CHAPTER 38-Escape

As she sat patiently in the command deck of her own airship, Esdeath was wondering when the Rebel Leader would make a move. She had deployed several UAV's into the waters around Menagerie, but not too close as to not alert the Rebels there. She would've used the spy satellites, but she needs clearance from the UIB to use them since they are UIB Property. It's one of the things she hates about this military's structure. The United Forces don't have any satellites of their own and completely rely on the Intelligence Bureau to give them the information they need. She hasn't been given authorization because for some reason, the satellites won't work. Something must've disrupted their systems. She guesses it was the Separatist States, not like they haven't done this before.

So she simply waits onboard her warship with the rest of her fleet as she awaits her UAV's to pick up Rebel activity. She lets out a sigh of boredom as she sits in the command chair of the bridge. She hears footsteps approaching her before she sees Liver standing beside her.

Esdeath: "Liver, this better be could. I'm getting increasingly bored from constant searching." she said.

Liver: "I thought you were a patient one?" he asks.

Esdeath: "it's not the wait that's boring. It's the pure idiocy of the UAV operators." she rebuttals. "There's only so much pure idiocy I can tolerate. One of the reasons I can't stand being in General tin brain's presence."

Tin brain is her unique insult for General Ironwood. Despite being older than her, he is surprisingly incompetent and idiotic when it comes to handling situations. Always wanting to keep things "under the radar" so as to not spark panic. Thinking he's some UIB Agent. All he is to her is a fool waiting to be silenced. Unfortunately, they share the same Rank so she can't exactly kick him out of the military and for some reason, The Headmasters keep him around. But at least she heard that the Headmasters have a plan to aid her efforts in dealing with the Rebels.

{Union Academy, Unity City}

in the Office of the Headmasters, Sirzechs and Ozpin are currently scheming. Nezu wasn't present as he had other matters to attend to, being the Headmaster of the Hero Division isn't very easy. Especially since it's the most popular division of Union Academy. They've been thinking of ways to regain control over Menagerie. Esdeath had suspected it to be the location of the Rebel Base. They have good reason to believe since they're mole within the White Fang said that the Entire White Fang has been recalled to Menagerie recently in preparation for something called Operation: Weasel. The mole they have in the White Fang however couldn't get to Menagerie as it would be far to risky for them, considering they aren't on equal grounds with the Fang anymore. So now they need a new spy in the White Fang to feed them information on the Rebel Forces on Menagerie.

Sirzechs: "We don't have many Faunus in the Academy, most of them joined up with the White Fang or have no interest in working for The Union directly. Understandable, considering the mistreatment." he states. "IF they were to learn of the truth about the Menagerie Attack, the entire Faunus Race would be against us and would join the Rebels. Something we cannot afford."

Ozpin: "We can only keep up this lie for so long. Especially if the White Fang's top Lieutenant continues to live." he claims. "Adam Taurus is the one responsible for elaborate stunts that brought Faunus to their cause. If we take him out, the White Fang's moral will diminish."

Sirzechs: "But to do that, we need to launch a successful counterattack. Taking Menagerie and crushing this Rebellion along with it." he adds, looking at him. "What we need is someone who's known well by the Faunus People, respected by them, yet won't work for the White Fang."

Ozpin: "What do you have in mind?" he asks.

Sirzechs: "Well, a certain Blake BELLADONNA just so happens to be present in this Academy. So she will be our spy." he said.

Ozpin: "and if she were to refuse said offer?" she asks.

SIrzechs: "She doesn't have a choice."

Meanwhile, Blake was in class with the rest of her team and others who are training to become Huntsmen/Huntresses. They were in Professor Ports class which is as boring as usual. Telling stories of his youth instead of DOING HIS FUCKING JOB. She heard light snoring and saw Yang was basically asleep but somehow was still sitting upright. Ruby was at least putting forth the effort in trying to stay awake while Weiss was doing her own thing, which was being productive in working on work from other classes. She looks over at Team JNPR and it's basically the same for them. Pyrrha did her best to keep Jaune awake but eventually gave up as Nora had her head on the desk in front of her while sleeping. Ren didn't even bother to keep her awake.

She sighs lowly before leaning back in her seat. This was boring as hell! However, fortunately the door to the room opens revealing Winter Schnee in uniform. Her saber was attached to her hip. Weiss takes notice of her older sister and smiles at her presence.

Winter: "Apologies for interrupting, but I need to speak to one of your students professor." she requests.

Port: "oh, Specialist Schnee! This is unexpected." he claims.

Winter: "Is this a bad time?" she asks.

Port: "No, no. I was just going through tales of history." he proclaims.

Winter rolls her eyes, knowing full well it was some senseless babble.

Port: "Which Student did you need to speak to?' he asks.

Winter looked directly at the student the second he asked.

Winter: "I wish to speak to Blake Belladonna." she states. "Alone."

This caught the Faunus off guard. Especially said Schnee's sister. Weiss looked at Blake, wondering why Winter wanted to talk to her. It must be important since she's interrupting class to do so. Blake on the other hand was nervous. Had they discovered her White Fang past?

Port: "Miss Belladonna, if you will." he orders calmly.

Blake: "of course." she said, nervously before getting up from her seat.

She walks towards Winter who turns and walks to the door with the Faunus following close behind. The two get out of the classroom and into the hallway. Winter looked around before looking up at the camera that was looking directly at her. She nods lightly at it before the camera shuts off. Futaba's doing. She then turns to Blake.

