CHAPTER 70-Shadows Attack

The Branwen Camp was filled with all kinds of activity. The Outlaw members are currently setting things up for themselves while the Branwen tribe members are trying to expand the walls of the camp to help contain all their new additions. Raven was overseeing this just to make sure it went smoothly. Other Bandits were on guard to defend from Grimm or Danger Beasts. A pair of Bandits were at the front entrance of the camp. One had a sword and the other had a gun. As they stood guard, they heard the ruffling of leaves and bushes. They look a the forest expecting a Grimm or a Danger Beasts. They prepare themselves. But nothing rushes out at them. The rustling calms down and goes silent before a sword is thrown towards them. The sword rips into the Bandit with a gun, killing him instantly. The Bandit with a sword looked shocked but then heard someone charging him. He looked in its direction and was beheaded by Grimshaw who kept going and grabbed his second sword, ripping it out of the dead bandit. With both swords in hand, he looks at the door.

He sheathes his swords and simply puts his hand on the entrance. Shadows around him swirled around him and then down his arm towards his hand. Once it collects around his hand, he forms a fist and cocks it back. His fist is covered in shadows that harden into a hammer head. He thrusts his fist forward and punches the door down with enough force to send it flying. No use going in quietly. After he sent the door flying, other Bandits inside looked towards him. Grimshaw's shadow hammer fades away back into the surrounding area before he grabs his swords. He unsheathes the blades. Some of the bandits grab their guns and open fire at the intruder. Grimshaw simply spins his swords around and blocks the bullets as he walks towards them. He then spins around and slashes downwards, cutting one bullet in half, before he resumes blocking bullets with his swords.

He then gathers shadows onto one of his blades. With one slash, he sent an Arc of Harden Shadows at the Bandits, cutting most of them in half. The remaining Bandits pull out swords and charge him. Grimshaw sees this and decides to do things the fun way. He sheathes his swords and cracks his knuckles. He aims his hands at the ground and shadows swirl up onto them. With his Shadow covered hands, he dodges a blade from the first bandit before dodging another slash from said Bandit. He then parried the blade with his hand and then punched the Bandit back, sending them flying a decent distance. Two more Bandits charged him, so he rushed towards them. He then slid under their swings before standing back up and turning to them.

They try to slash at him together, but he dodges and grabs their wrists. He twists both of their arms before he knees the one to his left and then kicks the one to his right, knocking them both back. He then spins around while sending a kick into the face of the bandit that tried to ambush him from behind. He rolls backwards, dodging a blade from the last Bandit. As he rolled, he picked up two swords off the ground. Once he stood up, he threw both blades to the side. Each blade stabbed the two Bandits whose arms he had broken. He then cocked a fist back before kneeling down to dodge a slash and gut punching the last Bandit. The punch sent the bandit flying. With them delt with, he continues to walk through the camp. He reaches the main area and sees the entire camp there waiting for him. They all aimed their guns and other weapons at him. Jackson and Raven stood in front of everyone.

Grimshaw scanned the crowd for his target. He had a hunch he was here but couldn't be 100%. His eyes then land on Dolion. The shadows on his fists fade away into the surrounding area. He reaches for his swords but stops when he sees Jackson quickly draw his guns.

Jackson: "I wouldn't do that if I were you." he threatens.

Grimshaw moves his hands away from his weapons.

Jackson: "I'm going to ask this once. Why are you here?" he asks.

Grimshaw doesn't answer. Instead, he's attempting to plan out his attack plan. Raven is smart enough to notice so she unsheathes her sword. Prepared to fight.

Raven: "I don't think diplomacy will work, Jack." she whispers.

Jackson: "I fear you might be right. But he's outnumbered." he said, whispering back to her. "If he attacks us, he's either got one hell of a plan, or is dumb."

Grimshaw remains silent. However, this ended as black mist begins to come off his body. This causes everyone to look confused. Jackson is about to activate his powers, but Grimshaw threw his arms up and a massive cloud of black mist shoots off him and carpets the area. This blinds everyone. With everyone blinded, Grimshaw dashes for Dolion, wanting to make this quick. Evelyn looks around and sees him coming so she gets in front of Dolion. Dolion takes notice but is too slow to react. Grimshaw reaches the two and catches a punch from Evelyn with ease. He then twists her arm before kneeing her in the gut. He then swats her aside. She let out a pained yelp as her arm was in extreme pain. This allowed Jackson to find Grimshaw. So, he aimed and activates his powers. One shot is all that's needed.

