CHAPTER 29-After Shock

After capturing Fort Bingham, Droid/Faunus Forces began extracting the captured slaves to Menagerie. The Fleet of Absolute Resilience had to send other transport as The Risk had suffered severe damage. The captured UF Soldiers were the last ones to leave. The White Fang Guards even let some of the slave's insult, hit and bad mouth the UF Soldiers to get it out of their systems. The Droids of course didn't let them beat the prisoners as that would be a War Crime and these Droids were reprogramed to prevent War Crimes from being broken. (Y/n) had received needed medical attention as he had a broken arm and a few bruises on his body as well as a couple fractures on his spine. So, he was put into a bacta tank onboard The Bold which was the only warship that suffered light damage. Najenda oversaw evacuation efforts while Sienna made sure no UF Soldiers escaped captivity. Things were looking good for them, Union on the other hand, not so much.

{Union Academy, Unity City, sometime later}

General James Ironwood stood before all three Headmasters. He called them, requesting an audience as he had something to report. One of their surveillance drones picked up the Battle happening in Bingham. He saw the UF Soldiers surrendering and flags of Union being torn down. Fort Bingham had Fallen. He also witnessed the Death of Marvin Turner and Kiefer Holbach. The destruction of Fort Bingham and death of two high ranking officials could not be covered up. So he had to come clean.

Ozpin: "James. You wished to speak to us?" he asks.

Ironwood: "I have.... something to report." he said, grimly.

Sirzechs: "Is it perhaps your failure to defend Fort Bingham?" he asks.

Ironwood looked at him in shock.

Sirzechs: "I had some of my Devils nearby. They reported to me the minute the battle started and ended. Especially the fate of Commander Turner." he said, a hidden frustration pointed towards Ironwood.

Ironwood: "I didn't expect this rebel force to-"

Ozpin: "Grow out of control?" he asks. "James, Fort Bingham fell under your army for protection. The Fortress has fallen, and you were nowhere to be seen on the Battlefield. Not only did we lose an entire Fleet, but we also lost thousands of soldiers to these rebels."

Sirzechs: "Your inability to cooperate with Marvin cost us our strongest fortress. Add the fact that your men are by far some off the weakest of the Military." he scolds.

Ironwood: "Sirs, if I had known and had time to prepare-"

Nezu: "What would've changed? You dying on the frontline?" he asks. "Your forces have always been incompetent, and you've done nothing to change that."

Ironwood stood in silence.

Ozpin: "Add the fact that Marvin was one of our best Commanders, and I'd imagine his previous commanding officer isn't too happy." he said.

Ironwood straightens himself up before he asks a question.

Ironwood: "What do you wish for me to do?" he asks.

Sirzechs: "For you to remain here. It's clear your not capable of dealing with rebels." he said. "I believe General Esdeath can take things from here, considering you got her top Commander killed."

Ironwood: "Headmasters please reconsider." he pleas.

???: "Oh, don't worry James." a feminine voice says.

Ironwood slowly turns around to see a familiar blue-haired General. The United Forces Strongest General and the most brutal of Generals. Responsible for quelling rebellions in Europe and North America. General Esdeath.

Esdeath: "I'll take good care of those rebels while you're gone." she says.

Ironwood: "They destroyed Fort Bingham. Please enlighten me on how you'll deal with these Rebels?" he asks, venomously.

He's never liked Esdeath. She's considered the Headmasters' Favorite General since unlike Ironwood and other Generals, she brings only results. Not causality reports.

Esdeath: "Because my men are actually prepared for War. Yours were prepared to keep peace and be police. Not Soldiers." she berates.

Ironwood growled at her angrily at the insult. He's stopped by Sirzechs who flares up his Aura to scare the General, for which it worked.

Sirzechs: "enough banter. Esdeath has been put in charge of the situation. End of story." he scolds, angrily.

He's never liked Ironwood's constant bickering. Though his men suck on the battlefield, Ironwood's forces in the scientific field bring results. Especially Doctor Pietro Polendina when it came to the Paladin Project which had sense been put under new management with the death of Dr. Watts.

Ozpin: "If it makes you feel better James, the 19th Infantry Battalion in Mistral have been without a General for some time." he offers.

Esdeath: "Wasn't General Louis in charge of the 19th?"

Nezu: "He has more.... important assignments to take care of." he said.

Esdeath nods, accepting the answer. She knows General Louis works for the Union Intelligence Bureau, which has been responsible for much of Union's dirty work, and by dirty work, the correct word would be the devil's work. Considering the UIB's logo is so fittingly named, The Eye of the Devil.

Ozpin: "We'd be willing to send you to Mistral to aid the 19th, considering they're recent report was... troubling to say the least. But, we doubt it's true."

Sirzechs: "Considering your failure at Bingham was all thanks to your soldiers and the fact that you've never prepared them for War. The 19th is a force well prepared for conflict. General Louis values results over everything. So those soldiers will serve you well. Help them deal with any rebel threats they encounter. Prove to us that you're still useful Ironwood." he orders, a little threateningly at the end.

Nervously, Ironwood nods before turning and walking towards the elevator that leads to the Headmasters' office. as he steps inside, he presses the button to head down. He glares at Esdeath who smirked back at him before the doors closed. If he messes up again, he's dead.

