CHAPTER 24-Battle of Bingham Part 2

Above Fort Bingham was a large Air Fleet. 10 York Class Frigates, 4 Vegas Class Missile Cruisers, 2 Houston Class battle Cruisers and 1 Baltimore Class Destroyer. This fleet was under Marvin Turner's direct command. The 17 Airship strong fleet defended Bingham from any aerial attack, and right now it's preparing for the enemy air fleet coming its way. The fleet was in a defensive formation as the Baltimore class destroyer named The Invincible was in the middle of the fleet while the York Class Frigates were in front of the fleet. The 2 Houston class battle cruisers were on The Invincible's flanks as the Vegas Missile cruisers were behind the York class frigates.

The Invincible was the command ship of this fleet and Marvin's personal airship. It earned its name for surviving many battlefields. Especially against Separatist State backed Uprisings in Europe which was Marvin's previous station before being transferred to General Ironwood and being put in charge of Fort Bingham. With Marvin on the ground, the ship fell under the command of Captain Kiefer Holbach. Kiefer was selected by Marvin due to his expertise in defense tactics and 19 years of combat experience. Kiefer is a gifted Captain who takes every battle as if it's the last battle of a War.

His recent mission to defend Bingham made him believe Union was at war. Which it was. Kiefer sat in the captain's chair within the Command Ship as he had several consoles around him and a hologram showing him the fleet. Behind him in the center of the bridge was a holographic projection table. The captain presses a button on the chair and brings up a hologram of the Fleet. As he looks at it, he is contacted by Marvin whose hologram replaces the fleets.

Marvin(Hologram): "Captain Holbach, status." he asks.

Kiefer: "The Fleet is battle ready commander. When that enemy fleet arrives, they won't know what hit them." he said.

Marvin(Hologram): "Make no mistake, Kiefer. These Rebels organized themselves and managed to breach the Fortresses security to destroy our AA Guns targeting systems. If they manage this, I dread what else they could accomplish. Destroy that fleet and crush these Rebels!" he orders.

Kiefer: "By your command." he said with a nod before the hologram went away.

Crew1: "Captain! Enemy air fleet has entered view." she reports.

Kiefer looks out the front windows and, in the distance, he sees the 3 Munificent class Star Frigates. The Bold, The Risk and The Salvation. He also sees the swarm of Droid Fighters, Bombers and White Fang Bullheads alongside the ships.

Kiefer: "tell the missile ships to open fire. Scatter the fleet and make them break formation." he orders. Meanwhile outside, the Missile cruisers lock onto the incoming Droid Fleet before firing a volley of missiles towards them. A total of 12 missiles sped towards the fleet.

Onboard the Salvation, Altus sees the missiles coming towards the fleet but isn't worried. He has a way to deal with them in the form of Vulture Fighters. As the missiles approached, the droid fighters positioned themselves and opened fire upon the missiles. They succeed in blowing up the missiles before they touch the fleet. One gets past the barrage and hits The Bold but the shields tank it. As the smoke dissipates, the fleet passes through it.

On the bridge of The Invincible, Kiefer is surprised by this action. He shakes off his shock as he prepares for the enemy counterattack. The Droid Fleet continues its advance before Altus gives the word.

Altus: "All Fighters, Bombers and Gunships. Begin your assault." he orders.

Droid Fighters and Bombers alongside White Fang Bullheads break formation near the fleet and charge towards the United Forces Air Fleet. Kiefer sends his own fighters. F-22E's blast off towards their enemy alongside P37 Volkan Gunships. Both air forces continue their advance before both sides open fire as they engage in combat in the air.

On the ground, UF Soldiers looked up and saw the battle in the skies as they guarded the wall. They soon bring their attention to the fast-approaching Droid/Faunus Army charging them. AAT's and MTT's are in front of the advancing army to act as cover for the troops as the Tanks soon open fire towards the wall. Bullets soon rain upon the advancing Army from the many gun emplacements on the Fortresses walls as UF Soldiers open fire upon the advancing Army. Within the base, Artillery Guns are aimed and open fire. The Army isn't hit by any of the shells being fired from the Artillery Guns in the first volley. Najenda was behind one of the MTT's alongside many White Fang Soldiers as she noticed the Artillery barrage. So, she gets on coms.

Najenda: "Altus! We have Artillery fire! Requesting an airstrike against those guns!" she orders.

Altus(COMS): "Affirmative."

Within the base at one of the prison buildings, scores of UF Soldiers are shooting towards the building as Bulat, Leone, Mine and Nura were taking cover inside. Nura aims her sniper rifle out of the window and shoots a few times, nailing a few soldiers in the head before taking cover. Mine does the same and manages to hit a MAV's engine causing the armored vehicle to explode thanks to the bullets the Imperial Arms shoots. This explosion kills several UF Soldiers as well as injures a few more. The team soon hears Altus over coms.

