Where is it

JImin's pov

Jungkook texted me about Taehyung proposing so I decided to text him

Jimin: You're proposing to Kellie? Why didn't you tell us

Taehyung: Yes, and because I know you would rat me out...now, who told you

Jimin: Who do you think

Taehyung: The maknae, i'm gonna kill him I swear

Jimin: Do you have the ring with you

Taehyung: No, it's in my dresser you can go look at it

Jimin: Thank you~

I went into Taehyungs room and opened his dresser "hm, where is it" throwing clothes all over his room, I still couldn't find it

JImin: Umm, Where is it

Taehyung: In my dresser, I told you

Jimin: No it's not, I looked



Taehyung: Omg...

Jimin: I'm sorry hyung

Kellie's pov

"So, have you ever thought of getting married to Taehyung" Audrey asked smiling "Well, I'd love to spend the rest of my life and have kids with him, but I don't wanna force him to ask me" I said kinda sad speaking we've been together for a while "I bet your kids would look so cute" she giggled "Everyone says that" my eyes rolled

"If we have a kid I hope it's a boy, I want him to be able to look up to Taehyung" she awed "I can only imagine him looking like tae" we laughed grabbing some coffee

(Later on that day)

"Ready to go?" I asked grabbing my suitcase "Yep, just let me-" a bright flash came from her phone "Aish, my eyes Audrey" I said rubbing my eyes "s-sorry" she said hesitantly "It's fine, just hurry" I said going to the car "KELLIE YOU FORGOT YOUR PASSPORT" Audrey came running "CAREFUL" before she noticed what I said she had fallen

"Ow~" she said grabbing her knee "here" I grabbed some bandages and put it on her scrapped knee which was bleeding "wow, your child is gonna be lucky to have you as a mom" I sighed getting up "Now, come on, or we are gonna be late for our flight"

Taehyung's pov

"BYE MOM AND DAD" I said walking out of the house, the rest of the boys were already home and Kellie had texted me saying her and Audrey were on their way "Bye sweetie, we love you" she blew a kiss

(Back at the dorm...cuz i'm to lazy to write a part about a flight back)

"TAEHYUNG" Everyone said tackling me "Geez, I've never seen you guys this excited to see me" I chuckled "Guess what" Jimin said smirking. I hummed in response "We are gonna buy you a new ring" My jaw dropped "n-no, don't I should be the one paying for it" 

"No, it's for that girl of yours, man she isn't gonna see what is coming" Jin laughed "I wonder how Kellie will react to this" I heard a knock, when I turned around there stood a sad kellie "r-react to what?" I stood up "N-nothing" a tear went down her cheek "I thought we didn't hide things from eachother...I hope that girl has a nice life with you"

She put her head down and walked  out, I grabbed her wrist "kellie, it's not what it-" she cut me off "n-no, you deserve better" I let go of her as I watched her walk off "You jerk" Audrey said slapping me, the boys stood there in shock "I hope you have a nice life, you obviously won't be missing Kellie speaking you got someone better" with that she walked off

"S-she thinks im cheating" I said before tears rushed down my cheeks "They must have thought we were talking about someone else..." Rm said sadly "What now, I just lost the girl that means the world to me....I just hurt her so badly" I hugged my knees "T-tae it was a misunderstanding, im sure if we tell kellie she misheard she will forgive us" 

"No, she won't believe us, I need something better" We sat for about 10 minutes coming up with an idea "I KNOW" J-hope said "what, what is it?!" everyone got close "How do you feel about proposing earlier than what you planned" he smirked

Kellie's pov

Audrey and I arrived at the dorms but we didn't go in cuz they were talking, so we decided to listen "No, it's for that girl of yours, man she isn't gonna see what is coming" my eyebrow raised in confusion "who" Audrey whispered, I shrugged. Someone laughed, it sounded like Jin "I wonder how kellie will react to this" 

I knocked on the door as I opened it, trying not to cry "R-react to what?" standing there waiting for an answer my heart was shattering into pieces "n-nothing" he said with a shaky voice, a tear went down my cheek "I thought we didn't hide things from eachother...I hope that girl has a nice life with you" I wanted to leave so I put my head down and started walking. Trying to hide the fact that he just hurt me

Taehyung grabbed my wrist "kellie, it's not what it-" I stopped him "n-no, you deserve better" he let me go and I walked off crying my eyes out, when I reached my car I shut my door and screamed "WHY, I thought he loved me...I guess I wasn't good enough" As tears rushed down my face Audrey got in the car cursing

"That little. Ugh I hate him" she drove off, I looked back thinking of suga. But I didn't care anymore, all I cared about was going home "He just made the dumbest mistake ever, I can't believe he would do that to you" She said with an angry voice "I wasn't good enough-" she stopped the car "GOOD ENOUGH, KELLIE YOU TREATED HIM BETTER THAN ANYONE ELSE" 

After that I stayed quite for the rest of the trip, when we got to the house we packed everything and we're gonna move away, in korea, just not around them "He better pay for what he did" Audrey was still mad

"Audrey...it's life...I just thought he was the one....I guess being with a kpop idol just ruins your dreams"
