INTRODUCING the fairy of shampoo.

whenever I see him,
I'm not lonely,
even with my sad heart,
it disappears far away

he's my fairy of shampoo,
from this moment on,
I'll love him


This is a story about a boy named choi beomgyu. Beomgyu grew up with a single parent, the one who wasn't around had already made him the kindest person one would ever know. His mother, she passed on her beautiful traits to her only son before she passed away, leaving beomgyu alone with his father.

When beomgyu was 15, his dad left him with his grandparents in Daegu as he was building his name in the business industry. Unfortunately, his grandfather passed away and Beomgyu had to move to Seoul, again, all alone, to get into a good university.

Beomgyu had always been a smart kid, he was more good with the philosophical and literature world, but since he had always been interested in science, he was studying that.

Beomgyu used to live in the university dorms till last year, but this year, his dad bought him a place to stay. Too big for a single person, he'd say.

Beomgyu used to write. He used to make up stories about his day, someone who would read his diary would think his life is a fairytale, but that's because he intentionally made it sound that way. Blame his quality of presenting the good in everything.

Beomgyu had seasonal insomnia, which was triggered by many activities. A lot more than he could list.

We all have minor problems in life, and it's on us to decide if it's worthy to be worried about; the major problem in beomgyu's life was his crush. His crush for two years, Choi Soobin.

Choi soobin,
one of the sons of the biggest hotel chain owners in the south-east asia. Choi soobin was a great guy, most known among the heirs among his family, he was a people-pleaser, but in a good way. He was very active among his environment. Anyone would like him, he was just the right amount of crush-material and was highly likeable.


Rejected by everyone, dejected, beomgyu who was restless, found something to hold on. Now, he was all about what? A cat. A stray cat he picked up, or more like, a stray cat, which chose him.

Can a cat have secrets? Sounds absurd, but it actually does.


DISCLAIMER: the idea, concept, setting, storyline is original. It might resemble stuff, but it is author's ideas put into words. Author does not own any characters mentioned in the book.

It is a sincere request to not judge any of the idols mentioned on the basis of their character in the book, it's just mere imagination.


Thank you for sticking around, the story will begin soon, please show immense love and support.
