CHAPTER 17-Next Step

On board the Lucrehulk battleship, Captain Tersa Amad was being held prisoner within one of the cells on the ship. After settling everything down in Menagerie, (Y/n) sent word to Najenda to interrogate their guest. There were other UF Prisoners but they were being held in Menagerie. Outside of Tersa's cell was Najenda and Akame. Two Droids stood guard outside the cell. Akame looked into the cell stoically while Najenda had a barely noticeable glare. Najenda looked at one of the guards and nods silently. The droid turns and presses a button, letting the red force field drop. Najenda and Akame walk into the room and Tersa looked up at them. His eyes widened.

Tersa: "General Najenda?" he asks in shock.

Najenda: "I left the army years ago."

Tersa: "You betrayed Union." he spat angrily.

Najenda: "I prefer this new life I've gotten for myself. But, you won't be the one asking questions." she said with a smirk.

Tersa scoffs.

Tersa: "I'm not the type to start talking after a few kind words." he said, arrogantly.

Najenda: "oh I know. That's why I brought Akame." she said, casually gesturing to Akame who held her Imperial Arms. "Her weapon can kill you with even the slightest cut."

Tersa just kept looking at her. Despite hiding it, he was getting nervous.

Najenda: "but if that isn't enough convincing. I'm sure I can find ways to make you talk." she said, a dangerous aura appearing around her.

Tersa sat there, knowing he's in for one hell of a time.

{Kuo Kuana, Menagerie}

(Y/n) stood outside of The Belladonna home as he was waiting for a shuttle to arrive. He had called the Lucrehulk for Luna to be brought to him. He wanted to officially start her training today and start teaching her the basics of the Force. So, he contacted Altus and asked him to bring Luna to Menagerie. He also figured it'd be best to train her on the planet instead of inside the Lucrehulk. As he waited, he soon spotted the shuttle approaching. The shuttle comes in for a landing and touches down in front of (Y/n) before the entrance of the shuttle opens. Luna walks out, accompanied by two Commando Droids.

(Y/n): "You two can return to the ship." he orders, looking at the droids.

The two droids nod and go back onto the shuttle before it takes off. (Y/n) looks at Luna who was looking around.

(Y/n): "ready to start your training?" he asks.

Luna looks at him with a brief silence following suit before she nods.

(Y/n): "Good. Then let's begin with one of the basics." he said. "I know it might be a bit early, but I want you to reach out with the force and try lifting my lightsaber." he says as he grabs his lightsaber and held it out towards her.

Luna looked at it before nervously looking at him.

(Y/n): "there is no need to be afraid. All I ask is for you to merely lift this saber out of my hand and into the air. You can try to pull it towards you if you like." he explains in a gentle tone.

She remained silent before breathing in and out to calm herself down. She reaches her hand out and tries to use the force. This would be the first time she used it. Time passed with the saber not even twitching. (Y/n) could tell she was getting frustrated.

(Y/n): "Focus. If you try and use aggression you will not control the force, the force will control you." he said, gently.

He wasn't throwing her into the Dark Side as that would be a very bad idea. Dooku had to teach him the Jedi Arts and the light side first before being trained in the Dark Side. Because he—like Luna—weren't mentally stable at the time. She's not insane or crazy by any means, she just has a lot of negative emotions festering in her mind that the Dark Side would only amplify. He hopes he's a good teacher. He felt the saber twitch a little but didn't move out of his hand. Luna is trying her best but isn't making much progress. (Y/n) was nervous since he's never taught someone to use the force before. He didn't know what to really do, but he hoped his instincts would help.

As more time passed, (Y/n) saw Luna's struggling expression soften as she seemingly calmed herself down. The saber in his hand twitches before being ripped out of his hand and flying into Luna's hand. She opens her eyes and they widen seeing that she caught the saber. She looked at (Y/n) who had a growing smile on his face knowing they were making progress. Good progress. He recalled his saber to his hand faster than she did.

(Y/n): "Again. But this time, let's try and bigger object."

Luna: "But I caught the saber." she said confusedly.

(Y/n): "Yes you caught it. But I can tell it wasn't intentional. Now that you have a feeling for it. We're now focusing on lifting objects, not recalling them to your grasp like you did with my lightsaber. Your actions need to be intentional. Once you can lift things like its second nature, we will move on to the more, offensive side of the Force which will involve other force abilities instead of pull and lift." he explains, clipping his saber to his belt.

Luna: "How long will this take?" she asks.

(Y/n): "As long as I want it to." he said with a teasing smile.

Luna sighs knowing this will be a long day. But considering she easily yoinked the lightsaber from (Y/n), he has high hopes that this won't take long.

{Unknown Village, Mistral}

Dolion and Ervar were with the rest of the 19th Infantry Battalion as they finally reach the village that went dark. As the 19th hold their positions a good distance away from the village, the captain had ordered them to set up camp. The village was too quiet and the captain didn't like it. Nor did any of the officers within the battalion. Dolion and Ervar sat in a circle of hundreds of Soldiers as the Captain of the 19th stood in the center while briefing them on the mission.

