CHAPTER 30-Coalition of Rebel Sectors

As the Droid/Faunus Forces returned to Menagerie, Menagerie Guards and Droid Forces were assisting with unloading rescued slaves. The Local Faunus population did their best to help feed and heal the poor people who were subjected to the horrors of Union's corruption. Housing them would be a problem, but they managed to turn storage buildings into temporary homes for the rescued slaves. (Y/n) ordered his Droids to set up multiple camp zones for civilians to live in temporarily until Kuo Kuana can be expanded to accommodate the new occupants. But they wouldn't stay for long, (Y/n) knew the prisoners were still in danger of recapture so he wanted to send them to the Social Separatist States but contacting them would be a hassle. So in preparation for this plan, he went straight to Ghira in order to discuss and better organize relief efforts for the rescued slaves.

He made sure to bring the others with him. Najenda, Markus and Luna was brought along. He brought Luna as he wanted to continue her training, and right now he was training her diplomatic skills. He has plenty of diplomatic experience as he got all of it from the Clone Wars when he had to negotiate with Republic Forces to either ensure Civilians are evacuated or to ease tensions between neutral worlds and separatist forces. In the Chieftain's office, Ghira was sitting at his desk, looking over a holographic map provided by (Y/n) who was currently talking to him.

(Y/n): "We need to make sure the rescued slaves are cared for accordingly. They'll be safer in the Separatist States than here in Menagerie." he explains.

Ghira: "Contacting the SSS will not be easy. Thanks to this Cold War between them and Union." he says.

(Y/n): "Then we find someone who has easy and a stable line of communication with the Separatist States. But, who this someone is will be the problem." he says, immediately finding a flaw in the plan.

Najenda: "The Outlaws."

Everyone looks at her.

Najenda: "I've heard from Futaba that The Outlaws had been in cohorts with the Separatist States for a while now. Helping people being hunted by the Union escape by getting them into the SSS. She says that the Peace Faction believes that the group's leader has a direct connection to Australia's leader who is an influential member of the SSS Parliament." she explains. "If we recruit The Outlaws, we can get these rescued slaves to Australia and far away from Union's grasp. They'll be safe."

(Y/n): "Where can we find these, Outlaws?" he asks.

Najenda: "I'll have to ask our friends in the Peace Faction. They've kept close tabs on the Outlaws for a while now so they should know where they're base is." she explains. "I'll contact you once we have their location."

(Y/n) nods her way. He then notices Luna's gaze and can tell somethings troubling her.

(Y/n): "Is everything alright Luna?" he asks.

Luna snaps out of her daze and looks at him. She processes what he said before nodding.

Luna: "Yes, I'm fine."

Markus: "You do not look fine, Luna." he says, expressing concern.

Before his village was attacked, he had taken the role of Village Elder. Doing his best to make sure everyone was happy, being in his old age also helps with wisdom as he's been on this Earth for a long time.

Luna: "it's just... can we even trust the Outlaws? They're literally called outlaws." she asks.

Najenda: "I'm not too sure myself. That's why we'll confront them instead of brining them onboard. If we meet them, we can't expose anything that Union would find useful." she said.

Luna: "It's not Union I'm worried. It's 'them' I'm worried." she said, mentioning someone.

This gains a look from (Y/n).

(Y/n): "Them?"

Markus knows what Luna is referring to. They might not be from the same village, but all villages refer to this group as "them". He sighs somberly and a little angrily.

Markus: "The Tanaka's. They're a Bandit Clan that was once stationed in Japan. But the Separatist States banished them, and now they prey on Union Citizens. They've become a big rival of the Branwen Bandit Tribe. They're Bandit War has been waging for a long time." he explains. "Some think the Tanaka Clan works for Union with how convenient their attacks are. But no one has been able to prove this theory."

(Y/n) looked at Luna. He remembers she talked about a Bandit Tribe that ravaged her home village before the United Forces attacked and took her captive. He clenches his fists. The Tanaka Bandit Tribe is definitely on his kill list. He can worry about them later, he needs to focus on getting people to safety and it seems like The Outlaws are the best bet.

(Y/n): "We'll go with Najenda's plan. Finding the Outlaws is our next mission. If we get the civilians as far from Union as possible, they'll be protected. Beter than being in Menagerie as it would lessen the stress of our Forces." he explains.

Ghira: "on the topic of our Forces. How do you plan to use them against Union?" he asks.

(Y/n): "Recruiting more Rebel Cells and dealing damage to Union before talking to the Separatist States for an Alliance." he said.

Ghira: "So are we just some band of misfits? A group of unorganized insurgents?" he asks.

(Y/n): "No, we're a Coalition of-" he stops as a name enters his mind.

Ghira: "Coalition of what?" he asks.

(Y/n) looks at him.

(Y/n): "Get everyone gathered. I believe it's time I address our situation to them." he asks.

Ghira raised an eyebrow buts nods. The others look at him while Najenda might have an idea of what he's planning.

