
Kellie's pov

Nobody would leave me alone, it was a new text every 5 second and I ended up blocking them. Let me guess "Why would you block your brother" well let's see, he lied to me and he is the one who allowed Taehyung and I to be together just everyone in bts I don't like anymore, they all betrayed me...

"Kellie, are you ever coming out of your room" Audrey asked knocking on the door "No" I mumbled "Hun, I know that jerk deserves everything bad in the world but I am not letting him bring you down" she sat down a cup of hot chocolate "It's not fair, he is so happy with someone and then I'm here left alone feeling sorry for myself"

*knock knock* 

RM's pov

"Okay so the plan is, we hit up kellies cousin, she visits her "tries to figure out what happens" and then after about a week she takes her to the place you wanna propose and BAM" J-hope said "Yeah sure, like she will say yes" Tae rolled his eyes "C'mon, maybe Jisoo can knock some sense into her"

"Wait Jisoo is her cousin?" Jungkook asked raising his eyebrow "Yeah, she told me that a few days before we split up" Taehyung chuckled awkwardly "Well, let's try this"

Suga: Hey Jisoo

Jisoo: Hi Min Yoongi, how are you?

Suga: I'm fine, I have a question

Jisoo: Yes?

Suga: So you know how you're cousins with kellie and I

Jisoo: Yes, is she okay?!

Suga: N-no... If you could come over maybe we could explain

Jisoo: BE OVER IN 20

We waited then heard a knock

"JISOO" suga ran and hugged her "Long time no see" she giggled

We explained everything to her...but she didn't seem shocked "Well, guys, kellie is just a normal girl and I could see why she thought you were cheating. She thinks she isn't good enough for you because she isn't an idol, so she is very scared of losing you...but It happened and I don't know how she is right now but you guys have to explain to her" she pouted

"I really like her and she is the best thing anyone could ask for.. god i'm so stupid" Taehyung got up and walked away "Have you guys tried to reach out to her?" She asked "yeah. But we think she blocked us" I said, Jisoo started grabbing her stuff "I'll go try to talk to her...just...don't hurt her again"

Jisoo's pov 

*knock knock* please be home kellie...I feel so bad "hello?" I looked up after being interrupted with my thoughts "h-hi, is kellie here?" She looked at me weirdly "Yes..who are you?" I bowed "I'm jisoo from blackpink, I am her cousin along with Min yoongi nice to meet you" it got silent "why are you here" is she literally just gonna keep asking questions "If you could, I would like to talk to my cousin that I've never met before thank you"

I pushed her out of the way " have a visitor" she sighed "Coming Audrey" so her name is Audrey "J-Jisoo?" she stood at the bottom of the staircase "What are you d-doing here?" I smiled "Just wanted to visit my little cousin" she came and hugged me "Wait, have you been crying" my hand got pulled and I was taken to a seat

"Yes" she explained everything even tho I knew what happened except you know her pov is different  "Are you ever gonna talk to him?" I asked "UM NO, he broke my heart, all I've been doing is crying" she frowned tearing up "don't cry kellie, maybe you should just ask him who she is" her eyes rolled at my comment

"No, I never wanna speak to Kim Taehyung EVER AGAIN!!!" she screamed and ran upstairs, I sat there in disbelief. He really hurt her

Jisoo: She is really depressed

Suga: DEPRESSED??!! Jisoo please say you're joking

Jisoo: She hasn't stopped crying nor left her room and she just screamed at me

Suga: Does she wanna talk to us...?

Jisoo: No

Suga: Please try to knock sense into her

Jisoo: She won't believe me

Suga: Just try for the sake of their relationship, she can be mad at me as long as she wants but I want them to be together

Jisoo: Ok..

"What's going on, why did you just all of a sudden start talking about know somethings up" Audrey glared at me "Ok. You got me, I came to tell kellie that what she heard wasn't someone else, they were talking about her" she stopped "Liar" I sighed "Why would I lie, Taehyung has been wanting to propose to kellie but he lost the ring so the boys were gonna buy a new one and they were wondering how kellie would react when he asked"

I waited for her to respond but she just stood there "So..they weren't lying...omg JISOO WE HAVE TO FIX THIS" she shook me "WHY DO YOU THINK IM HERE" we ran upstairs knocking on her door "WHAT?!" came from her room "Let us in, it's serious" when she opened the door they were pictures cut up

"Kellie, we need to talk" Audrey grabbed scissors from her and we sat down "What" her eyes were baggy from crying, Audrey explained everything to her "Are you sure, I really just want everything to settle" she sniffed "Yes, but we need to know if you wanna be with him" I said "I don't know" "how about we go get coffee" Audrey suggested "Ok, let me fix myself" she said walking off I looked over to see Audrey smirking at me

(20 minutes later)

"I'm ready" she came out grabbing her phone, keys, etc "Ok, let's go" we got in the car and went to the café


hehe cliffhanger, sorry if my chapters seem all over the place I'm just super tired from softball practice and I have a game tue, wed, thurs, fri, and Saturday then a lot the next week and most of them are away so bare with me. I will try to write as much as I can but I just gotta keep an eye on school and softball. ALSO WE ARE ALMOST TO 1K READS LIKE OMGGGG, thank you guys so much <3