Altus(COMS): "Airstrike request from Captain Najenda has been received. Have you secured the location of the Artillery Gun positions?" he asks.

Bulat: "yes. Most of the guns firing upon the Army are towards the wall itself and some are right behind it!" he response while dodging a bullet.

Altus(COMS): "Affirmative. Sending down a bombardment from the ship now." he acknowledged.

Mine: "did he just say bombardment?"

Bulat: "I believe so." he replies.

While the fighters, bombers and gunships engaged in combat, Altus commands The Salvation to launch a bombardment of laser fire down upon the Artillery Gun positions. Using the surveillance from a Probe Droid in the era. He targets the various gun batteries being sending down a volley of red laser bolts. Each bolt hits its target and some of the guns are battered by the bombardment. Altus then contacts the Bombers.

Altus: "All available bombers, target remaining enemy Artillery Guns." he orders.

A dozen or so bombers break away from the dog fight and dive down towards Bingham. They are chased by F-22E's but those are shot down by Vulture Droids or White Fang Bullheads. As the bombers approached their targets, they locked on and fired away. As their payload raced towards their target, the bombers pulled up and fled the area as the bombs hit their targets, hitting various Artillery Guns. Without the AA Guns, it was a cake walk. Seeing the Bombers rain down upon the fortress, Najenda knows it's time.

Najenda: "All Tanks target the wall, give us an opening!" she orders over coms. "Everyone else hang back and wait for the wall to fall!"

The Tanks now specifically target the wall itself instead of the troops firing upon the Army and opening fire. The wall is battered by blast after blast from AAT's and MTT's. As the attack happens, the army stops its advance and assumes cover as droids open fire upon the soldiers on top of the wall. White Fang Soldiers joined in shortly after. Najenda then turns to look at the rest of the army before noticing something flying above them. A squadron of HMP Droid Gunships. The gunships were in the new ship that had arrived and delivered Nura as a prisoner. The gunships fire their missiles upon the wall and deal extra damage. The combined barrage of tanks and gunships manages to cause a large portion of the wall to suddenly explode as the ammo used for the gun emplacements is ignited and detonated.

As the wall blew up leaving a large gap for them, Adam and Sienna looked on in disbelief. They actually broke the wall. The wall that stood the test of time. It brought smiles to their faces before Adam stood on an AAT.

Adam: "This is it! BRING THEM TO THEIR KNEES!!!" he loudly orders.

Najenda: "All Units Advance!!" she orders.

The entire Army beings its advance towards the gap as UF Soldiers on the other side piled in the gap to stop them. UF Tanks even roll up to stop them. One of the Tanks goes through the rubble but is hit by an AAT round and is blown up. Other UF Soldier and Tanks funnel towards the gap in efforts to prevent the combined Army from entering the Fortress.

Elsewhere in the base, (Y/n) and his team get out of the AA Gun Control Center. Two MAVs were racing down the street but (Y/n) stopped them with the force. Using the Force, he popped the tires on the armored cars causing them to come to a screeching halt before they both flipped over from the sudden popping of tires. The cars crashed and stopped in front of the team. With the cars dealt with, (Y/n) looked up and saw the battle happening in the skies. Of course, not directly above Bingham. He also heard the gunfire and explosions happening by the edge of the City like Fortress. With the battle well underway, he needed to find Bulat and the others.

(Y/n): "Alright. We can regroup with the Army later. Right now, we need to find the others." he states.

Lubbock: "he said they were pinned down in one of the Prison buildings. I can guarantee these MAVs were heading there." he said as he gestured to the destroyed Mobility Assault Vehicles.

(Y/n): "Then we head in that general direction. The more chaos we see, the closer we're getting." he said before he began running down the street.

The team followed him shortly after he took off. With the battle in full swing, the main objective was to secure some footing inside the city like fortress before carrying out other objectives such as securing the prisoners and keeping them out of harm's way. This would be a very long battle but everyone involved knew what they were getting into. When Bingham falls to them, the rest of the world will know that Victory is possible against Union. They will gain more support and will be able to convince other Rebel cells to join them.

{Warden's Office, Fort Bingham}

Marvin saw the battle unfolding from his office. He growls lowly as he walks to his desk. He pressed a few buttons and contacted General Ironwood. Once contact is established, he sees the hologram of the General.

Marvin: "General Ironwood!"

Ironwood(Hologram): "What is it, Marvin?" he asks, calmly.

Marvin: "Fort Bingham is under assault from Rebel forces."

Ironwood(Hologram): "that so? Then deal with them, Commander." he orders.

Marvin: "What do you think I'm doing? Sitting on my ass!?" he asks angrily.

Ironwood(Hologram): "no." he said calmly. "I'm sure you can handle it. After all, you served under our Strongest General before coming to me. You're more than capable to deal with them." he said before ending the transmission.

Marvin slightly reached forward to stop him but was too late. He growled and slammed his fist onto the table for Ironwood's actions. He and Ironwood never got along, and it might cost him this battle. 