Winter: "Follow me please." she orders, calmly.

This earns a nod from Blake. The two walk down the hall with Winter noticing the cameras are off. She knew that the cameras were functioning improperly, so she plans to have Futaba turn them off to make it seem like they short circuited. However, as she passes their line of sight, they turn back on. Futaba was making it look like they flickered on and off thanks to the storm outside. It was raining and a faint rumble was heard by Blake and Winter. The two reach a partially opened door and Winter notices it. She looked around before shoving Blake into the room, shocking the Faunus.

Stumbling into the room, Blake watches Winter shut the door and lock it so no one could get inside.

Blake: "W-What are you doing?" she asks, nervously.

Winter: "Listen, there's something you need to know that I can't have any prying eyes or eavesdroppers getting a beat on." she explains.

Blake: "O-okay?' she said, confused and nervously.

Winter: "I'm sorry if I made this seem like you were in trouble, but I'm here to make sure your safe." she said.

Blake: "why?" she asks.

Winter: "Menagerie incident. Heard about it?" she asks.

Blake: "Of course. A Union Security Fleet was destroyed in the area. Why?"

Winter: "That's the cover story. The United Forces sent the fleet to conquer Menagerie and enslave all the Faunus on it." Blake's eyes widen. "If not for the new Rebel Faction, Menagerie would've fallen and so would the Faunus Race."

Blake was stunned hearing this. Her home was attacked!?

Blake: "Why are you telling me this? You're in the military this should be classified?" she argues, still piecing it all together in her mind.

Winter: "I am in the Army. But my Loyalty is to the Peace Faction. Besides, I'm not the only person within the Academy to be in the Peace Faction." she said. "There's plenty of us, even in high places."

Blake: "Like what?" she asks.

???: "Like my position!" a chipper voice exclaims.

Winter turned to the door that was open and saw All Might in his buff form.

Blake: "All Might!?"

All Might: "Correct, Young Belladonna!" he enthusiastically confirms.

Blake: "are you with the Peace Faction? what's going on here!?" she asks, a little freaked out and scared.

Winter: "Calm down. We're just trying to keep you safe." she said.

Blake: "Why?" she asks.

All Might: "Unfortunately The Headmasters devised a plan to get someone inside the Rebel Forces on Menagerie to aid with growing plans on a Counterattack. They've already chosen a candidate.... you." he explains. "But we won't let that happen. The Peace Faction will protect you."

Blake: "How?" she asks.

Winter: "It's risky. But we're going to try and sneak you out of Unity City and get you to Menagerie." she explains.

Blake: "How will I get there? If Union wants me and notices I'm gone. They'll send soldiers to find me." she asks.

All Might: "Already taken care of that." he said, stepping aside and looking at the door.

???: "So, this is the person I'm helping?" the new figure asks.

All Might: "Correct Hawks."

Standing in the doorway is the Pro Hero Keigo Takami aka Hawks, a member of the Hero Division of Union and the Peace Faction. He joined the Peace Faction while interning with All Might all those years ago and became a valuable member of the organization. Leaking information to the Peace Faction that deals with the Hero Division. While Winter is one of their informants for the Military Operations, Hawks is one of their informants for the Heroes. They had to do something similar for Summer Rose. Blake stood there, conflicted and a little dizzy. Taking everything in at once. It was happening all too fast. Winter spots her dizziness and guides her to a chair in case she collapses. Now sitting on the chair, Blake looked up at the three Peace Faction members.

Blake: "What about my team?" she asks.

Winter gave her a sad expression.

Winter: "They can't know. I'm sorry." she apologizes. "It's too risky."

Hawks: "They'll be in as much danger as you if we tell them." he adds.

The silence from the young Belladonna as well as a conflicted expression was all they needed to hear. Winter hears her coms go off so she answers to not show suspicion.

Winter: "Winter here."

Futaba(COMS): "Headmasters are putting their little plan in motion. If you guys want to get Blake out of there, do it now! I'm doing my best to complicate their com system and keep them distracted. Thankfully, they have no clue they're being hacked yet." she warns.

Winter: "Thanks for the warning, Futaba." she thanks.

Futaba(COMS): "No problem, but don't' waste anymore time, it's more precious than before. Hurry!" she warns before getting off coms.

Winter: "Blake, I hope you don't have any personal items in your dorm." she said.

Blake: "Why?"

Winter: "The Headmasters put their plan in motion, you need to go NOW!" she warns urgently.

All Might: "We'll do our part to distract them long enough for you to escape!" he cheerfully declares with a thumbs up.

Hawks: "Got it. Come on kid, we're leaving!" he said, urgently.

Hawks rushed to the window and flung it open, not caring if he broke the window in the process. He jumps onto the window frame before turning to Blake. He then salutes before jumping out of the window. Blake reached the window and looked down; Hawks used his Quirk to land safely. He then looked up and gestured for her to come down. A few of his feathers floated about. She breathes in and out to calm down before getting up onto the window frame before she could jump out, Winter grabbed her arm.

Winter: "Here." she held out Blake's weapon. "Figured you'll need this."

Blake grabs her weapon and its sheath and puts it on her back.

Winter: "Good luck." she said before rushing to the door with All Might.

Blake watches her go.

Hawks: "Blake, let's go!"

She listens and jumps out of the window, guilt rising in her heart. She feels guilty because she's abandoning her team and the friends she made. They'll hate her for this, but she needs to do what she can to STOP Union from attacking her home. 
