb!?", the priest stood up.

Beomgyu nodded, "go ahead and curse me too! I am already such a cursed child, one or more curses wouldn't do a thing to me and yes, make yeonjun the key for my curse!", Beomgyu said, very readily.
"why him?"
"So that I can stay around him and then ghost him just because I think I'll be a burden to him and then look out for another keys just because a priest told me to and-"
"Oh lord, you hold grudges"
"Ofcourse I do!"
"Why are you so mad right now though?"
"Because I keep ruining things! For everybody!"

The priest sighed. "How about..you just leave everything and go back to your normal life?"
"After the trip ends, quit your internship and cut ties off with Yeonjun. Just go back to college and ask soobin out courageously!"
"Are you really..."
"Yes, and don't worry, Yeonjun won't turn into a cat because I will make him realise who the other key is"
"Who is it?"
"Jeong eui!"
"That witch?"
"Don't call her that, she's a sweet girl"
"Sure priest, get away from me, you all are anti-beomgyu"
"That cannot be possible because-"
"I don't need no excuses, just tell me why there is another key?"
"Well, anyone could be his key, anyone he lets his guards down around"
"Oh? As simple as that?"
"Yes, but you see, Yeonjun is the kind of guy who doesn't let him get comfortable too easily and he only does that around one person in a time period, so another thing is, you won't be able to help him for long, if he won't even feel comfortable around you"
Beomgyu held his head.

"You're saying I make him feel uncomfortable!?"
"It might be that way soon because now he sees his best friend as a get away"
"Best friend..right..what am I even.."
"You could be a lot, still, but you guys are dumb and dense and so much more"
"Now you're calling me dumb? What am I here for? A depreciation session?"

"Anyways, tell me the way to fix his curse"
"I'm not allowed to say that, even if I try to, my mouth with shut on its own"
"I have been dropping it like with every appearance of mine?"
"To him! Not to me! I am a smart one, trust me"
"Hm, let's see"

"You gotta make a strong bond and then..overlapping of pi orbitals?"
"Priest? Are you talking in chemistry?"
"I don't know anymore, figure it out, or move on and date Soobin, the better option, really"
"Okay, let me ask you, what kind of guy is soobin?"
"Someone who would fuck around every night?"
"Yeah, he has tendencies. In general though, you can date him if you're so in love with him"
"Am I even in love with him?"

Priest sighed. "It's been dark for a while, get back now"
"No, tell me, am I really in love with him?"
"That's for you to decide Beomgyu."
"How do we tell if you're in love with someone?"
"Well, do you feel like you have an allergy?"
"What? No!"
"A heart disease perhaps?"
"No, nothing"
"Does soobin protects you?"
"He says he will!"
"Do you like it when he touches you?"

Beomgyu pouted, "I didn't like it just now"
"Well then, see it for yourself, Beomgyu"

Beomgyu sighed, he has had a crush on soobin for years though. It wasn't love? It sure was! Beomgyu's heart fluttered, was it just because of Beomgyu's imagination? isn't love a delusion in itself? does that mean he will have to fake a love so that he can marry someone because love doesn't even exist because, because...because..

"You're so loud even inside that head of yours!"
"You are so rude, stop invading into my head!"

"Can you take me back, please?"
"Hey, I'm no bodyguard!"
"Alright, I'll go then, bye bye"
Beomgyu ran in the direction he came from. Things were indeed super dark but Beomgyu was too involved in his thoughts to notice that until, he actually looked around and found himself in the middle of nowhere.

"Shit, where am I? I am pretty sure this is the way"

Beomgyu continued walking up. He finally saw lights and tents from afar. He started running towards them and tripped on the way, hurting himself on the same knee he got hurt earlier at. Beomgyu winced in pain but eventually got up on his own.

He saw others were having dinner, he didn't want to eat though. Beomgyu just went inside his and Soobin's tent and changed into his pjs. He tucked himself inside his sleeping bag and closed his eyes.

"Yeah, my department is done with the dinner"
"By the way, Do you know that chaebol friend of Yeonjun sir, miss jeong eui is actually staying with him in his tent?"
"What? A man and a woman- like not to be a conservative but-"
"I totally get you, they could actually be dating though, so good for them"

Beomgyu heard two employees talking in front of his tent, he wanted to throw something at them for disturbing his sleep. He was never going on an office trip, that was for sure.

Beomgyu took his headphone and wore them before dozzing off to sleep and shedding tears with no control.