UF Captain: "The Village is still eerily silent. So all of you will be going itno the village to investigate and search for any survivors. If you see anyone armed, you are to detain or eliminate them. But be careful, we don't want the rebels to know we're here." he explains. "You will all make up 12 Teams. Team 1-6 will go into the village and begin searching. Teams 7-12 will hang around the outskirts of the village perimeter and search for anything that may link this event to the Rebels. Keep your coms on and always check in. If someone doesn't check in, you are to immediately converge on their last known location and assume hostile action. Am I understood?"

19th Battalion: "Yes sir!" they replied.

UF Captain: "Good to hear. Now get off your ass and get moving!" he orders.

The entire assembled force gets up and grabs their guns. Dolion and Ervar had theirs in hand, so they began to march towards the village with the rest of the 12 Teams joining them. Dolion and Ervar were apart of Team 5. So, they were heading into the village with Teams 1, 2, 3, 4 and 6. As the teams advanced towards the village, using the cover of night, the two sets of 6 Teams moved into their intended locations. Teams 7-12 went to the outskirts of the village while Teams 1-6 advanced into town from the front entrance. The entrance held a large archway that connected to the wall surrounding the large village.

As the teams walked into the village, their weapons were trained on the buildings as they all turned on their flashlights. Team 1 stops as they notice that no one is in the streets. That and it's very quiet. Too quiet. The leader of Team 1 brought his fist up stopping the other teams and his own. He looks around while lowering his fist. The streets were littered with bodies, bullet casings, bullet holes and more. Dolion looked around with a horrified look on his face. Ervar walked over to a police officer who had three bullet holes in his chest. The body was propped up against a car.

Ervar knelt down and searched the body for identification. He finds the man's Police Id, so he takes it off the body and stands up.

Ervar: "Captain James Stone. 35 Years old." he read.

Dolion walked over and grabbed the ID and looked at it. Ervar just watches Dolion inspect the ID before he drops it onto the dead officer. He looks around.

UF Squad Leader: "Everyone spread out and search for any clues. Someone's responsible for this and we'll figure that out." he orders, a little shocked by the slaughter.

The rest of the soldiers spread out. Ervar and Dolion go together and search through the village. They walked down the main road and continued to see bodies of both men, women and children. A visible expression of disgust and sorrow was on Dolion's face. Ervar had a look of disgust. The two continued to walk through the deathly quiet streets and soon came upon an odd-looking person dead on the ground. They walk over and see the Uniform of the soldier.

(Ignore the writing on the arm band)

Ervar: "Who the hell is this?" he asks.

Dolion just looked at the body as he noticed there is no visible wounds on the body. Ervar gets closer and kneels down. Dolion then notices the right hand of the body grab a knife laying beside them. His eyes widen. The unknown soldier suddenly shot up and lunged at Ervar with the knife. This scared the shit out of Ervar who leaped back and landed on his ass, dropping his gun. The unknown Soldier got up quickly and went to attack him but Dolion opens fire. The soldier gets hit in the shoulder but throws their knife at Dolion who dodged it and was then punched in the face.

Dolion then got kicked back by the unknown soldier who kicks up their knife and walked towards him before being shot in the back. Dolion looked past the unknown soldier to see Team 3. the soldier stumbles and falls towards Dolion who catches the soldier and lowers them down onto the ground.

Dolion: "Who are you?" he asks.

The soldier just twitched a bit in pain before roughly grabbing the collar of Dolion's chest plate.

Unknown Soldier: "you will all know, chaos." he said before he lets go of Dolion and dies from his wounds.

Dolion looked at the soldier confused before looking at Ervar who was equally confused. Team 3 walked over to them and to the now dead Unknown soldier. The squad leader looked at the body then at Dolion.

Team 3 Leader: "Report this to the captain. We got Roses." he said.

Dolion: "Roses?" he asks confusedly.

Team 3 Leader: "This guy belongs to Black Rose. A terrorist organization that's been causing trouble for years." he explains briefly.

Dolion just nods, accepting the explanation. He then radios the finding of a Black Rose member to the UF Captain before the rest of the teams sent in, rally on Ervar, Dolion and Team 3's location. As this happened, far away from the village, a figure stood in a tree looking at the village. This figure was dressed in black and had night vision goggles on. He grabs a radio that was attached to his shoulder.

???: "Alert the Commander. We got Roses and Unioners." He reports before he begins to leave the tree and gets far away from the village.

{Lucrehulk, Earth's Orbit}

Altus was on the Lucrehulk bridge as he was monitoring the scanners in case any imperials showed up. As he walks around the bridge looking at console screens. He is called over by a droid and walked over.

Altus: "What is it?" he asks.

Droid: "Something just entered the system." he reports.

Altus: "What kind of something?" he asks, a little irritated by the droid's words.

He hated it when they didn't get straight to the point.

Droid: "It's.... one of ours!" he exclaims after a pause.

Altus looked out the window and saw the ship. It was another Munificent Star Frigate, and it was coming towards the fleet.

Altus: "Get me in contact with that ship and alert the Admiral. We may have reinforcements." he orders. 