Jackson shoots once, a fiery trail leading off from his gun and towards Grimshaw. But to his shock, Grimshaw catches the bullet. He then drops the bullet and dodges a punch from Dolion. Jackson ran over to them as did Raven. The rest of the group couldn't see what was going on. Cassidy, however, spotted Jackson and aimed in the direction he was running. She shoots once with her lever action rifle and is lucky. The bullet nearly hit Grimshaw's shoulder as it grazed him. Feeling this, Grimshaw quickly turned around to face her, but he had to duck under a sword blade. Raven spun around and slashed at Grimshaw's mask. Grimshaw was fast enough to evade the blade as he spun around it and punched Raven in the face, knocking her back. Jackson holsters his guns and tackles Grimshaw to the ground. As they rolled on the ground, Grimshaw kicks Jackson off before he flips around back onto his feet. Jackson hits the ground from being kicked but quickly gets back up.

The black mist cloud still remains, but from it another Grimshaw appears. This shocks Jackson who defends against it. This Mist Clone keeps him busy, allowing Grimshaw to turn his attention to Dolion who looks on absolutely frightened. Grimshaw starts walking towards him. He then unsheathed his sword and turned to block Raven's strike. Raven then unleashes a barrage of slashes at him. Each slash is blocked by Grimshaw. Another Mist Clone appears and attacks Raven. Raven backs up and blocks an attack from the Mist Clone. With both fighters busy, Grimshaw sheathes his sword and approaches Dolion who backs up. Two bullets zip past Grimshaw making the assassin look. He sees Daniel charging him with his revolver drawn.

Daniel: "Dolion, move!" he shouts as he unloads more rounds at Grimshaw.

Grimshaw quickly unsheathes his sword and blocks the bullets. He then grabs a knife he has and flipped it to grab the blade. As he blocks another bullet, he spins around and throws the knife at Daniel. Daniel fans the hammer of his weapon and hits the knife causing it to spin midair. However, this didn't stop it momentum. The knife flew at him and stabbed him in the shoulder causing him to be knocked backwards. He fell to the ground and dropped his gun. Dolion looked shocked by this as did Jackson who saw this, and oh boy was he pissed. He growls before he surges his power. His body gets covered in flames as his eyes glow. He then punched the Mist Clone and caused it to disperse which shocked Grimshaw a little.

The assassin dashes at Dolion and grabbed the Former UF Soldier by the collar of his shirt. Once grabbed, he proceeds to cover the two of them in black mist. Jackson runs at the two, hoping to stop this. But as he reaches them, he goes to punch Grimshaw, but his fist goes right through the mist. The Black Mist Cloud then fades away as both Dolion and Grimshaw are gone. Jackson stops himself and looked around.

Jackson: "no..." he said, under his breath.

He clenches his fists before running over to Daniel who was on the ground. Daniel grunts before he rips out the knife. Jackson reaches him and helps Daniel off the ground.

Jackson: "Are you okay?"

Daniel: "That knife got me good, but I'll live." he said, holding his shoulder.

Jackson: "Okay. Get medical." he said, gesturing for him to go find some medical supplies.

Raven walks over to him.

Raven: "Have an idea why that guy was after the kid?" she asks.

Jackson: "Not really. But I have a hunch a certain Director wanted his kid back."

Raven: "So he sends an assassin?" she asks.

Jackson: "Trust me. This isn't the craziest thing Henry has done. That guy is obsessed with preventing chaos. Everything he does is controlled and quiet." he explains.

Raven: "So, if Henry sent that assassin. What does that mean for Dolion?" she asks.

Jackson: "Nothing good. That's why we're going after him." he said.

Raven: "how? That assassin could've teleported anywhere."

Jackson: "True. But there's one place I know for a fact that Dolion will be going to." he said.

Raven: "Where?" she asks.

Jackson looked around at everyone who was recovering from the attack. Cassidy had went over to Evelyn and helped her off the ground while being careful as to not aggravate her already hurting arm. Jackson returned his gaze to Raven.

Jackson: "Unity City." 
