CHAPTER 50-2nd Battle of Menagerie Part 4: Showdown

While the large crowd of civilians was being moved more hastily, Jackson had his eyes on the sky, searching for any dropships coming their way. Nura did as well as she held her sniper rifle. Hawks and Fumikage just had their eyes on the civilians while Luna was beside Nura. Fumikage looked at the civilians as he seemed troubled by everything going on. Hawks noticed and decided to press for answers.

Hawks: "Everything okay?" he asks.

Fumikage: "Not really. I'm still trying to come to terms with my current situation." he said. "I started off as a Student of Union Academy, then a traitor and now I'm in an active Warzone between the United Forces and this Rebel Faction." he explains. "I wanted to be a Hero, but now I'm having a hard time telling if I am one, or if I'm becoming a Villain."

Hawks was about to talk but someone interrupted him.

Jackson: "Hey! Cut that thought now!" he scolds as he walked over. "You wanted to be a Hero right?"

Fumikage: "U-Uh yeah?" he responds, a bit caught off guard by his sudden intervention.

Jackson: "Look at these people." he said while turning Fumikage to look at the civilians. "What do you see?"

Fumikage: "People. People with lives ahead of them." he said, confusedly.

Jackson: "Exactly. People. Innocent civilians and Union is trying to kill them, or worse, put them into slavery. Is that what a hero does?" he asks.

Fumikage shakes his head, silently saying no.

Jackson: "and what are we doing?" he asks. "Protecting them from Union. Union is nothing but hypocrisy and lies." he said, answering his own question. "True Heroes protect the people, not the regime that rules them. Real heroes don't attack people because of their Race, Appearance or their inability to use a Quirk, Semblance, Sacred Gear or Imperial Arms. We all Human! Every single one of us!" he explains, loudly. "We protect those who Union forgets about, the people Union wants to eradicate for their perfect world. We except people for who they are. We are not Powerless OR Empowered! We're all human, we're all Faunus. We all live and breathe on this Earth, and if the Union was to force a different mindset into our minds and subjugate something because of who they are, they're the real villains! We're heroes because we are brave enough to stand up against an authoritarian regime to make a better world for people who just want to live in it! We're Heroes because we see people for who they are! We're heroes because we don't listen to everything we're told! We're Heroes because WE save lives with no questions asked!" he explains.

A lot of civilians and Menagerie Guardsmen are listening to this.

Jackson: "We are Heroes because Union is too busy forcing their ideology on others to become them! The world needs heroes and Union sure as hell ain't it!" he shouts. "so, do you want to be a Hero?"

Fumikage: "Y-yes."

Jackson: "Then quit second guessing. Because the Union aren't heroes. Not even close." he said, before walking off.

Fumikage kept his gaze locked onto the Gang Leader. Everyone else who heard that watched as well. Jackson stopped however as he noticed a dropship coming towards them.

Jackson: "We got incoming!" he shouts, getting everyone's attention.

The Menagerie Guardsmen readied their spears, swords, blasters and guns. Nura aims her sniper while getting in front of Luna. Hawks hardened a glare towards the dropship while Fumikage just stared on. Saber aimed his E-5 Blaster at the dropship. Jackson moved his trench coat so that it didn't cover his two revolvers that laid in the holsters. The dropship begins to descend before them and once it lands. Everyone—except Jackson—trains their weapons on it. The side hatch opens and one person steps out of it alone. Jackson's gaze hardened as both of his hands hovered over his guns.

The person who stepped out was General Esdeath herself. When her gaze met Jackson's, a smile came to her face.

Esdeath: "Well, I'll be damned. If it isn't Jackson Black himself." she said, sounding almost pleased to see him. "Miss me?"

Jackson: "Nope. Not even in the slightest." he said without hesitation alongside his iconic smile.

Esdeath frowned a little at the retort.

Esdeath: "We used to be friends."

Jackson: "Yeah, used to." he retorts, aggressively with a glare.

Esdeath: "To think you would stoop so low as to align yourself with Rebels." she said.

Jackson: "To think you'd carry on with your bullshit." he barks back. "Your mind games won't work on me Ice Queen."

Esdeath: "Oh of course they won't, no one can use mind games against a former member of the Union Intelligence Bureau." she said, smiling at him.

Everyone looked at Jackson who hardened his glare.

Jackson: "You will not touch a single Civilian." he declares, not bothering to antagonize her for revealing his former life.