{Sometime later}

Ghira sent the world for all White Fang, Menagerie Guard, Civilians and Droids to rally in front of his home as Admiral (Y/n) (L/n) wanted to tell them about their current situation. Within no time at all, a large crowd—mostly Faunus—had gathered. Droids and Menagerie Guard acted as security. Civilians and White Fang Soldiers were amongst the crowd as were various humans who were liberated in Bingham. Even the villagers that were being housed on the Lucrehulk were brought down to Menagerie, which happened before the Battle of Bingham took place.

As they talked amongst themselves, wondering what was going to be said. They all quiet down as Ghira stepped forward with (Y/n) behind him.

Ghira: "I know these past few days have been difficult. With Menagerie being attacked by the United Forces and the successful attack on Fort Bingham. We have been at War with Union for as long as their mistreatment of its citizens began all those years ago. We've survived and adapted to whatever Union has thrown at us. Menagerie wanted to be left alone, but the Union was not willing to accept our sovereignty and wanted us under their heel. But we rebelled and resisted their control. With the help of our new Allies, Menagerie is safe. But our allies have much bigger plans, and I believe it's best for you to hear it from the man himself." he explains, ending his short speech and stepping aside.

(Y/n) was a little nervous as he's never openly addressed large crowds before during the Clone Wars. But he sucked it up and stepped forward. Now standing in front of them, they all look at him.

(Y/n): "I can understand if you do not trust me. What the Union has done to you people is unforgiveable. I know you all want Justice for what's happened, but you are all too scared to fight back. Union is a tyrannical Government that only wishes to further its grip on power. I've seen it before. But the only way for you all to truly achieve freedom, peace, salvation, is to rise up against your oppressors. I understand if you do not like War, but Union has proven that it is not willing to negotiate. They were going to enslave everyone on Menagerie. Every man, woman and child. They see you as nothing more than tools to take and cast aside. To the Union, you are nothing. But everyone has a greater purpose. What's the point in continuing to live under subjugation from a government that has no intentions of change for the better of its people? What is the point in living in fear when your hearts thirst for Justice? Why let your fears control you when you know deep down that the Union must answer for their crimes. The Union is not invincible; their strongest Fortress has been destroyed. A feat considered impossible until we shattered that reality." People's worries were fading as they listened to this man's speech. "We are all living people. We breathe, we eat, we cry, we yell, we live, and we die. All of us have a right to speak out against oppression. We all have a right to speak our mind. The Union can try to silence you, but as long as you stand together, they cannot silence the voice of Rebellion!"

Najenda was standing off the side with wide eyes. Markus was even surprised at how patiently (Y/n) is speaking. He's preaching War and Rebellion yet making it almost inspiring at the same time.

(Y/n): "This world does not belong to them. Your lives are not theirs to control. We all have a right to decide how our lives turn out, what we become. Union was meant to be a symbol of peace, but instead, they became the symbol of evil. A symbol of everything that we as living being's dread. I know you want Justice. But sitting around sulking and crying will not bring it forth. You all want your own form of Revenge against Union and its tyrannical Academy. You all want freedom for your families all over the world. This world is your home, and you must never let anyone take it away from you. If they try, you fight. If they fight back, you strike harder. If Union tries to diminish your hope, show them that it never dies. The Rebel Cells of this world all have different goals with the same endgame. The usurping of Union Academy. Split apart and scattered you have been ineffective. But Bingham showed you that together you can and WILL destroy Union. If we band together, Union will not be able to stop us. If we unit all together, we can finally bring Justice to the injustice, bring freedom to the enslaved and bring peace to a world ravaged by corruption and War. Union's time has come, they're Empire has existed long enough. It's time for all of us to Rise up and take back what is ours. This world, our homes. Everything!!" he speaks.

He can see the fires light in the eyes of everyone before him.

(Y/n): "This is your time to rise up and show Union what you really are. We will rally the Rebel Cells to our cause and bring down this tyranny once and for all. No longer are we just scattered rebellions; we are one unified coalition who all serve the same go." he says before he pauses. "We are the Coalition of Rebel Sectors, and We will destroy Union once and for All!!" he shouts proudly.

Mere seconds after he ended his speech, an uproar erupted from the crowd. White Fang Soldiers threw their fists into the air, some threw their weapons up as they cheered for this, agreeing with what (Y/n) said. The Civilians did the same. It was clear now, they all wanted Justice and they wanted Revenge for what Union has done. Fort Bingham proved that they could defeat them. Union is not this invincible empire they believed it to be. (Y/n) watched as the crowd agreed with his words. He wasn't wearing a helmet so the crowd saw his uncovered emotions. He then saw one of the White Fang Soldiers look about be began chanting something. The rest of the crowd began chanting it too.

Crowd: "CRS! CRS! CRS!" They chant loudly.

Hearing this brought a small smile to his face. He felt a hand place itself on his shoulder. He looks at Najenda who had a smile on her face. She nods at him. Looking past her he saw Markus give a similar response. He grabs his lightsaber hilt and steps forward a little. The crowd calms down and looks at him. He then threw his hilt upwards while igniting the white blade which prompted the others to throw their fists into the air and cheer again.

The Coalition of Rebel Sectors has been born, and with it, Rebellion.

the Coalition of Rebel Sectors is the official name of (Y/n)'s rebel faction. By the way, yes, Australia is gonna be an important location later on. Also, by the time this comes out.....