{Medical Bay, Lucrehulk, Earth's Orbit}

(Y/n) was transferred to the Lucrehulk for further medical treatment. While that happened, Luna heard of his condition and rushed to the med bay to see him. Markus did as well. The Droids took what was left of Altus and carried it away. The Admiral sat in the medical bay in silence thinking over the events that had recently just transpired. The Attack, Altus's Sacrifice and their Victory. He sits up on the medical bed and looks at his left hand and then at his right arm which was being supported by some kind of metal skeleton wrapped around it. During the Clone Wars, he helped develop a sort of temporary cybernetic armor that would help people with broken arms and legs. It was nullifying the pain as well as applying bacta to heal the arm. Powerful piece of technology that's proved useful time after time again.

It was connected to a pauldron that was sleek and hugged his shoulder and bicep. Most of his "broken" arm was a result of it being roughly dislocated by Marvin. After a painful relocation process, the arm/shoulder brace was put on him for further treatment. At this point, he could move it just fine after being in a Bacta Tank and having the exo skeleton brace on his arm. He then looks at his right hand before he opens and closes both hands as a sort of exercise as he felt his right hand getting stiff. As he did this, he hears the door to the medical bay open. This causes him to stop and look over to the door to see Luna. She sees that he's sitting up and seemingly well, so she quickly rushed over to him but stopped at his bed as she didn't know if his arm was okay.

As if sensing it, (Y/n) lets out a quick humorous exhale before opening himself up for a hug with one arm. This beckons Luna to quickly embrace him. She was worried.

(Y/n): "How are you doing?" he asks, calmly.

Luna: "How am I doing?" she asks as she looked up at him. "How are YOU doing! Your arm was broken, and I was told you needed medical attention!" she said, heaps of concern.

(Y/n) chuckles.

(Y/n): "I'm Fine, kid. The droids for some reason just love to over exaggerate things. My arm will be back to 100% in no time." he downplays humorously.

The Droids under his command always do this kind of thing. Whether he wants them to or not. Luna pouts at his claim before resuming the embrace. (Y/n) thought nothing of it until he felt his shirt getting wet. He looks down at Luna and notices she's crying. His eyes widen.

(Y/n): "L-Luna? What's wrong?" he asks, throwing aside any humor he previously had.

Luna: "Union took everything from me.... I didn't want them to take you from me too." she says through sobs as she continues to cry.

She knows a broken arm isn't a very serious injury but hearing him go into battle and then hearing that he was in need of medical attention. She feared the worst and feared that Union killed him like they did to her parents who were mercilessly murdered by the United Forces. She soon felt both of (Y/n)'s arms wrapped around her as (Y/n) did his best to comfort her.

(Y/n): "I'm fine, Luna. I promised to train you and I will. I will do whatever I can to keep you safe, I promise." he says in a gentle tone. "I'll never leave you. In the dark or behind."

Luna: "P-Promise?"

(Y/n): "I promise, and I never break my promises." he says, gently.

During the war, he made many promises and always kept them. Even if they were with the enemy as long as it was their dying wish and if he respected them. Luna tightens her hold on him, grateful to have someone like him. She's glad he found her when he did. While they embraced one another, (Y/n) had an idea that he wanted to put in motion once he reached Menagerie.

Elsewhere on the ship, Najenda stood in front of a hologram showing various other Rebel Cells yet to become allies and enemies. She scans through each individual Rebel Group and Faction, some Good and some evil. Some are downright villainous. As she searched through the Rebel Groups, someone enters the room. It's Markus who seems a little sad. She looks at him.

Najenda: "What's wrong?" he asks.

Markus: "Altus, one of our heroes, is gone. But, this was to be expected. We're going to War against Union after all." he says.

Najenda: "True. But that doesn't mean we can't try to bring everyone back home alive." she rebuttals.

She was distraught by Altus's death. But she's doing what she can to keep herself together. Not the first time she's lost somebody.

Najenda: "I've left far enough people behind. Even if they deserved it." she said, somberly.

Markus: "who have you left behind?" he asks, curiously.

Najenda breathes in and out to calm herself down before crossing her arms. She then looks at Markus.

Najenda: "Would you believe me if I said I was once married?" she asks.

Markus: "Of course. I wouldn't doubt it for a second. Such a fine woman like yourself would certainly be able to find someone." he says calmly.

Najenda chuckles.

Najenda: "Flattered. But, He and I don't see eye to eye anymore." she says.

Markus: "Why is that? An argument??" he asks.

Najenda: "You could say that. An argument turned gunfight. We both used to work for Union before I got rebellious thoughts and began expressing myself. I began bad mouthing the United Forces, the Headmasters. Everything, my husband didn't like that too much. Our verbal argument turned into a gunfight. That was the day I became a Rebel, the day I betrayed Union and the one I loved." she explained.

Markus: "did you kill him?" he asks.

Najenda: "yes. I shot him once before making my escape." she said somberly.

Markus: "Do you still love him??" he asks.

Najenda was quiet before she looks away and nods regretfully. Markus sighs softly before looking at the holograms.

Markus: "Nothing to be ashamed of, Najenda. If you truly still do care about him, then you will continue the fight for him. Even though he was on the enemy team." he says, gently.

Najenda just stands there in silence before she spots a specific Symbol. Markus notices her gaze and looks at the Rebel emblem.

Markus: "What is it?" he asks.

Najenda thinks about this for a few seconds before smiling and look at him.

Najenda: "I think I know which Rebel Cell we should recruit next." she said.

Markus: "Which one?" he asks.

Najenda looks at the symbol.

Najenda: "The Outlaws."

The Echoes of War Arc has begun!

Hope you all like the official emblem for The Outlaws, it's been a debate ever since they were first introduced but an emblem has finally been decided