Esdeath lets out a faint giggle of glee seeing that challenging look in Jackson's eye. She grabs her rapier's handle before unsheathing the weapon's blade. Holding the blade off to the side she then brings it in front of her, the tip of the blade aiming upwards.

Esdeath: "Who's going to stop me?" she asked.

Jackson simply stared before letting out a "tch". He sounded disappointed. In the blink of an eye, Jackson grabbed his revolvers and shoots twice in her direction. Esdeath blocks both bullets before smiling at Jackson who had his guns aimed at her.

Jackson: "Me." he said, his eyes turning orange.

Esdeath's eyes widened as she knew exactly what this was.

Esdeath: "Your not taking your time?" she asks.

Jackson: "no." he said. "I never liked what I did in the past. But killing you..." His guns catch a blaze. "Will be a pleasure."

Esdeath sighs sadly.

Esdeath: "Was our past friendship nothing to you?" she asks.

Jackson: "never was anything to begin with. That's why killing you won't be a problem." he declared.

A chuckle is heard from Esdeath who seems delighted to hear this.

Esdeath: "Perfect! I knew you would say that!!" she said, smiling a little crazily.

Esdeath charged Jackson who brought his guns up and blocked her rapier with his guns. He glared at her and she just smiled at her.

Esdeath: "Because now I get to finally kill you." she declares with a smile.

Jackson: "Thought you were heartbroken?"

Esdeath: "Mind games." she states.

Jackson: "Figured." he said, grinning.

Jackson then swiped his guns to the side, forcing her rapier off to the side as well. He flipped around his gun and whacked her in the face with it. She stumbled back and he took aim with his other gun, firing one bullet that left a fiery trail. Once it hit her, she was flung back by a mini explosion. Jackson flipped around his other gun and aimed both at her. Esdeath gets back up from the blast and brushed off some dirt on her shoulder. She glared at Jackson for attempting such a trick. She grabs her rapier and prepared to attack but saw Hawks prepare himself. The Menagerie Guardsmen, Fumikage, and Nura prepared themselves as well. Esdeath smiled seeing this.

Esdeath: "So many people willingly throwing away their lives to defeat me? Oh this is going to be fun." she said with a smile.

Jackson wasted no time and opened fire as he charged her. Esdeath dodged a few bullets before blocking the rest. She charged Jackson, returning the favor. Jackson stopped firing and ducked down as he slid under her rapier. Once he slid past her, he stood up and side stepped to dodge a thrust from Esdeath's blade. He then swung his gun to whack her again, but Esdeath dodged and arced a foot up to kick Jackson who dodged and grabbed her leg. He then spun around and threw her away a good distance. He quickly drew his gun and fanned the hammer; each bullet being empowered by fire. All six bullets hit her but didn't pierce her skin. Jackson took aim with his other gun and aimed one charged up shot which caused a mini explosion. With the smoke field present it is hard to tell if he killed her or not.

He kept his guns trained on the smoke before it suddenly dispersed from something dashing through it. Jackson gasped as he knew who this was and went to react but didn't in time. Esdeath stabs him in the gut. He stumbled back and dropped his guns but didn't let the wound cripple him. He drew a fist back and punched her in the face. Forcing Esdeath back. He grabbed her rapier's blade and ripped out the blade. Thankfully it didn't go too deep but it's still going to need medical attention. He threw her sword aside as Esdeath looked at him while holding her jaw from that punch.

Esdeath: "You're definitely the same Jackson I once knew." she said.

Jackson glared at her, almost as if his wound didn't exist. He looked down to his guns.

Esdeath: "You know, I've wondered what your Semblance can do. With out your weapons of course." she said in a challenging tone.

Jackson let out a briefly chuckle before looking at her with a grin. His orange eyes igniting into flames.

Jackson: "Why don't you come find out?" he beckons with a taunt.

Esdeath charges Jackson who just stood his ground. She ran past her weapon and picked it up. She reeled her weapon back and thrusted it forward aiming for Jackson's face. But Jackson ducked down before throwing up an upper cut into her jaw causing her to stumble back but he jumped up and arced around a kick to her face. Esdeath returned the favor after quickly recovering from the attack. She used her Imperial Arms and slammed her hand on the ground, sending a large spike of Ice at Jackson who barely dodged it. Esdeath then dodged a red feather and turned to see Hawks charging her. He reeled a fist back and went to punch her but she dodged and chopped the back of his neck making him stumble past her.

He managed to stay standing as he quickly grabs a feather and hardens it while turning around. He blocked Esdeath's rapier.

Esdeath: "Pro Heroes like you don't usually help Rebels." she said.

Hawks: "Guess I'm one in a million then." he retorts.

A small barrage of red feathers shoot up before diving down at Esdeath. Esdeath pushed hawks off her and formed a ball of ice around her to block the feathers. Once the feathers hit the ball of ice, she breaks it and charges Hawks with a smirk. But she was intercepted by Jackson who punched her in the face, launching her back a fair distance. She rolls across the ground but flipped around to get back on her feet. She held a grin the whole time. Getting back on her feet, she aimed her rapier at Jackson and Hawks who stood across from her. She was about to press her attack but a red laser bolt flew past her so she turned her attention to Nura who was shooting at her. She dodged a few bolts but noticed someone on their own.

She saw Luna on the sidelines and got an idea. She used her powers and sent a wave of Ice towards Luna. Nura, who had left her exposed, gasped in realization of her mistake.

Nura: "LUNA!" she shouts as she turned and ran towards her.

Luna put her hands in front of her to use the Force but struggled too. Fear had overcome her. The Ice raced towards her. Fumikage rushed over to try and save her but the ice reached Luna. However, everyone failed to notice someone dive in front of Luna. The ice is suddenly destroyed by an unknown force. Everyone looked on surprise but they soon saw the one responsible. (Y/n) stood in front of Luna with his hand stretched out. If he didn't have the helmet on, you could see the anger in his eyes. Luna had shielded herself with her arms but noticing that she wasn't hit, looked in front of her to see (Y/n). She could feel the anger radiating off him.

(Y/n): "are you okay?" he asks, not looking at her. His gaze locked onto Esdeath.

Luna: "y-yes." she said, a little shaken up.

(Y/n) gave a short glance over his shoulder before using the Force to grab his Lightsaber.

(Y/n): "Nura."

The Chiss Bounty Hunter closes the distance nervously.

(Y/n): "Get her to a safe distance and stay with her this time." he orders, sternly.

It's clear he's pissed. Nura nods silently before walking past him and gently grabbing Luna's shoulder. Luna follows Nura but looked over her shoulder as she walked away. (Y/n) looked over his shoulder, sensing her gaze. She was about to turn and walk away but (Y/n) stops her.

(Y/n): "Luna." she stopped and looked at him. "Once things calm down, I would like to speak to you about something important."

Nura looked at him with a raised eyebrow. Luna was also confused but just nods silently. Jackson gained a slight smile has he had an idea at what (Y/n) was planning. (Y/n) turned his attention to Esdeath.

(Y/n): "Everyone fall back. She's mine." he orders.

The Menagerie Guards nod and begin to rush any civilians nearby. Hawks rushed over to Fumikage and ushered him to get moving. Jackson hesitated but turned off his Semblance and walked towards (Y/n). The Admiral turns his attention to him.

Jackson: "Kick her ass." he said as he passed him.

(Y/n): "planned to."

Jackson chuckles as he walked away before he broke into a sprint. (Y/n) looked at Esdeath and brought up his saber and prepared for battle. Esdeath watched this with a smile. She brought her rapier up and then aimed it at (Y/n).

Esdeath: "I would say fighting me alone is a bad idea, but you did kill Marvin Turner." she said. "I applaud you."

(Y/n): "So you're his boss?" he asks calmly. "Guess I'm finishing the job."

Esdeath: "heh, it won't be that simple." she comments. "This little rebellion of yours had a nice run, bringing down Bingham was certainly an accomplishment. But unfortunately, its story ends here. After all, all you Rebel 'heroes' are the same." She explains. "You show too much compassion and are too merciful."

(Y/n) did nothing but chuckle. This surprised Esdeath.

(Y/n): "Oh you poor soul." he said, bits of the Dark Side flowing through him. "Why would I bother showing mercy to you?"

To Esdeath, she felt a sudden power in the area. A sense of dread as she felt his killing intent rise. It became clear to her that he did not intend on showing her mercy. Both of them are in a battle stance ready for the other to make the move. 

The battle between General Esdeath and Admiral (Y/n) (L/n) has arrived!

The clash of two great military minds controls the fate of Menagerie
